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Residential Green Building Rating Systems. Session 1 Part B. Regional Neutral Zone: 2,300 to 2,800 gsf conditioned Adjusts the achieved point total Add 1 point for every 200 gsf < 2,300 Deduct 1 point for every 200 gsf > 2,800 Spreadsheet automatically calculates the HSA. LEED
Residential Green Building Rating Systems Session 1 Part B
Regional Neutral Zone: 2,300 to 2,800 gsf conditioned Adjusts the achieved point total Add 1 point for every 200 gsf < 2,300 Deduct 1 point for every 200 gsf > 2,800 Spreadsheet automatically calculates the HSA LEED Neutral Zone: gsf conditioned space +… 2 Bedroom = 1,400 3 Bedroom = 1,900 4 Bedroom = 2,600 Adjusts the award threshold with a logarithmic formula… 3 bedroom 2,800 gsf +10 4 Bedroom 2,800 gsf +2 Let the spreadsheet do it! How the HSA works • NAHB: Neutral Zone: 2,501 to 3,999 • Add 6 points to point total for < 2,500; Add 9 points for • < 2,000, etc • - > 3,999 Adjust threshold up by one point
LEED: Integrated Design • How to accomplish a certified green home for less • LEED ID 1.2 Integrated project team, in addition to Builder include at least three members with the following skill sets • Architect/Designer • Mechanical or energy engineering • Building science • Green building or Sustainable design • Civil/landscape • At least monthly working meetings • Design the House as in integrated system • Advanced framing: • Materials cost savings of about $500 or $1000 • 30% better insulation • Or, high thermal mass wall with exterior insulation: No termite problems, local material • Better windows • AC approx $450 per ½ ton • LEED ID 1.4 Design Charrette 1-8 hour or 2-4 hour sessions
LEED: Durability Management • Durability Planning • Risk Evaluation • Develop Measures to respond to risks, and… • The Mandatory Measures = • Nonpaper-faced backer board • Water resistant flooring at kitchen, bath, laundry and entry • Water heater drain pan • Clothes washer drain pan or single throw valve • Durability Management • Install the measures • Third Party Verification (3 points)
Regional * LEED * The Credits Accountability Form • NAHB: * • * • *
Regional NPPO is Required, if... It is required LEED SS 2.1 No Invasive plants NPPO Accountability Form NAHB: 503.1.1 Natural Resource Inventory
Invasive Plants • Ordinance • Olive Trees • Mulberry • Bermuda Grass • Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan: • Salt Cedar or Tamarisk • Giant Reed • Bermuda Grass • Fountain Grass http://www.governor.state.az.us/AIS/Documents/AISMP2008.pdf http://www.pima.gov/CMO/SDCP/reports%5Cd26%5C136INVSP.PDF
Regional 1.1 a Outside CLS 1.1.b Downtown Infill Incentive District 1.2.a Exceed open space requirement by 50% 1.2.b Develop at density of 75% of max 1.2.c Develop at density of 100% of max LEED LL 2 Site Selection Not in 100 year floodplain Not endangered species habitat Not within 100 feet of wetlands Not public park land Not prime soils, unique soils, or soils of state significance (farmland) Site Selection NAHB: 501.1.2 Lot Selection: Select a greyfield (previously developed) or EPA brownfield
Prime Farmland • Web Site: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/ ohmygod!
Regional 1.3 75% of site was previously developed Not including farms, parks or athletic fields Older than 5 years LEED LL 3.3 75% of site was previously developed Preexisting paving, construction or altered landscapes Agricultural use, forestry use or preserved natural area do not count Older than 5 years Previously Developed NAHB: 501.1.2 Lot Selection: Select a greyfield (previously developed) or EPA brownfield
Previously Developed • Pima County DOT MapGuide is your friend!
Regional 1.4 Infill Site 50% of the site borders previous development LEED LL 3.1 Edge Development 25% of the site borders previous development LL 3.2 Infill 75% of the site borders previous development Infill/Edge NAHB: 501.1.1 Infill Lot –sites that are vacant or underutilized land, served by at least two existing physical installations: roads, electrical power, sewer, or water.
Infill/Edge • Who’s your friend?
Regional 1.5 within ¼ mile radius of bus stop, shared use path or bike route 1.6.a within ¼ mile of 4 community services 1.6 b within ½ mile of 8 community services LEED LL 5 Community Resources/Transit Walking route, not radius From center of community (unless home is more than ¼ mile from center) Only 2 of each type count, 2 schools, etc Community Services • NAHB: 501.2.1 Access to Mass Transit: ½ mile radius to bus stop • 501.2.2 Sidewalks • 501.2.3 ½ mile of 6 community resources
Community Services • Google Maps
Community Services • Walkscore.com
Location and Linkages Walkscore.com
Community Services • Who’s your friend? Right Click over the map to get a measuring tool
Regional 1.7 Existing sewer and water Develop on a lot with existing municipal sewer and water service LEED LL 4 Existing Infrastructure Within ½ mile of water service and sewer service (from center of development) Existing Infrastructure NAHB: 501.1.1 Infill Lot –sites that are vacant or underutilized land, served by at least two existing physical installations: roads, electrical power, sewer, or water.
Regional 1.8 O&M Manual for common open space, retention, wildlife corridors, etc LEED Common Space O&M NAHB:
Regional 1.9 credit for LEED ND Enterprise Green Community PAD like Civano LEED LL 1 LEED for Neighborhood Development – Performance path Neighborhood Development NAHB: Chapter 4: Site Design and Development. Not part of the scoring tool for an individual project