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Explore the BEST.RESULT project enhancing small-scale renewable energy applications in building and energy sectors through communication, training, and cooperation.
BEST RESULT - EIE/05/201/SI2.420210Building and Energy Systems and Technologies in Renewable Energy Sources Update and Linked Training January 2006 – December 2008 15 partners 7 countries Website: http://www.bestresult-iee.com
OBJECTIVES • To develop a working strategy in order to extend the market of small scale RES applications in the building and energy sector through common and local activities addressing RES suppliers and consumers. • To open new market opportunities and raise suppliers’ awareness and knowledge of RES applications by providing information and suggestions on how to improve their positioning inside the market. • Information and communication activities, targeting the general public or specific groups of consumers, will simultaneously support the demand side. • To develop strategies in order to give better internal and external communication tools among all supply and demand actors of the building RES market. • To obtain a good coordination and cooperation, at European as well as at national and local level, that will permit to carry out interesting activities, bringing a common result in this European project fulfilment
TARGET GROUPS • SMEs associations involved in the house supply chain • Single enterprises of the building system • Professional associations of planners • private consultants in the energy field • energy suppliers, energy consumers (municipal, regional and national public sector) • providers of products and services on renewable • providers of materials and equipments for energy efficiency and maintenance companies • secondary school teachers of subjects related to RES, house owners (even farmers) • general public or consumers
EXPECTED RESULTS • The direct outcomes are: • To develop a basic and specialized training. • To organise workshops, meetings and info-desks addressing RES suppliers. • To communicate and to inform about events (info-points, meetings, conferences, training events, exhibits, etc.) • To define strategies in order to raise awareness of RES opportunities among users. • To publish the Code of Practice and the Guidelines on small-scale RES applications in buildings. • To exchange visits in order to share know-how and practical experiences among partners. • To create a web site and a common E-learning platform Centro Regionale di Assistenza per la Cooperazione Artigiana, Società Cooperativa - IT - Coordinator Unione Provinciale Artigiani – IT Università degli Studi di Padova – Dipartimento di Processi Chimici dell’Ingegneria - IT GFE Energy Management SRL - IT Chambers' Group for the Development of Greek Isles - GR SC CHIMINFORM DATA SA - RO MID WALES ENERGY AGENCY Ltd - UK Narodowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A. - PO Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setubal - PL Universdad de Valladolid Spain-ES - PL ESCAN, S.A. - ES Centre for Renewable Energy Sources - GR Fundación CENER-CIEMAT (Renewable Energy National Centre) - ES CARTIF Fundacion - ES FUNDACION ASTURIANA DE LA ENERGIA - ES