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The effect of recombinant Growth Hormone on burn wounds on rabbits

The effect of recombinant Growth Hormone on burn wounds on rabbits. Codrin Dobreanu 1 , Raluca Sobec 1 , Ioana Tichil 1 , Ana Somcutean 1 , Elena Dinte 2 , Cristian Magdas 3 , Nagy Andras 3 , Lucian Fodor 1

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The effect of recombinant Growth Hormone on burn wounds on rabbits

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  1. The effect of recombinant Growth Hormone on burn wounds on rabbits Codrin Dobreanu1, Raluca Sobec1, Ioana Tichil1, Ana Somcutean1, Elena Dinte2, Cristian Magdas3, Nagy Andras3, Lucian Fodor1 1Department of Plastic Surgery and Burn Unit, 1st Surgical Clinic, Emergency County Hospital, ClujNapoca, Romania 2Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, “IuliuHatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, ClujNapoca, Romania 3Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, ClujNapoca, Romania Introduction Burns are a severe pathology worldwide with serious impact on patients quality of life. Scar contraction and hypertrophy are often encountered and have a negative impact on scar quality and functional outcome. In order to improve healing we studied the effects of topically applied recombinant Growth Hormone on burn wounds. • Results • Histology of the HA and rGHtreated wounds had significant (p<0.005) differences to HA treated wounds : • ↓ inflammation • ↑ collagen , vascularisation & myofibroblastactivity • Blood tests revealed no systemic effects of rGH. • Scar contraction was diminished on the treated side. Material and methods This is a prospective study conducted on 10 New Zealand White male rabbits. Four deep 2nd degree burn wounds were inflicted on each animal (one on each ear and flank).On the control wounds (left side) only Hyaluronic acid (HA) gel was applied. The wounds on the study side (right side of the rabbit) were treated with a combination of recombinant Growth hormone(rGH) and HA in gel form. The treatment was applied and the dressings were changed every other day, for 2 weeks. Skin biopsies were taken at 10 weeks postburn and sent for pathological and imunohistochemical analysis. At 2 weeks postburn blood samples were taken to determine the hepatic enzymes and bilirubin and to evaluate the systemic effect of rGH (blood sugar, proteins, albumin, IGF-1).The wound surface was evaluated through planimetry. rGH+HA HA rGH+HA HA Conclusions Topically administered rGH, in a gel form, with Hyaluronic acid as carrier, improves wound healing and scar quality of burn wounds without systemic side-effects . This study was funded through a grant (PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-002) from CNCS-UEFISCDI.

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