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Open Source vs. Network Attackers: What’s in your arsenal?. Gary Smith, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. A Little Context. The Five Golden Principles of Security Know your s ystem Principle of Least Privilege Defense in Depth Protection is key but detection is a must.
Open Source vs. Network Attackers: What’s in your arsenal? Gary Smith, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
A Little Context • The Five Golden Principles of Security • Know your system • Principle of Least Privilege • Defense in Depth • Protection is key but detection is a must. • Know your enemy. 2
Fudd’s First Law of Opposition • All brute force attacks are based on Fudd’s First Law of Opposition. • Fudd’s First Law of Opposition says, “Push something hard enough and it will fall over.” • SSH Brute force attacks, in particular, have been going on for at least10 years. • The attacks from 10 years ago are not fundamentally different from the ones we see now except for one difference. • 10 years ago it would take weeks after putting a server live on the Internet for it to start being scanned. • Today, if we put a new server live on the Internet, within minutes, it starts to be scanned. 3
Do you see lines like this in your syslog? Mar 4 03:26:56 a9 sshd[13185]: Invalid user leonob from Mar 4 03:27:01 a9 sshd[13189]: Invalid user ftpuser from Mar 4 03:29:16 a9 sshd[13320]: Invalid user oracle from Mar 4 03:29:20 a9 sshd[13324]: Invalid user bwadmin from Mar 4 03:29:30 a9 sshd[13332]: Invalid user cacti from Mar 4 03:29:35 a9 sshd[13336]: Invalid user test1 from 4
Or like this? Mar 30 09:30:40 a9 sshd[4843]: Failed password for root from Mar 30 12:30:03 a9 sshd[6626]: Failed password for root from Mar 30 13:31:58 a9 sshd[7243]: Failed password for root from Mar 30 15:38:31 a9 sshd[8491]: Failed password for root from Mar 30 18:11:52 a9 sshd[9913]: Failed password for root from Mar 30 19:27:42 a9 sshd[10812]: Failed password for root from Mar 30 22:08:04 a9 sshd[12482]: Failed password for root from Mar 31 00:01:35 a9 sshd[13706]: Failed password for root from Mar 31 02:16:34 a9 sshd[15410]: Failed password for root from 5
Or maybe this? Mar 15 19:22:36 a9 sshd[15420]: Invalid user admin from Mar 15 19:22:57 a9 sshd[15436]: Invalid user admin from Mar 15 19:23:16 a9 sshd[15456]: Invalid user admin from Mar 16 02:22:24 a9 sshd[19740]: Invalid user admin from Mar 16 02:22:47 a9 sshd[19756]: Invalid user admin from Mar 16 02:23:05 a9 sshd[19776]: Invalid user admin from Mar 16 02:23:33 a9 sshd[19792]: Invalid user admin from Mar 16 02:23:50 a9 sshd[19808]: Invalid user admin from Mar 16 02:24:18 a9 sshd[19837]: Invalid user admin from 6
So, where do I start? • Begin a process of moving from the center outward, creating rings of security. • For instance, if the server already has a public IP, you’ll want to lock down root access immediately. • In fact, you’ll want to lock down SSH access entirely, and make sure that only you can get in. • Add a new user, and add it to an admin group.(preconfigured in /etc/sudoers to have access to sudo). 7
SSHD Configuration • Configure the SSH daemon to more secure: • PermitRootLoginno • PermitEmptyPasswordsno • AllowUsersuser1 user2user3… • AllowGroupsgroup1 group2 group3… • Protocol 2 • PrintLastLog yes • LoginGraceTime1m • Reload SSH to apply the changes, and then try logging in in a new session to ensure everything worked. • If you can’t log in, you’ll still have your original session to fix things up. 8
Update the System • Now that you’re the only one with access to the server, you can stop worrying about a hacker sneaking in, and breathe normally again (maybe). • Chances are good that there are some updates for your server, so go ahead and run those now. • Depending on the distribution, the utilities and options invoked will vary to perform an update. 9
Install a Firewall • Set up a firewall, and only allow what you need right at this moment. • You can always punch another hole thru as you need it. • Here’s a sample set of Iptables rules that allow a minimal set of services. 10
Sample Iptables Rules *filter # Set a default policy of DROP across all the tables :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD DROP [0:0] :OUTPUT DROP [0:0] # Accept any related or established connections -I INPUT 1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -I OUTPUT 1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT # Allow all traffic on the loopback interface -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT # Allow outbound DHCP request - Maybe you need; maybe you don’t #-A OUTPUT –o eth0 -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j ACCEPT # Outbound DNS lookups -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT 11
Sample Iptables Rules (cont.) # Outbound PING requests -A OUTPUT –o eth0 -p icmp -j ACCEPT # Outbound Network Time Protocol (NTP) request -A OUTPUT –o eth0 -p udp --dport 123 --sport 123 -j ACCEPT # Inbound SSH -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT # Outbound email -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp –dport 25 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT # Outbound HTTP and HTTPS -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT COMMIT 12
