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ATLAS Detector Status and Plans: APS Meeting Highlights 2007

This presentation covers the status and future plans of the ATLAS Detector, including the LHC complex details, beam crossing rates, event challenges, production rates, physics goals, LHC schedule, collaboration information, detector systems, and magnet system specifics discussed at the APS meeting in April 2007.

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ATLAS Detector Status and Plans: APS Meeting Highlights 2007

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  1. ATLAS Detector – status and plans David Lissauer Brookhaven National Lab. ATLAS Technical Coordination APS meeting April 14th , 2007 APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  2. LHC Complex • s = 14 TeV • (7 times higher than Tevatron/FNAL) • Ldesign = 1034 cm-2 s-1 • (>102 higher than Tevatron/FNAL) ATLAS and CMS : pp, general purpose Physics Runs expected to start in 2008 ALICE : heavy ions LHCb : pp, B-physics APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  3. 25 ns Event rate in ATLAS : N = L x (pp)  109 interactions/s 25 n-sec Beam Crossing  40 MHz ~ 25 Pile up events / Crossing Interesting events are rare (high-pT )  The Experimental Challenge APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  4. Inelastic proton-proton • reactions: 109 / s • bb pairs 5 106 / s • tt pairs 8 / s • W  e n 150 / s • Z  e e 15 / s • Higgs (150 GeV) 0.2 / s • Gluino, Squarks (1 TeV) 0.03 / s Cross Sections and Production Rates Rates for L = 1034 cm-2 s-1: (LHC) LHC is a factory for: top-quarks, b-quarks, W, Z The Challenge: Select the right events Measure event properties APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  5. ATLAS Physics Goals Search for: Standard Model Higgs boson over ~ 115 < mH < 1000 GeV Physics beyond the SM up to the TeV-range Supersymmetry, q/ compositeness, leptoquarks, W’/Z’, Extra-dimensions …. Precise measurements : W mass top mass, couplings and decay properties Higgs mass, spin, couplings (if Higgs found) B-physics: CP violation, rare decays, B0 oscillations QCD jet cross-section and as …. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  6. LHC schedule Official schedule: Beam Pipe closed September ’07 Beam Injection October ’07 1st collisions December ’07 (450x450) 1st collisions (Physics) ~June ’08 (14 TEV) CERN DG is committed to the schedule. Magnets commissioning is a challenge. Effect of Triplet catastrophic failure test still unknown. An official update to the schedule is expected in May/June. (450 GeV run will probably be delayed or merged with start up – NOT official) June ’08: 7 x 7 TeV Start up (43 Bunches ) ~August ’08: 7 x 7 TeV (75 n-sec) ~October ’08: 7 x 7 TeV (25 n-sec) APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  7. ~June ’08 1030 Fall ’08 1032 End of ’08/’09 1033 Gradual Luminosity ramp up APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  8. The ATLAS Collaboration International ATLAS 35 Countries 164 Institutions 1800 Scientific Authors US ATLAS: 40 Institutions > 400 Scientific Authors Albany, Alberta, NIKHEF Amsterdam, Ankara, LAPP Annecy, Argonne NL, Arizona, UT Arlington, Athens, NTU Athens, Baku, IFAE Barcelona, Belgrade, Bergen, Berkeley LBL and UC, HU Berlin, Bern, Birmingham, Bologna, Bonn, Boston, Brandeis, Bratislava/SAS Kosice, Brookhaven NL, Buenos Aires, Bucharest, Cambridge, Carleton, Casablanca/Rabat, CERN, Chinese Cluster, Chicago, Clermont-Ferrand, Columbia, NBI Copenhagen, Cosenza, AGH UST Cracow, IFJ PAN Cracow, DESY, Dortmund, TU Dresden, JINR Dubna, Duke, Frascati, Freiburg, Geneva, Genoa, Giessen, Glasgow, LPSC Grenoble, Technion Haifa, Hampton, Harvard, Heidelberg, Hiroshima, Hiroshima IT, Indiana, Innsbruck, Iowa SU, Irvine UC, Istanbul Bogazici, KEK, Kobe, Kyoto, Kyoto UE, Lancaster, UN La Plata, Lecce, Lisbon LIP, Liverpool, Ljubljana, QMW London, RHBNC London, UC London, Lund, UA Madrid, Mainz, Manchester, Mannheim, CPPM Marseille, Massachusetts, MIT, Melbourne, Michigan, Michigan SU, Milano, Minsk NAS, Minsk NCPHEP, Montreal, McGill Montreal, FIAN Moscow, ITEP Moscow, MEPhI Moscow, MSU Moscow, Munich LMU, MPI Munich, Nagasaki IAS, Nagoya, Naples, New Mexico, New York, Nijmegen, BINP Novosibirsk, Ohio SU, Okayama, Oklahoma, Oklahoma SU, Oregon, LAL Orsay, Osaka, Oslo, Oxford, Paris VI and VII, Pavia, Pennsylvania, Pisa, Pittsburgh, CAS Prague, CU Prague, TU Prague, IHEP Protvino, Regina, Ritsumeikan, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, Rome I, Rome II, Rome III, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, DAPNIA Saclay, Santa Cruz UC, Sheffield, Shinshu, Siegen, Simon Fraser Burnaby, SLAC, Southern Methodist Dallas, NPI Petersburg, Stockholm, KTH Stockholm, Stony Brook, Sydney, AS Taipei, Tbilisi, Tel Aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo ICEPP, Tokyo MU, Toronto, TRIUMF, Tsukuba, Tufts, Udine, Uppsala, Urbana UI, Valencia, UBC Vancouver, Victoria, Washington, Weizmann Rehovot, FH Wiener Neustadt, Wisconsin, Wuppertal, Yale, Yerevan APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  9. The ATLAS Detector Muon System Toroid System ~26 m Tracking System Calorimeter System ~25 m ~50m Overall Weight 7000 Tons - “light” “Ship in a bottle” ~100 m Underground. