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T he Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation

T he Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation. (UNEP / OzL /Conv.10/6). Establishment of the Trust Fund. Decision VI/2 (COP6, Rome, November 2002)

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T he Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation

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  1. The Vienna Convention Trust Fund forResearch and SystematicObservation (UNEP/OzL/Conv.10/6)

  2. Establishment of the Trust Fund Decision VI/2 (COP6, Rome, November 2002) requested UNEP/WMO to establish a fund for financing research and systematic observations in developing countries and CEIT (Para. 2)

  3. Decision VI/2 (cont’d) The aim of the fund is to • Support the maintenance/calibration of the existing WMO GAW stations to address balanced global coverage • Possibly support other activities identified by the ORM for improving observation network and relevant research (Para. 4)

  4. Operation of the Trust Fund • The Trust Fund was established in Feb 2003 with its Terms of Reference • MOU on institutional arrangements was concluded between Oz Sec and WMO in Sep 2005, approved by the Parties at COP7 in Dec 2005 • Reports on operation and activities are sent to the Parties periodically with the invitation to contribute • Projects and activities are being implemented through WMO

  5. Status of Contributions • The total funds received (as of 31 December 2013) since the Trust Fund was established in 2003 US$ 277,454 Andorra, Czech Rep, Estonia, Finland, France, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and UK • In-kind contributions have also been received in conjunction with the activities implemented under the Trust Fund

  6. Project Activities and Expenditures • Dobson Inter-Calibration Workshop, Egypt, March 2004: US$15,000 • Brewer Calibration in Nepal and Indonesia, Sept 2006: US$16,100 • Intercomparison exercise for all African Dobson instruments, S. Africa, Oct 2009: US$66,000 • Dobson Data Quality Workshop, Czech Republic, Feb 2011: US$58,500 The total expenditure has been US$175,828 including project support costs charged by UNEP and WMO

  7. Overall Results of the Project Activities • Calibration and intercomparisons of 9 Dobson instruments at each of the two workshops in Egypt and S. Africa as well as two Brewer instruments in Asia • 34 participants from 22 countries including 21 station data managers of 51 Dobson stations (representing about 70% of all Dobsons of GAW network) benefitted from data archiving workshop in Czech Rep. The activities have been essential in maintaining the instruments and in improving data archiving

  8. Remaining balance US$ 101,626 Projects in the pipeline will be presented by WMO

  9. Life of the Trust Fund? • The Trust Fund expires in December 2015. • Parties may wish to take a decision on whether or not to extend the Trust Fund. • What are the options that the Parties may consider on the way forward?

  10. Options for way forward Option 1: to continue the Trust Fund and its operation with business as usual Option 2:to continue the Trust Fund with some changes in its operation Option 3: to close down the Trust Fund

  11. Options for way forward Option 2 simply funding the participation of Article 5 experts in international meetings relevant to research and monitoring or for fellowships adjusting the procedure to invite contributions only towards specific projects or activities involving another organization as a co-partner for specific tasks, e.g. identifying co-financiers and fund raising; designing activities and projects; and coordinating activities

  12. WAY FORWARD? • Possible options were considered by the Ozone Research Managers at their 9th meeting (9ORM, May 2014) and they made recommendations. • The VC Bureau of COP9, joined by MP Bureau of MOP25, made recommendations taking into account the recommendations of the 9ORM (Conv.10/CRP.2)

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