Think you’re safe? Maybe not. • You’ve hardened your SSH daemon configuration. • You’ve updated your server’s software. • You’ve put in a restrictive firewall. • What could go wrong now? • There’s still a lot of bad actors out there who will be brute forcing or DoS’ing your SSH connection. 13
Tools/Techniques to Defend Against Brute Force SSH Attacks • Roll Your Own • Fail2Ban • Denyhosts • pam_abl 14
Fail2Ban – Intrusion Prevention • Fail2ban is an open source intrusion prevention framework developed in the Python programming language. • Fail2ban operates by monitoring log files such as /var/log/httpd/access_log, /var/log/auth.log, /var/log/secure etc. and bans the IP address after too many password failure attempts. • It updates IPTables firewall rules to reject the IP address for a specified amount of time. 15
Configuring Fail2Ban Global Defaults • After installing fail2ban, copy /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf to /etc/fail2ban/jail.local and make your changes there. • Fail2Ban Global Defaults [DEFAULT] # "ignoreip" can be an IP address, a CIDR mask or a DNS host. Fail2ban will not # ban a host which matches an address in this list. Several addresses can be # defined using space separator. ignoreip = # "bantime" is the number of seconds that a host is banned. bantime = 600 # A host is banned if it has generated "maxretry" during the last "findtime" # seconds. findtime = 600 # "maxretry" is the number of failures before a host get banned. maxretry = 3 16
Configuring Fail2Ban SSH Monitoring • Look for the [ssh-iptables] section, configure to your site. [ssh-iptables] enabled = true filter = sshd action = iptables[name=SSH, port=ssh, protocol=tcp] sendmail-whois[name=SSH, dest=root, sendername=Fail2Ban] logpath = /var/log/secure maxretry = 5 • Then, start up fail2ban. 17
How do you know it’s working? • At startup, Fail2Ban sends a “starting” email message like this to the designated recipient(s) like this: Hi, The jail SSH has been started successfully. Regards, Fail2Ban • When Fail2Ban takes action, it sends an email to the designated recipient(s) like this: Hi, The IP has just been banned by Fail2Ban after 5 attempts against SSH. Here are more information about Regards, Fail2Ban 18
How can I tell if it’s working? • You can also do iptables –nL Chain fail2ban-SSH (1 references) target prot opt source destination REJECT all -- reject-with icmp-port-unreachable REJECT all -- reject-with icmp-port-unreachable REJECT all -- reject-with icmp-port-unreachable 19
Some Iptables Magic • You can restrict the number of connections used by a single IP address to your server using iptables. • Only allow 4 ssh connections per client system: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport 22 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 4 –j DROP • You can limit the number of connections per minute. • The following example will drop incoming connections if an IP address makes more than 10 connection attempts to port 22 within 60 seconds. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 22 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 22 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update –-seconds 60 -–hitcount 10 –j DROP 20
How do I know it’s working? • Use the following shell script to connect to your SSH server at #!/bin/bash IP=“” PORT=”22" for i in {1..100} do # do nothing just connect and exit echo "exit" | nc ${IP} ${PORT}; done 21
Other Scary Stuff From the Internet You May Be Missing • Microsoft SQL Server communication attempts • MS Terminal Server communication attempts • VNC communication attempts • PCAnywhere communication attempts • SCAN UPnP communication attempts • Microsoft PPTP communication attempts • HP Web JetAdmin communication attempts • P2P napster communication attempts • Radmin Default install options attempts • Real Audio Server communication attempts • P2P Napster Client Data communication attempts • To protect your against these attempts, you need an intrusion detection/protection system. 22
Intrusion Detection and Log Analysis with psad and fwsnort • psad (Port Scan Activity Detector) is a collection of two lightweight system daemons that run on Linux machines and analyze iptables log messages to detect port scans and other suspicious traffic. • fwsnort parses the rules files included in the SNORT intrusion detection system and builds an equivalent iptables ruleset for as many rules as possible. • When psad combines with fwsnort and the Netfilter string match extension, psad is capable of detecting many attacks described in the Snort rule set that involve application layer data. • psad and fwsnort can be configured to auto-block scanning IP addresses via IPTables/IP6Tables and/or tcpwrappers based on scan danger level. 23