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  10. Magnet System • Central Solenoid • Solenoid Field in Inner Tracking Volume • Air Core Toroid System • Barrel Toroid • EC Toroids • Toroid Field for Muon system. End-Cap Toroid: 8 coils in a common cryostat Barrel Toroid: 8 separate coils APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  11. Central Solenoid - Installation 2T field with a stored energy of 38 MJ Solenoid Integrated with the barrel LAr Vacuum vessel. Integrated with the vacuum vessel February 2004. Tested at full current (8 kA) July 2004 (On Surface) Installed in the Pit end of ’05. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  12. Central Solenoid Commissioning Field mapping machine in the Cryostat bore July – August 2006: Fully commissioned in-situ up to 8.0 kA The operation current is 7.73 kA for a field of 2.0 T 1st August 2006: the solenoid is fully operational • 250,000 points measured • Agreement with calculation better than 10 Gauss APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  13. Barrel Toroid 25 m Last coil Installed. Jacks released Sept. 29 2005 5 m Mechanical Assembly completed end of ’05. Assembly completed well within tolerance !!! APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  14. Barrel Toroid Construction Due to its size the Barrel Toroid had to come down in parts. Each Coil (25x5x1 m) had to be manipulated in to place. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  15. Cool down & Tests in Situ July/Sept ’06 ~2.5 month Commissioning of Barrel Toroid Complicated field due to: coils aspect ratio Fe in the Tile Calorimeter and HS structure around the magnet. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  16. Magnetic Field Mapping Perturbation to the filed due to the Fe in the HS structure. Color scalemax = 300 G Color scalemax = 300 G Barrel Field measured Diff. of up to 50 Gauss in outer chambers due to Fe distribution uncertainty APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  17. EC Toroid Moving to Cool down station EC Toroid moved to Cooling Station. Cooled down to LN2 temperature on Surface. Ready for Installation in a few weeks. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  18. 2nd End Cap Toroid integration • Turret assembly in preparation Cover Cryostat Cold Mass Cold Mass Insertion in the Cryostat. Cool down to start in May. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  19. Magnets Summary • Central Solenoid - Commissioned • Barrel Toroid - Commissioned • ECT-A:Cool Down to LN2 completed on Surface • Ready for installation End of April ‘07 • Installation June ‘07 • ECT-C:Integration in B191 well advanced • Cool down May/June ’07 • Installation July ‘07 Full Toroid (Barrel +EC) test expected end of ‘07 APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  20. Muon System • Barrel Muon System (3 Layers) • Forward Muon System • Small wheel Assembly • Big Wheels Assembly • EO Chambers IhI < 2.7 Air-Core Toroid system High resolution: Monitored Drift tube CSC (Very Forward) Trigger Chambers: RPC and TGC APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  21. The Barrel Muon System Trigger chambers (RPC) rate capability required ~ 1 kHz/cm2 Barrel: precision and trigger chambers in 3 layers (588 stations):I (inner) - M (middle) - O(outer) O I MDT - Monitored Drift Tubes (layers: I,O,M) RPC - Resistive Plate Chambers (trigger) (layers M+M,O) M APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  22. Barrel Chamber Installation • 99% of Chambers installed. • Chamber cables & Gas connections in progress • Commissioning ongoing. