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ISTVÁN THE SAINT. He was born : Esztergom, 970 He died : Szentkirály, 1038. King of the Kingdom of Hungary. T he reign of King Stephen : - from about 1000 . or 1001.-1038. C oronation in Esztergom : -24 December 1000 Heir :
ISTVÁN THE SAINT He wasborn: Esztergom, 970 He died: Szentkirály, 1038.
King of the Kingdom of Hungary The reign of King Stephen: - fromabout1000. or 1001.-1038. CoronationinEsztergom: -24 December 1000 Heir: -PrinceHenry (Imre) Successor: -Peter Orseolo
Hisfather: -HungarianprinceGéza Hismother: -CharlottefromTransylvania Hisuncle: - MaternaluncleGyulaProkuj István’sfamily
István’swife István’swife: -Gizella In 996 he married the daughter ofHenry II theDuke of Bavaria. The wedding was concluded Scheyern Benedictine abbey. Priests,knights and craftsmencametothecontrywithGizella.
István’s children • István’s children: • - Ottó: Probably died young, so Henry wastheheir of thecrown. • - Henrik ( Imre ):In 1031 he diedduring a huntingbyaboar.
István’sdead He diedon 15th August 1038. He wasburiedin Székesfehérvár. Inthispictureyoucanseehistomb.
The holy crown, the orb, the scepter, and a sword. St. Stephen'sBasilica A statue of St. Stephen