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McAuliffe International School Athletics. McAuliffe Athletics. Essential Question: Have I successfully completed the registration process for the sport I want to play?
McAuliffe Athletics • Essential Question: Have I successfully completed the registration process for the sport I want to play? • Objective: To complete registration process by Friday, August 23rd to be ready to start practice on Monday, August 26th. • Do Now: Listen, take notes, and ask questions to clarify understanding. • Agenda: DPS Prep League Philosophy. Eligibility What sport do I want to play? How do I register? Athletic Physical and Emergency Card Form. • Materials: Athletic Physical and Emergency Card Form (Parent permission slip) • Assignment: Take form home to be completed by you and your family, returning form to main office by Friday, August 23rd.
McAuliffe Athletics DPS Prep League Philosophy: ..\Forms and Handouts\DPS Prep League Philosophy.pdf “It is the expectation that participants in the DPS Prep League will enjoy positive learning experiences, with an emphasis on providing knowledge and skills necessary for them to develop into successful student-athletes.”
McAuliffe Athletics Eligibility McAuliffe’s 5 P’s PRODUCE: as required the student made a continued effort to do/complete the necessary work and make adequate progress on classroom assignments to advance learning. PARTICIPATE: Student makes a sustained effort to be engaged in the class activities, group work. PROMPT & PREPARED: Student arrives and is sitting in assigned seat. Student has all required materials for class out (pencil, assignments or work required for class) all unnecessary items are put away (cell phones, make up etc.) POLITE (ATTITUDE): Student uses language appropriate for interaction with others in a school setting. When speaking with others it is with respect. Follows teacher’s directives respectfully.
McAuliffe Sports Teams What Sport do I want to play? Early Fall Season • Boys Soccer • Boys Golf (Club) • Girls Softball • Boys & Girls Cross Country • Futsal (Club) Late Fall Season • Flag Football • Girls Volleyball • Field Hockey (Club)
McAuliffe Sports Teams Winter Season • 7th/8th grade Boys Basketball • 7th/8th grade Girls Basketball Spring Season • Girls Golf (Club) • Girls Soccer • 6thgrade Girls Basketball • 6th grade Boys Basketball • Boys Baseball • Futsal (Club) • Rugby (Club) • Lacrosse (TBD)
Sports Registration Students will print their name on the Team signup sheet that is available the week before each season in the cafeteria during Morning Meeting and Lunch. Athletic Physical and Emergency Card Form: ..\Forms and Handouts\Athletic Physical and Emergency Card Form.pdf
Sports Registration Sports Physical Options: • Family Primary Care Physician • Lisa Davidson - www.insightprimary.com- $20 • DPS – August 27th @ Skinner M. S., 5-8pm - $20 Participation Fee: DPS Prep League sports - $25 Fee McAuliffe Club sports – Rugby, Field Hockey-free, Golf-$50, Futsal-$90, Lacrosse - TBD
McAuliffe Athletics Team Size: Interscholastic sports will run 5 days a week from 4:00-5:30. We will be holding tryouts for the interscholastic sports during the first 3 days of practice and students would then have the opportunity to join the club sports if necessary. Club sports will run at varying times and days depending on the program.
Sports Season Tryouts The program believes it is important to use a broad approach that focuses on the key factors that can predict success. Prospective student-athletes will be evaluated on their positive attitude, overall athletic ability, and sports specific skills. Coaches will apply the following criteria: • Attitude: Players who are positive, competitive, and eager to learn. We will be looking for players who demonstrate strong leadership skills and are a positive teammate. • Athletic ability: Players with the ability to learn and perform complex skills. • Sports Specific Skills: Example….. Basketball players that show skills in passing, shooting, rebounding, dribbling, and defense.
Early Fall Sports SeasonBegins August 26th • Practice: Girls Softball – 5 days a week, 4:00 – 5:30pm (pickup will be at Smiley) Boys Soccer – 5 days a week, 4:00 – 5:30pm Boys Golf – Wednesdays and Thursdays, 3:15 – 6:00pm (pickup will be at Common Grounds Golf Course) Boys & Girls Cross Country – 5 days a week, 4:00 – 5:00pm Futsal – Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 4:00 – 5:15pm • Attendance: 4 of 5 days a week is required to tryout.
Sports Information and Communication Edmodo: https://dpsk12.edmodo.com/home#/group?id=1140007 McAuliffe Athletics Link: http://mcauliffe.dpsk12.org/students/athletics/ DPS Middle School Sports Schedule: http://athletics.dpsk12.org/ms_sports/msofficials.shtml