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  23. Big Wheel –TGC1 assembly Building 40/TGC-1 APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  24. Installation of MDT Wheel TGC1 – “Park Position” APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  25. Commissioning Using Cosmic Rays. Cosmic data taken with RPC,MDT,LV1 +Tile Muons recorded in sector 13 APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  26. Muon System Summary • Barrel Muon: • Installation Completed > 99% Chambers installed. • Services installation (cables/gas) well under way. • Chamber commissioning underway. • Data taking with Cosmic Ray started in selected regions. • EC Muons: • BW Side C: TGC/MDT Wheels completed - TGC2 on going • BW Side A: TGC1 on going • JD/SW (Side A&C): Surface Assembly. Installation of the Muon System will be completed before the end of the year. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  27. Calorimeter System • Barrel Calorimeter: • LAr Barrel EM • Tile Barrel Hadronic • EC Calorimeters: • LAr EC Calorimeter • EM Calorimeter • Hadronic Calorimeter • Forward Calorimeter • Extended Barrel (Tile) Calorimeter LAr EM endcap (EMEC) Tile barrel Tile extended barrel LAr hadronic endcap (HEC) Hermetic calorimeter Total Coverage: IhI < 5 LAr EM barrel LArforward cal. (FCAL) APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  28. The Calorimeters Fine Granularity & Longitudinal Segmentation Barrel EM accordion, 0.025  x 0.025  Barrel HAD tiles, 0.10  x 0.10  • trigger and measure the ,e and hadron energies by total absorption in sampling mode. • operate in a integrated dose of g and n, ranging up to few Mrad. • maintain the energy scale precision at the 1% level. • allow particle identification (, e, jets, ,..) --> longitudinal and transverse segmentation, preshower in the first X0s. a= 10% , b = 0.5%, c ~ 0.2 GeV APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  29. Lowering Barrel EM Calorimeter APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  30. Barrel Calorimeter Installation November 4th 2005: Barrel Calorimeter in run position APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  31. LAr Cool-down The barrel calorimeter has been cooled down and filled with 45Kl of liquid argon. liquid N2 cooling gaseous N2 cooling condensing Ar Stable temperature Tmin = 88,2 K Tmax = 88,6 K Isolation Vacuum < 5x10-7 Purity O2 < 2 ppm (lower limit of the measurement) The calorimeter will now be kept cold for the duration of the experiment. (~ 20 Years) APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  32. EC-A in Open Position EC – A :cold and full of LAr. EC – C : Cooling down HV tests & front end electronics commissioning on going. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  33. Commissioning - Noise Studies • Coherent noise observed was generated by Tile calorimeter. • Solution: add filters for the feedthrough heater connectors Tiles LVPS OFF Tiles LVPS ON 17 MHz peak LAr Barrel Commissioning APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  34. Comic Ray Event: Trigger on Tile Cal. Combine run for Tile + LAr. LAr Barrel Commissioning APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  35. Calorimeter System Summary • Barrel Calorimeter: • Installation completed • Services installation completed • LAr Cool down completed – calorimeter kept cold • Commissioning Tile & LAr using cosmic ray & Calibration Ongoing • EC Calorimeters: • Mechanical Installation completed • Services installation on going • LAr- Side A Cold, Side C cooling down • Commissioning Started • Cosmic Ray – starting now. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  36. Tracking System • Barrel ID (SCT/TRT): • Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) (e/p Sep) ( 4 105 channels) • Silicon Strip Detector (SCT) ( 6x106 channels) • Pixel Detector ( 108 channels) • EC ID (Side C and Side A): • Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) • Silicon Strip Detector (SCT) • Pixel Detector • Beryllium beampipe: IhI < 2.5 B=2 Tesla APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  37. Barrel SCT/TRT integration on surface TRT SCT Insertion - February 17, 2006 Combined tests on surface in: April - June 2006 APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  38. Barrel SCT/TRT installation Installation 23-24th Aug. 2006. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  39. Barrel SCT/TRT Connected Feb 19th ‘07 APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  40. Barrel TRT Threshold scan • Threshold distribution over the channels at which noise counting rate reaches level 300 kHz. Each picture shows 50,000 channels Pit SR1 Performance in the Pit as good as in the Lab APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  41. Pixels assembly on the surface. Pixel Layer 2 – half shell Pixel ECs at CERN Pixel Package is close to being ready for installation. Pixel Layer 2, once clamped, inside APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  42. ID System Summary • Services installation nearly complete. • Barrel SCT/TRT installation completed. • EC SCT/TRT ready for installation on the surface (May/June). • Pixel + Beryllium beam pipe installation in June. • Barrel commissioning ongoing. • Commissioning of full system July-October ’07. