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Residential Green Building Rating Systems - 2. From Last Week. Questions not answered… Session 1 Become familiar with the tools Understand register and cost Criteria and documentation reqs for Site selection Location
From Last Week • Questions not answered… • Session 1 • Become familiar with the tools • Understand register and cost • Criteria and documentation reqs for • Site selection • Location • Session 2 Learning Objectives: Understand the criteria and documentation requirements for: • Lot Design and Preparation • Heat Island Effect • Landscaping • Rainwater and Graywater • Indoor Water Use • Session 3: Energy and Envelope • Session 4: Materials and Mechanical (HVAC and IAQ)
Exercise: fill out a checklist • Form into teams • Regional - Fill out Section 1: Location and lot Design only • LEED - Fill out Sustainable Sites only 10 minutes
Exercise: fill out a checklist Form into teams Regional - Fill out Section 1: Location and lot Design only LEED - Fill out Sustainable Sites only
Regional Mandatory: Control and direct runoff Strawbales, silt sacks, rock filters Stabilize soil on slopes >10% Blankets, silt sacks Document BMPS on slopes >15% 1.14 Collect, conserve and protect topsoil for reuse LEED SS 1.1 Erosion Control Stockpile topsoil Control runoff Protect storm sewer inlets Provide swales at top of hills >25% slope, stabilize slopes Erosion Control • NAHB: 504.3.1 Schedule construction to minimize soil exposure • 503.2.1 Avoid steep slopes >25% • 503.2.4 Steep slope erosion reduction
Erosion Control http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/index.cfm?action=min_measure&min_measure_id=4
Regional 1.10 Minimize disturbed area to 15 foot construction perimeter Limits of clearing and grading on Site plan Fenced on site 1.12 Protect and Maintain on-site native vegetation LEED SS 1.2 Minimize Site Disturbance Tree or plant preservation plan, & Leave 40% of site undisturbed Or Previously developed: tree or plant preservation plan and rehab lot Or Build on a lot < 1/7 of an acre with RAC >= 7 Minimize Site Disturbance NAHB: 503.1.2 Resource Conservation Plan 503.1.3 Item in Plan protected under supervision of professional 504.3.2 No Disturbance Zones are created
Regional 1.11 Provide grading plan with balanced cut and fill LEED Balanced Cut and Fill • NAHB:
Regional 1.13 Appropriate Landscaping for Pima County Drought tolerant Native (additional credit) 1.18 Fertilize all new landscaping with slow release organic fertilizer 4.21 No-irrigation Landscaping designed by professional LEED SS 2.2 Basic Landscape Design Turf use restrictions Add mulch Till construction compacted soil (at landscape softscapes) SS 2.3 Limit Conventional Turf SS 2.4 Drought-Tolerant Plants Rain garden plants exempted SS 2.5 Performance Path Difficult with our high % of mulched area Appropriate Landscaping Accountability Form • NAHB: 503.5.2 Native or regionally appropriate plants • 503.5.3 Limit turf
Appropriate Landscaping • http://www.azwater.gov/AzDWR/WaterManagement/AMAs/LowWaterUsePlantList.htm#Tucson
Regional 1.15 install light colored, high albedo materials Minimum reflectance of .3 50% of the hardscape 100% = additional points 1.16 Provide low water use vegetative shading for 25% of paved areas Calculate at 10:45 or 2:00 on June 21 LEED SS 3 Plant trees to shade 50% of sidewalks, patios, and drives within 50 feet of home; calc shade at noon on June 21 or Install light colored, high-albedo materials or vegetation for at least 50% of sidewalks, etc White Concrete Open pavers, count only vegetation Any material with SRI >= 29 Heat Island Effect Grey Concrete • NAHB: 505.2: Heat Island Mitigation • Shading of Hardscape from vegetation (no metric) • Light colored hardscaping SRI >= 29 (at least 50%)
Heat Island Effect • Reflectance SRI Solar Reflectance x Emittance = SRI • Grey Concrete… • New SRI = 38 to 52 • Aged SRI= 19 to 32 http://www.concretethinker.com/technicalbrief/Cool-Communities.aspx • Calculating the shade from trees for Regional: • The following calculation is based on using Velvet Mesquite or Desert Willow. • Per http://ag.arizona.edu/pima/gardening/aridplants/aridplant_index.html - index • these trees have a 30 foot height with equal spread. • Assume 2/3 of the height and spread after five years of growth = 20 diameter spread
Calculate the Shade • Calculate shading at 2:00 pm on June 21: • Starting from the base of the tree, draw an angle 75 degrees north of east. • Locate the center of a circle 8.5’ along this line. (This locates the approximate center of the shadow of the tree) • Draw a circle with a 10 foot radius. (This approximates the shadow cast by the 20 foot diameter tree canopy. • Check to see how much area is shaded.