psad Status Output Top 50 signature matches: "MISC Microsoft SQL Server communication attempt" (tcp), Count: 186, Unique sources: 76, Sid: 100205 "MISC MS Terminal Server communication attempt" (tcp), Count: 99, Unique sources: 67, Sid: 100077 "ICMP PING" (icmp), Count: 85, Unique sources: 38, Sid: 384 "MISC VNC communication attempt" (tcp), Count: 37, Unique sources: 19, Sid: 100202 "SCAN UPnP communication attempt" (udp), Count: 9, Unique sources: 3, Sid: 100074 Top 25 attackers: DL: 5, Packets: 29, Sig count: 6 DL: 5, Packets: 47, Sig count: 6 DL: 5, Packets: 26, Sig count: 6 DL: 5, Packets: 26, Sig count: 2 DL: 4, Packets: 22, Sig count: 0 Top 20 scanned ports: tcp 5984 7620 packets tcp 23 449 packets tcp 5000 370 packets tcp 25151 195 packets tcp 1433 189 packets 24
Psad Status Output cont. iptables auto-blocked IPs: (unlimited timeout) (unlimited timeout) Total protocol packet counters: icmp: 106 pkts tcp: 23769 pkts udp: 191505 pkts IP Status Detail: SRC:, DL: 5, Dsts: 1, Pkts: 29, Total protocols: 2, Unique sigs: 1, Email alerts: 0 DST:, Local IP Scanned ports: TCP 21-3389, Pkts: 25, Chain: INPUT, Intf: eth1 Total scanned IP protocols: 2, Chain: INPUT, Intf: eth1 Signature match: "MISC MS Terminal Server communication attempt" TCP, Chain: INPUT, Count: 2, DP: 3389, SYN, Sid: 100077 25
Reports: The Final Frontier? • At some point, you (or your boss) will want to know more than “is it working?” • You (or your boss) will want some kind of reports. • The problem with reporting security-related data is two-fold. • Problem #1: What do you represent? • Problem #2: How do you represent it? 26
IBM Word-Cloud Generator • IBM Word Cloud Generator is a Java application that can quickly and easily produce an image file giving more preponderant prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. • The application uses a configuration file to control all of the settings that affect the output, such as font, layout, the treatment of stop-words, etc. • Sample invocation: java -jar ibm-word-cloud.jar -c examples/configuration.txt -w 800 -h 600 < examples/macbeth.txt > example.png • Instead of using “Macbeth” as the source, let’s use all the invalid user names we collected in our log file as input to the IBM WCG. 27
Where are they coming from? • All those IP addresses hitting your site, where are they located? • What if you could convert a IP address to a geographical location? • Maxmind (maxmind.com) provides IP geolocation and fraud prevention services and Open Source APIs and a database to convert an IP address to a geographical location. • The database is updated once a month. • The software can converts to Manassas, Virginia, USA at 38.7462 latitude, -77.4903 longitude. • Now you can create a table like this: 30
IP Addresses / Geolocation Table 33.67 -111.95 Phoenix AZ United States 37.39 -122.02 Sunnyvale CA United States 37.60 126.98 Seoul 11 Korea, Republic of 19.83 105.25 Dung 34 Vietnam 22.32 114.18 Kowloon 00 Hong Kong 37.60 126.98 Seoul 11 Korea, Republic of 21.03 105.85 Hanoi 44 Vietnam 28.60 77.20 New Delhi 07 India 51.48 7.22 Bochum 07 Germany 42.29 -83.71 Ann Arbor MI United States 25.83 -80.30 Miami FL United States 37.95 -122.08 Pleasant Hill CA United States 42.99 -78.73 Buffalo NY United States 39.65 -104.99 Englewood CO United States 39.11 -94.57 Kansas City MO United States 39.11 -94.57 Kansas City MO United States 40.43 -74.42 East Brunswick NJ United States 40.67 -73.54 Bellmore NY United States 34.05 -118.26 Los Angeles CA United States -22.85 -51.77 NossaSenhora Das Graças 18 Brazil • This is nice but it lacks pizazz or panache. How about this instead? 31
Psad and Gnuplot • Psad interfaces with Gnuplot. • Psad parses IPTables log data and builds both a data file and a directives file for Gnuplot. • Various counting modes are supported across different timescales. • Graphing criteria can include IPTables field names including negation. • Unfortunately, Gnuplot works best with integer data, so IP addresses need to be translated into integer equivalents. 33
Conclusions • There are lot of bad actors out there using attacks based on Fudd’s First Law of Opposition to get into your systems. • There are a lot of Open Source tools and techniques to thwart the efforts of the bad actors. • After assessing your risk profile, deploy the appropriate mitigations to limit your exposure. 36
References • Fudd's First Law of Opposition: "We're All Bozos on This Bus", Firesign Theatre • SSHD Config: http://www.openssh.com/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=sshd_config • Iptables: http://www.netfilter.org/ • Fail2ban: http://www.fail2ban.org/ • Denyhosts: http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/ • pam_abl: http://pam-abl.sourceforge.net/ • psad/fwsnort: www.cipherdyne.org 37
References • IBM Word Cloud: https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?source=AW-0VW • Geo-IP: http://www.maxmind.com/ • Xgeolocate: http://www.atgc.org/geolocate_1_2/ • Gnuplot: http://www.gnuplot.info/ 38
Questions? Gary Smith Information System Security Officer, Molecular Science Computing, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA gary.smith@pnnl.gov 39