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Volcanoes Here we will compare extrusive and intrusive volcanic features and action q distinguish magma from lava q identify intrusive and extrusive igneous features (e.g., sill, dike, batholith )
Volcanoes Here we will compare extrusive and intrusive volcanic features and action q distinguish magma from lava q identify intrusive and extrusive igneous features (e.g., sill, dike, batholith) q describe types of eruptions (e.g., cinder cone, composite, shield, basalt plateau, rift), the volcanoes or extrusive events that produce them, and their effects
Magma vs. Lava Magma = molten rock below the surface of the earth Lava=magma that has reached the earth’s surface
Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Features 1. Intrusive features = parts of volcanic activity found inside the earth Plutons= Intrusive igneous rocks of any size. Formed inside the earth.
Types of Plutons • Batholiths (Big: >100 km2) • = a body ofigneous rockformed beneath the Earth’s surface by the intrusion and solidification ofmagma.
Stocks (Smaller than batholith: <10 km2) Castle Crags stock, Klamath Mtns, Dunsmuir, CA
Dikes=a sheet of rock that formed in a crack in a pre-existing rock body that cuts across layers in a planar wall rock structures. Adiabasedike crosscutting horizontallimestonebeds in Arizona. Magmatic dikes radiating fromWest Spanish Peak, Colorado, USA
However, when the crack is between the layers in a layered rock, it is called asill, not a dike. • Sill =a sheet of rock that formed in between layers in a pre-existing rock body.
Main types of magma • Mafic (basaltic) Magmas: • hot (900-1200oC) • very low viscosity (very fluid)- fast flowing • No presence of SiO2(ie., notquartz) • Contain mafic minerals (olivine, pyroxene) Low SiO2 magmas, with little gas and low viscosity, flows readily through their vents and across the land surface when the lava escapes the vents.
ii) Silicic/Felsic Magmas • cool (~650-900oC) • highly viscous- slow flowing • ~65-77% SiO2 • containfelsic minerals (quartz, feldspar) High SiO2 magmas, gaseous and with high viscosity, tend to plug their vents until the force of escaping magma blows the vent clear; such magmas cause explosive volcanoes. Viscosity= Resistance to flow • Viscosity depends on temperature and composition (if SiO2 is present, lava flows slower)
Lava tube: A tube formed by cooling and solidifying of the lava walls while fluid lava continued to flow inside. Lava Deposits
Pillows: A form of closed lava tube (with a bulbous end) that forms when lava flows into water (e.g., a lake or ocean) and cools very rapidly.
b) Pyroclastic material = Debris formed by a volcanic explosion. Results when magma is very viscous. Tephra= The general term for all pyroclastic material that is ejected from a volcano. Different terms apply according to the size of the tephra. (syn. ejecta) Types of Material • Ash: tephra that is finer than 2 mm in diameter. • Lapilli: from 2 mm to 64 mm in diameter.
Bomb: formed when avolcanoejectsviscousfragments oflavaduring an eruption. They cool into solid fragments before they reach the ground. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanic_bomb
Lahar: A water saturated slurry of ash and other volcanic debris that flows down slope. Mt. St. Helen lahars
Shield volcano Three types of volcano: Flood Basalt Composite volcano Shield volcano Dominated by fluid, high temperature, low viscosity basaltic magma. The lava flows easily down the gentle slopes….reaching the ocean during some eruptions. Low, dome-shaped profile, like an inverted shield.
Many shield volcanoes have a central caldera: USGS Calderas form after an eruption when the surface collapses. Each caldera is located at the site of a former eruption.
Composite volcanoes: Volcanoes that alternate between periods of lava flows (constructive phase) and periods of explosive eruptions (destructive phase). They are made up of both lava and pyroclastic deposits.
KRAKATAU: World’s largest explosion? Over a century ago, on August 26,1883, the island volcano of Krakatau ("Krakatoa") in Indonesia, a virtually unknown volcanic island with a history of violent volcanic activity, exploded with devastating fury. The eruption was one of the most catastrophic natural disasters in recorded history. The effects were experienced on a global scale. Fine ashes from the eruption were carried by upper level winds as far away as New York City. The explosion was heard more than 3000 miles away. Volcanic dust blew into the upper atmosphere affecting incoming solar radiation and the earth's weather for several years. A series of large tsunami waves generated by the main explosion, some reaching a height of nearly 40 meters (more than 120 feet) above sea level, killed more than 36,000 people in the coastal towns and villages along the Sunda Strait on Java and Sumatra islands. Tsunami waves were recorded or observed throughout the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the American West Coast, South America, and even as far away as the English Channel.
Extensive ash falls and ash flows are commonly produced during explosive phases.
Mt. St. Helens Before Mt. St. Helens After
After an eruption a large caldera remains. Crater Lake is a caldera that remains following an explosive eruption 7,700 years ago. The eruption was 42 times more powerful than Mt. St. Helens.
Mt. Fuji, Japan A stratovolcano that has erupted 16 times since 781 AD. The most recent eruption was in 1707-1708 0.8 cubic km of ash, blocks, and bombs were ejected during that eruption. (Greater than Mt. St. Helens and there were no fatalities).
EFFUSIVE ERUPTIONS • Generally at hots spots, spreading centers • Mantle comes directly to surface • Hot lava; low viscosity, very mafic, flows easily, gases escape easily • Forms shields, flood basalts
Composite Volcano Columbia River basalt flow
EXPLOSIVE ERUPTIONS • Found at subduction zones • Magma • low temp (800 degrees C), • high viscosity, does not flow easily, • more felsic mineralogy, • gases trapped, • hard to predict explosions • Forms composite volcanoes, cinder cones, calderas, aerial bombs, nueeardente gas flows, • very destructive