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Explore the success story of an intermodal transporter in Skaraborg, Sweden, showcasing reduced CO2 emissions, efficient logistics, and regional development.
Intermodala TransporterSkaraborgspendel Rickard Bergqvist Professor of Logistics and Transport Economics Industrial and Financial Management & Logistics Department of Business Administration School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg P.O. Box 610, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden Telephone +46 31 786 5241, Mobile +46 730 29 00 87 E-mail: rickard.bergqvist@handels.gu.se
GHG (CO2-eqv) emissions per sector, EU-28 Source: Eurostat and the EU Commission, 2014
Modal Shift! Percentage share of rail transport in total inland transport expressed in tonne-kilometres (tkm). Source: EUROSTAT 2006
Utmaningar • Behov av ökad intermodalitet dock har kombitrafikens tillväxt avstannat • Flera barriärer: tekniska, administrativa, prisbild, tillförlitlighet, regelverk, m.fl. • Last-mile problematiken och utmanande korta avstånd för järnväg • Hamnpendlar (distribution enbart i en ändpunkt). Hamnpendelsystemet har inneburit mycket inslag av kreativitet och entreprenörskap genom mer aktiva aktörer såsom terminaloperatörer, åkare, varuägare och ”politiska entreprenörer” ofta på kommunal nivå
The case of Jula and Schenker • Jula operates in the DIY segment • Logistics wise, all flows are coordinated and consolidated at the 150,000m2 in Skara, Sweden • Schenker Air and Ocean in Sweden hold the Jula key account and coordinate incoming container flows • 120km from PoG to warehouse!!
The background of the intermodal solution • The municipality of Falköping did a pre-study to analyze the possibilities of a train-setup between Port of Gothenburg and Falköping • Falköping Municipality is very proactive in supporting the Commercial and Industrial development within the region of Skaraborg • A survey was conducted in October 2011 • Jula liked the idea, but wanted Schenker to be part of the train solution • Schenker and Jula appointed Schenker Consulting to investigate: • As-is situation/pre-requisites • Future opportunities • Schenker and Jula established a joint project team to realize the idea in January 2013 • First train departed from Skandiahamnen - Falköping on September 04th, 2013
Solution characteristics • Long contracts • More efficient terminal • Jula owns wagons • Local wagon maintenance • Dry port functionality from several shipping lines • Open book agreement Schenker/Jula
Resultat • Previously all containers were transported 240kms by road. Today containers are transported 240kms by rail and 56kms by road • Traffic Safety: Approx. 6.000 road transports are shifted to Rail • Environmental impact: (-80% CO2 vs. road transport) • No waiting time / waiting charges in GOT port • No port demurrage and no road toll fee • Imported container stock now closer to final DC/Warehouse which creates more even cargo flow into DC • More efficient road haulage through the exemption for long carriage (32 meter = 2 x 40ft). • Jula is seen as a good benchmark in the Skaraborg region. The new set-up creates opportunities for the entire region and development of intermodal solutions. • Other companies in the same area already is already “onboard”, such as Parker Hannifin, Swedish Match, A Lot Decoration, Gyllensvaan, (IKEA – ”Billys Bookshelf”)
Mentality/Mindset “We had optimized the road solution for more than 20years, just imagine what we can do with the intermodal solution given what we have already achieved”!!! “The intermodal solution is future proof”
Projektidé • HCT fokus har hitintills varit på rena vägtrafiklösningar, t.ex. transport av skogsprodukter. Ses ibland som konkurrent inte komplement. • Tidigare försök såsom DUO2 har visar väldigt goda resultat. Dessa erfarenheterna borde kunna överföras/kopplas ihop med intermodal trafik av enhetslastbärare. • Det finns hittills få eller inga studier gjorda på hur containerbilar skulle fungera som HCT-fordon och hur den intermodala transportlösningen påverkas i sin helhet. Detta bygger på idén att förbättra effektiviteten för intermodala transportkedjor genom att titta på möjligheten att tillåta dubbelekipage (HCT) till och från närmaste kombiterminal.
HCT Ansökan 2012 Transportstyrelsen • Beviljad dec 2014 Ansökan länsstyrelsen dec 2014 • Beviljad januari 2015 • Euro 6, 580hp, Scania, diodiesel (RME) • HVO. Diesel Bio HVO är en syntetisk diesel som framställs av förnybara råvaror. Basen i produkten är avfall från slakterier och olika restprodukter. Minskningen av växthusgasutsläpp blir mellan 50 till 90 procent jämfört med traditionell vanlig diesel. Exakt hur stor minskningen blir beror lite på vilken typ av avfall och råvara som använts vid tillverkningen.
Sammanfattning och konklusion The operational benefits are summarised below, which lists the actions taken (x axis) against the benefits achieved (y axis), ranking them as high, medium and low benefit. Benefits of last mile optimisation strategies The continuous improvement and integration of the three elements of terminal operations, road haulage and handling at the DC have enabled an impressive 70% improvement in productivity and 25% decrease of cost per container (TEU) at the same time as the service quality and flexibility have increased with the use of more chassis. This is of, course, a key for the success of the intermodal transport solution and further emphasises the importance of the last mile and the importance of supply chain collaboration involving the transport actors. The cost per container (TEU) is even more impressive when looking at the cost per TEU and km (€36/27km*2roundtrip: €0.67/TEU/km) which is similar to the cost normally associated with low-cost long-distance haulage (cf. Martínez-López et al. 2013; AECOM, 2014). 120-130SEK/10km