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Effects of logging on soil organic carbon in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada

This study by Stephanie Grand and Les M. Lavkulich from University of British Columbia aims to document the effects of logging on soil organic matter, mineral fractions, and nutrient pools in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. Measurements include soil organic matter, total C and N, exchangeable cations, and reactive mineral fraction to analyze the impact. The study compares control, cleared, and regenerating plots to understand the dynamics of soil C stock and the podzolization process. The results suggest logging increases mineral soil C temporarily, indicating a need for further research on C stabilization potential.

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Effects of logging on soil organic carbon in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada

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  1. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Effects of logging on soil organic carbon in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada Stephanie Grand and Les M. Lavkulich Soil Water Air Laboratory University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada sgrand@interchange.ubc.ca

  2. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Objective • Document the effects of logging on: • Organic matter • Reactive mineral fractions • Available and labile nutrient pools

  3. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Measurements • Soil organic matter • Total C and N • Exchangeable cations • Reactive mineral fraction

  4. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment The field sites

  5. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Roberts Creek study forest • Control plots = mature (140 years) forest • Cleared plots = clear-cut 1 to 5 years prior to sampling • Regenerating plots= clear-cut 8 to 15 years prior to sampling

  6. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment

  7. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Soil type AlbicGleyicPodzol(Humo-ferric Podzol / AquenticHaplorthod)

  8. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment C stock: control site

  9. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Cleared plots

  10. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Regenerating plots

  11. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Indicators of bulk OM composition

  12. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Principle component analysis

  13. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Short-range order mineral phases

  14. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Short-range order phases

  15. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Future work • Rate of precipitation and dissolution of short-range order phases • Rate of formation of organo-mineral complexes

  16. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Conclusion • Subsoil C is important60% of the soil C found below 20 cm depth Deep C pool responsible for overall C trend • Clear-cutting causes increase in mineral soil C • Short-lived increasesuggesting that new C is not stabilized or that older C is mineralized • Indication that logging impacts podzolization processReactive mineral phases dynamics C stabilization potential

  17. Faculty of Land and Food Systems Institute for Resources and the Environment Acknowledgements • PhD thesis advisory committee Dr. L. Lavkulich, Dr. H. Schreier, Dr. R. Hudson • Lab technicians Carol Dyck and Keren Fergusson • Field assistants Peter Shanahan, Marina Romeo and Bryan Forrest Special thanks to the French Society for Soil Study (AFES) for financial support

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