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  43. 40 MHz ~75 kHz ~2 kHz 200 Hz TRIGGER : THREE LEVELS Rates • LEVEL-1 TRIGGER • Coarse granularity from calorimeter & muon systems • 2 ms latency (2.5 ms pipelines) High-Level Trigger • LEVEL-2 TRIGGER • Regions-of-Interest “seeds” • Full granularity for all subdetector systems • O(10 ms) target CPU time • EVENT FILTER • “Seeded” by Level 2 result • Full event access • Offline-like Algorithms • O(1 s) target CPU time FIRST PART OF ATLAS RECONSTRUCTION AND PHYSICS EVENT SELECTION APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  44. Counting Room Electronics Phase 1 commissioning has really started Readout Electronics installation on going. DCS (Slow control) operational (Part of the system). APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  45. SDX1 dual-CPU nodes ~30 ~1600 ~100 ~ 500 Local Storage SubFarm Outputs (SFOs) Event Filter (EF) Event Builder SubFarm Inputs (SFIs) LVL2 farm Event rate ~ 200 Hz Data storage pROS DataFlow Manager Network switches stores LVL2 output Network switches LVL2 Super- visor Event data pulled: partial events @ ≤ 100 kHz, full events @ ~ 3 kHz ATLAS – Counting & Control rooms Second- level trigger CERN computer center SDX1 pROS stores LVL2 output Control Room USA15 Event data requests Delete commands Gigabit Ethernet Requested event data UX15 Regions Of Interest USA15 Data of events accepted by first-level trigger 1600 Read- Out Links ~150 PCs VME Dedicated links Read- Out Drivers (RODs) ATLAS detector Read-Out Subsystems (ROSs) RoI Builder First- level trigger UX15 Skeleton system is all counting and control rooms are operational. Timing Trigger Control (TTC) Event data pushed @ ≤ 100 kHz, 1600 fragments of ~ 1 kByte each APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  46. TDAQ networks - Installation & commissioning • Incremental installation started in 2006. • Full system will be completed in 2009 (deferred). Strategy: • Lay down the complete cabling infrastructure • Incrementally add devices (switches) when needed • In the early stage, redundancy is not considered a priority • Full redundancy is introduced in 2008 • First usage in a “production” environment of monitoring tools APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  47. DAQ/HLT – Installation • Full ROS system • Associated networking (data and control switches) • Associated infrastructure (file and boot servers, online and monitoring machines,…) APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  48. DAQ/HLT Commissioning • Integrated tests to verify sub-system’s • Functionality • Stability • Performance • Technical Runs • Integrated tests in the control room environment • “shift-like” operations APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  49. Commissioning Conclusions • Counting rooms infrastructure near completion. • Installation and commissioning of readout electronics – in progress. • System commissioning using the final chain – ongoing. • Multi-system commissioning started. Technical runs using the main control room round the clock for Cosmic ray data, calibration data has started. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

  50. Summary • The detector installation is now well advanced and progressing well. • Infrastructure: Essentially complete and commissioned. • Magnets System: BT and Solenoid – commissioned , ECT installation, full test by end of ‘07. • Calorimeters: Being commissioned (Barrel) EC to follow soon. • Tracking: SCT/TRT Barrel being commissioned. EC and Pixel May/June ’07 • Muons: Barrel Muon being commissioned. BW assembly in progress. SW integration on surface – Installation toward end of ’07. • Trigger/DAQ: Trigger and DAQ commissioning started. Control room operational – combined “Data Taking” mode to start. (Cosmic Rays) • Software / Physics (not covered here)Preparation for Data analysis is in full swing with computing data challenges, Physics working groups etc What was presented is a result of >20 years of R&D, Design and Construction of the ATLAS detector. The installation and commissioning is the “end of the beginning” once the installation is complete the challenge will shift to operation and getting the Physics out. The coming year is critical to make sure that the detector will be ready for Data. A large effort is ongoing at CERN to accomplish this challenge. APS meeting April 14h, 2007.

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