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Field Trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park August 6 – 12, 2017

Field Trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park August 6 – 12, 2017. Program Orientation Under the direction of Dr. Michael A. Tarrant Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. What to Expect.

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Field Trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park August 6 – 12, 2017

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  1. Field Trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park August 6 – 12, 2017 Program Orientation Under the direction of Dr. Michael A. Tarrant Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources

  2. What to Expect • Seven days at Tremont Environmental Education Center in the heart of Great Smoky Mountains National Park • All food, transportation, and accommodations provided (except for lunch on day one) • Guided field trips and hikes in the Park • Seminars and lectures on natural and cultural history of the Park • Refer to syllabus for description of course objectives, requirements, and assessment criteria

  3. Credits • Three credits in any one of the following courses (Field Studies in Natural Resources): • Undergraduate • ANTH4270 • FORS4270 • Graduate • ANTH6270 • FORS6270

  4. Where We Travel

  5. Where We Live… Tremont Environmental Education Center

  6. Where We Eat

  7. Where We Study

  8. Who We Are With • We are part of a consortium of schools including Purdue University and Virginia Tech of about 50 students in total.

  9. What You Will Learn About • Environmental interpretation and education • Environmental conservation • Field journaling • Environmental interpretation (education for adults) • Environmental education (education for children)

  10. What You Will Learn About • Recreation and tourism in the Smokies • Tourism and visitation trends • Recreation site planning • Service learning project (trail building and maintenance)

  11. What You Will Learn About • Cultural issues of the Smokies • Cherokee history • European history • Land use simulation: Tourism, environmental preservation, and oil drilling • Folk lore and stories

  12. What You Will Learn About • Ecology and biogeography of the Smokies • Air quality • All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) • High-country ecology • Woody and herbaceous plants • Exotic plants • Stream ecology

  13. What You Will Learn About • Wildlife diversity of the Smokies • Amphibians, reptiles and birds • Mammals and mammal trapping • Aquatic and terrestrial salamander survey methods • Exotic animals • Black bear ecology and research

  14. What to Prepare • Refer to the syllabus for: • A complete list of items/clothes to pack and bring • Required reading/course book • When/where we depart • Where we stay in the Park • When/where we return

  15. To Apply • To apply and secure your place on the program • Complete, sign, and return all three parts of the Health, Waiver, and Special Accommodations Form to the office of Discover Abroad by June 15 • Pay tuition (3 credits) and program fee to UGA Registrars Office by June 15 (refer to syllabus for instructions)

  16. Insurance You are fully responsible for any medical treatment while participating in the program as medical insurance coverage is not provided by the program

  17. Sources of Information • Syllabus • Contains most of the information that you need to know in order to plan and prepare for the trip • Smokies schedule • Contains last year’s program schedule and activities • This year’s schedule will be very similar to last year’s

  18. Contact Information • Website • www.discoverabroad.uga.edu • Office • Discover Abroad, Room 102 Building Four, Forestry and Natural Resources, UGA Campus, Athens, GA 30602-2152 • Email • discoverabroad@uga.edu • Telephone • 706.542.9713

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