Calculate the Shade • Calculate shading at 2:00 pm on June 21: • Starting from the base of the tree, draw an angle 75 degrees north of east. • Locate the center of a circle 8.5’ along this line. (This locates the approximate center of the shadow of the tree) • Draw a circle with a 10 foot radius. (This approximates the shadow cast by the 20 foot diameter tree canopy. • Check to see how much area is shaded.
Calculate the Shade • Calculate shading at 2:00 pm on June 21: • Starting from the base of the tree, draw an angle 75 degrees north of east. • Locate the center of a circle 8.5’ along this line. (This locates the approximate center of the shadow of the tree) • Draw a circle with a 10 foot radius. (This approximates the shadow cast by the 20 foot diameter tree canopy. • Check to see how much area is shaded.
Regional 1.17 Implement pest management plan that eliminates chemical pesticides including termite pretreat LEED SS 5 Non toxic pest control All wood 12” above soil Seal all external cracks, joints, penetrations edges, with caulk No wood-to-concrete connections Landscaping 24” from foundation Treat all wood with Borate 3” up from foundation Sand or diatomaceous earth barrier Steel mesh barrier Nontoxic termite bait system Non wood wall system Solid concrete foundation Pest Management http://www.toolbase.org/Technology-Inventory/Sitework/termite-control NAHB: 503.5.8 Integrated pest management plan (no metric or definition)
Regional 1.19 Stormwater diversion/recharge plan using gabions, rain gardens, contours 50% of landscape area Mandatory Impervious drives & walks < 10% if lot is < 5 acres, or < 1% if site is > 5 acres Concrete washout into storage containers 4.18 Permeable Lot 50% 4.19 Permeable Lot 100% LEED SS 4.3 Surface Water Management Permeable Lot = 70% Vegetative landscape Permeable paving Impermeable surfaces directing runoff to sales, rain garden or cistern Permanent Erosion Controls Steep slope terracing or retaining walls Plant 1 tree, 4 5-gallon shrubs or ground cover per 500 sf Stormwater Management • NAHB: 503.4.2 Stormwater plan to minimize concentration/simulate natural flow • 503.4.3 Hardscape is permeable <25%, <75%, <75%* • 503.4.4 Vegetated Roof >75%
Regional 4.20 Vegetative roof 4.2 Gutters, Downspouts and bio-swales (passive – no cistern) Sends water to 1.19 features LEED SS 4.3 Surface Water Management Management of Runoff from Roof Permanent storm water controls Vegetative roof Site designed by professional to manage all roof run off on-site Stormwater Management • NAHB: 503.4.2 Stormwater plan to minimize concentration/simulate natural flow • 503.4.3 Hardscape is permeable <25%, <75%, <75%* • 503.4.4 Vegetated Roof >75%
Stormwater Management Brad Lancaster Watershed Management Group
Regional 4.22 Irrigation system designed by EPA Watersense certified professional 4.23 High efficiency irrigation Smart controller Check valves in heads. Matched to needs Separate zones Timer controller set for night irrigation All Drip LEED WE 2.1 High Efficiency Irrigation EPA Watersense professional Head to head coverage Central shut off Submeter Drip for 50% Separate zones Timer controller set for best time Pressure regulating devices High efficiency nozzles and heads Check valves in heads Moisture sensor or rain delay controller WE 2.2 Third Party Inspection Irrigation NAHB: 801.7.2 Designed by professional in accordance with Watersense, installed per Watersense or equivalent 801.7.1 Low volume irrigation system 801.7.3 Zone irrigation; 801..4 Smart Controller;
Irrigation • http://www.epa.gov/watersense/services/landscape_irrigation.html