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The 741 Operational-Amplifier. 1. Reference Bias Current : The 741 op-amp circuit. . Reference Bias Current. V CC. -V EE. DC Analysis of the 741 Reference Bias Current. Bias for input stage The 741 op-amp circuit. . Bias for input stage. I C10. Input Stage Bias. +. +. V BE11. V BE10.
Reference Bias Current :The 741 op-amp circuit. Reference Bias Current
VCC -VEE DC Analysis of the 741Reference Bias Current
Bias for input stageThe 741 op-amp circuit. Bias for input stage IC10
Input Stage Bias + + VBE11 VBE10 - - + + - IC10 IC10can be determined by knowing IREF and R4
Biasing Input Stage : The 741 op-amp circuit. IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4
The dc analysis of the 741 input stage. npnβ very high RelationshipIREF & IO Base current IE/1+βP Base currents add together
Negative Feed-back Loop : 741 input stage. Causes current pulled from Q8 to increase For some reason I in Q1 & Q2 increases Output current of Q8 Q9 correspondingly increase Negative Feed back Loop Since Ic10 remains constant, it forces combined current of Q3 & Q4 to decrease
2 5 1 3 6 7 4 The dc analysis of the 741 input stage, continued. Ic5=I Bias Current of Q7
The 741 op-amp circuit : SECOND STAGE IC16 IC17
DC Analysis : Second Stage Q13 is lateral pnp transistor Q13B has a scale of 0.75 times that of Q12 IC13B=0.75 IREF IREF = 0.73 mA & βP>>1 IC13B = 550 µA & IC17 = 550 µA Neglect Base Current of Q23 IC17=IC13B
The 741 output stage without the short-circuit protection devices. Q13 is lateral pnp transistor IS of Q13A is 0.25 times IS of Q12 Neglect Base current of Q14 & Q20 Base Current of Q23 is 180/50=36 μ A Negligible as assumed
+ VBB - 14 20 Output Stage Bias Voltage VBE18 ≈ 0.6V Current Thru R10=0.6/40k=15 µ A
Small-signal analysis of the 741 input stage. Collectors Q1 & Q2 connected to dc voltage so are grounded Q3 & Q3 are biased by constant current source so are open cct
Small-signal analysis of the 741 input stage. Input appears across four input resistors
Small signal model : The load circuit of the input stage.
The load circuit of the input stage Q5 & Q6 are identical and their bases are tied together So their collector currents are equal
Output Resistance : 741 Op Amp Ro1 is parallel equivalent of Ro4 & Ro6 Assume that common bases of Q3 & Q4 are at virtual ground Output Resistance Ro1
Output Resistance : 741 Op Amp Assume that the base of Q6 is at virtual ground Because signal is very small Output Resistance Ro1
Output Resistance : 741 Op Amp Ro1 is parallel equivalent of Ro4 & Ro6 Ro1=Ro4||Ro6 Ro1=6.7 MΩ Output Resistance Ro1
Figure 9.22 Small-signal equivalent circuit for the input stage of the 741 op amp.
Figure 9.24 The 741 second stage prepared for small-signal analysis.
Transconductance : Second Stage Thus current through the output resistance of Q13B is zero
Output Resistance R02 : Second Stage Since the resistance between the base of Q17 and ground is relatively small, The base is grounded and circuit is CB R02
Output Resistance R017 Since the resistance between the base of Q17 and ground is relatively small, The base is grounded and circuit is CB
Figure 9.25 Small-signal equivalent circuit model of the second stage.
Figure 9.27 Thévenin form of the small-signal model of the second stage. Open Circuit Voltage Gain =
The 741 output stage. • Input from second stage Q17 • Loaded with 2 kΩ resistor • Q18 & Q19 and R10 provide Class AB bias to output stage. • Q14 & Q20are output transistors • Output stage is driven by emitter follower Q23 acts as buffer
Output Voltage Limits Maximum positive output voltage vomax is limited by input circuit Saturation of Q13A Minimum negative output voltage vomin is limited by input circuit Saturation of Q17
Small Signal Model for the 741 output stage. vo2=-Gm2R02vi2 Gm2 = 6.5mA/V & RO2 = 81kΩ Rin3is input resistance of the output stage with load RL
Rin Rin3 Input resistance Rin3of output stage
Rout18 Rin Rin20 Input resistance Rin Rin=Rin20||Rout18 Suppose Q20 is conducting and Q14 is cut-off
Rin20 Input resistance Rin20
Rout18 Input resistance Rout18 Rout18 is ro13A in series with output resistance of Q18 & Q19 Output resistance of Q18 & Q19 = 163 Ω ro13A >>Output resistance of Q18 & Q19
Rout18 Rin3 Rin Rin20 Input resistance Rin3 of the output stage Rin=Rin20||Rout18 β20 = β23 = 50 , RL= 2kΩ, ro13A= 280kΩ Rin3 = 3.7 MΩ
Small Signal Model for the 741 output stage. Rin3 = 3.7 MΩ Ro2 = 81 kΩ Rin3 >> Ro2 So Rin3 will have little effect On the performance of the op amp = -515 V/V
Open Circuit Overall Voltage Gain Gvo Small Signal Model for the 741 output stage.