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Lesson 89 – Job 1–42. Trials. Job had it pretty rough. None of us will face that type of difficulty in our life. But our life will not be problem free. Let’s answer: Why do we experience trials and difficulties in our life? How do we endure through those trials?. Why do we have trials?.
Lesson 89 – Job 1–42 Trials
Job had it pretty rough • None of us will face that type of difficulty in our life. • But our life will not be problem free. • Let’s answer: • Why do we experience trials and difficulties in our life? • How do we endure through those trials?
Why do we have trials? • Let’s split into 4 groups: • Group 1: Genesis 22:1-2, Abraham 3:24-25, D&C 98:12-14 • Group 2: Alma 14:8-11, Alma 60:12-13; D&C 103:1-4 • Group 3: Hebrews 5:8, D&C 136:31, Job 23:10 • Group 4: John 9:2-3, 2 Nephi 2:11, Matthew 5:45 • Find the common reason for trials in your set of scriptures.
One more reason… • The extreme example – The Lord has a very special calling for a few throughout the scriptures. In these cases, that person may be left completely alone to experience the trial. • Job - Job 19:6-8 • Joseph Smith - D&C 121:1-3 • Christ - Matthew 27:45-46 • These are very special occasions, we should never expect the Lord to leave us.
Job 1–2 “Joseph [Smith] could not have been perfected, though he had lived a thousand years, if he had received no persecution. If he had lived a thousand years, and led this people, and preached the Gospel without persecution, he would not have been perfected as well as he was at the age of thirty-nine years” (Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe [1954], 351). President Brigham Young Perfection through Trials
So, how to we overcome adversity? • Perspective
What did she learn from her trial? • How to help others. Often the most charitable are also the ones in need. • Other great videos: • https://www.lds.org/youth/video/he-will-give-you-help • https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/mormon-messages?lang=eng&id=2010-05-10-my-new-life
Richard C. Edgley, April 2002 There are few of us, if any, who don’t walk the refiner’s fire of adversity and despair, sometimes known to others but for many quietly hidden and privately endured. Most of the heartache, pain, and suffering we would not choose today. But we did choose. We chose when we could see the complete plan. We chose when we had a clear vision of the Savior’s rescue of us. And if our faith and understanding were as clear today as it was when we first made that choice, I believe we would choose again. Therefore, perhaps the challenge is to have the kind of faith during the hard times that we exercised when we first chose. The kind of faith that turns questioning and even anger into acknowledging the power, blessings, and hope that can come only from Him who is the source of all power, blessings, and hope. The kind of faith that brings the knowledge and assurances that all that we experience is part of the gospel plan and that for the righteous, all that appears wrong will eventually be made right. The peace and understanding to endure with dignity and clarity of purpose can be the sweet reward. This kind of faith can help us to see the good, even when life’s path seems to be layered only with thorns, thistles, and craggy rocks.
Christ • D&C 122:7-9 • This is not a guilt trip, this helps us have faith in Christ, because “descended below them all” for our sake. • What is perspective? • Realizing opportunities in your trials • Understanding the entire plan • Trusting in Christ to guide you through all suffering
Notebook Ideas • Where do you find strength during trials? How do you connect with the Lord at your times of greatest need? • What can you do now to prepare for struggles that may come in the future? • How have your personal trials increased your testimony of the Plan of Salvation (or how will they)?