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English III Honors Vocabulary Lesson 3. September 14, 2009. Vocabulary Lesson 3. 1. pedestrian (adj.): ordinary or dull HINT: To be a pedestrian is pedestrian since most people can walk. 2. bona fide (adj.): in good faith HINT: B ue no =good; fide lity =faithfulness
English III HonorsVocabulary Lesson 3 September 14, 2009
Vocabulary Lesson 3 • 1. pedestrian (adj.): ordinary or dull HINT: To be a pedestrian is pedestrian since most people can walk. • 2. bonafide(adj.): in good faith HINT: Bueno=good; fidelity=faithfulness • 3. adventitious (adj.): accidental ; nonessential HINT: Some adventures are not planned, but adventitious. • 4. fecund (adj.) fertile, productive HINT: • 5. deviate (v.) to turn aside from a course; to stray HINT:
Vocabulary Lesson 3 • 6. obfuscate(v.): to confuse; to bewilder HINT: confuse • 7. impale (v.): to pierce with a sharp stake through the body HINT: If you impalesomeone, they will become paleand cease to exist. • 8. extenuate (v.): to lessen seriousness by providing partial excuses HINT: extend; extension • 9. parochial (adj.): local ; narrow; limited HINT: Parochial parishes contain limited religious views • 10. glower (v.): to stare angrily • HINT: Ouch! That woman glowered at me when she saw that I was the owner of the car that hit her brand new Mercedes.
Vocabulary Lesson 3 • 11. edify (v.): to improve someone morally HINT: educate; rectify • 12. ambiguous (adj.): open to more than one interpretation HINT: • 13. cataclysm (n.): a violent change HINT: • 14. optimum (adj.) best; most favorable; ideal HINT: optima; optimal • 15. importune (v.) to beg • HINT: important; tune
Extra Words! • 16. quiescence (n.): state of being at rest HINT: • 17. truncate (v.): to shorten; cut the top off HINT: • 18. disinclination (n.): reluctance; unwillingness to do something HINT: • 19. prodigal (adj.): wasteful; reckless with money HINT: prodigal son • 20. incite (v.) to prompt into action HINT: if someone is insightful about saving the environment, they might incite others to recycle and purchase “green products.”
SAT Writing Prompt • Plan and write a 3-5 paragraph essay based on the following statement: • Passing judgment on nontraditional families seems to be customary for what Barbara Kingsolver calls the “Family of Dolls,” the traditional Barbie and Ken household that has never been disassembled by divorce. The ever-ambiguous “family values” suggests that traditional families offer the most stability for children, nurturing them in a community of successful relationships from which they can model their own lives. Divorced people, gay families, Brady Bunch families, and single parents put their children at risk and are failures. • Adapted from “Stone Soup” by Barbara Kingsolver (Vocabulary Power Plus Book 3 p. 20)
SAT Writing Questions to Consider • Questions to consider: • What is the Barbie and Ken household? Is it realistic, idealistic, or unrealistic? • Do you agree or disagree with Barbara Kingsolver’s views that “traditional families” are better than “nontraditional families? • What is your thesis statement? (Example: Nontraditional families can be as successful or in some case more successful in creating a positive environment for children.) • What are some examples that support your argument?