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The Art of Money Management. The Museum of savings. Financial education : why and how. There is a growing need for financial education in the community at large. In Italy there are two main channels : schools and internet. The idea.
The Art of Money Management The Museum of savings
Financial education:why and how • Thereis a growingneed for financialeducation in the community at large. • In Italythere are twomainchannels: schools and internet.
The idea • Helpingpeople to changebehaviourisnot easy and lettingthem play on the web maynot be enough. • Habits are more easilychangedthroughinteraction with places and people. • Thereis room for developing new approachesaswellas for coordinating the existingones.
The Museum of Savings • Intuition: • build a physicalplacewherepeople can find educational resources and interact with others; • developsuitablematerial for a wide range of people with differentstartinglevels; • make the experienceasfun and memorableaspossible to fostercuriosity and desire to learn more. • Target: • to be a catalyst of attention on issuesrelatedto moneymanagement at the community level. • to share experiencesatinternationallevel.
Whyhas a banksupportedsuch an initiative? • Not for commercial purposes, it would be counterproductive (we avoid reference to the bank’s logo or its products). • Benefits stem from having raised clients’ awareness of risk and opportunities which leads to better customer relationship.
Content • The content is conceived to be simple, educational, relevant, independent and as objective as possible. • In a world with fewer certainties, savings are depicted not just as a wealth accumulation process but more importantly as a way to realise a personal dream, whatever the dream may be. • Adults and kids are encouraged to evaluate their personal money management style.
Content • The content is bilingual (Italian and English). • Tours have been designed with teachers considering the need of students from the Primary School to the University. • Pre and post visit activities are suggested to teachers to arouse students’ curiosity. • Guides are available to accompany groups.
How to communicate in a simple and effective way? • Modern psychological theories have suggested that emotions play a basic role in learning and memorizing processes • Research hasshownthatfinancialliteracyactivities turn out to be more effectivewhenusingteachingmethodsbased on: • activeparticipation • case studies • public figurestestifyingrealexperiences
The communicationchannels • The contents are presented through 4 different types of communication channels: • 3D videos • Interviews • Short films/Excerpts from movies • Videogames
The communicationchannels • The 3D videos present the milestones of the development of money and show the key features of some of the most important financial instruments. • These videos starring the Museum of Savings’ mascots, For and Mika, use a simple language and propose funny situations that help to memorize complex concepts through images.
The communicationchannels • There are 2 kinds of interviews: • professors, experts, institutional authorities explainthe financial-economic theories presented in the museum using a specific but comprehensible language; • entrepreneurspropose real-life experiences and concrete situations that help to understand complex concepts and activate a process of identification.
The communicationchannels • The short films and the excerpts from famous movies show important economic topics within a narrative framework. The settings and the characters encourage visitors’ empathic response, facilitating the learning process.
The communicationchannels • Our videogames encourage visitors to cope with personal money management problems. Players are asked to determine priorities, understand underlying mechanisms and make the right decisions. • Latest educational studies demonstrate that videogames encouragedecisionmakingattitudeaswellasspirit of initiative and propensity to problemsolving. Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Wanting is not enough, we must do. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe)
Web Site & Social Networks • WEB SITE http://www.museodelrisparmio.it • FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/museodelrisparmio • TWITTER https://twitter.com/MdR_Torino • PINTEREST http://pinterest.com/direzionemdr/
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