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Apollo/Moon Hoax?. What to Think?. The FOX program asks the viewer to accept the testimony of their “experts”. They cite about twenty issues that together suggest that there is doubt that mankind ever went to the moon.
What to Think? • The FOX program asks the viewer to accept the testimony of their “experts”. They cite about twenty issues that together suggest that there is doubt that mankind ever went to the moon. • Below are explanations based on basic science that should assist the impartial reader in deciding that the contentions of this program are false.
Voices over Rocket Engines • Lets begin with an easy one.
Think! • You should be able to explain this! • Sound requires a medium to travel through. • There is no air outside the spacecraft. No air, no sound! • P.S. They do not use the same type of rocket engine to land as they do to launch!
Flag Waving • Fox claims the flag “waved” in the airless lunar surface.
Flag Waving 2 • In a vacuum the flag would hang limply and not show itself satisfactorily! • First, a telescopic pole was used to hang the flag. • The decision was to weave wire in the flag to stiffen it. The wire was not rigid, but enough to keep the flag from sagging.
Flag Waving 3 • Many astronaut crews indicated how difficult it was to insert the flag into the lunar soil. The first crew were really concerned that the flag might easily fall over on national television (It later did during lunar lift off). • Later crews hammered in the post. • Even the slightest twist of the pole by astronauts would cause the flag to sway to and fro.
Flag Waving 4 • Watch these bits of video. • What do you think now?
No Stars! • Fox reports that an absence of stars in NASA images proves humans were never there. • Hmmm…The lunar surface is covered with glassy type rock that will reflect light quite well. Therefore the surface of the moon is quite bright. Kind of like a soccer stadium at night…
Photography 101 • Exposure – Taking pictures of stars requires at least 10 seconds of exposure to get an image. If you take pictures at sunset (low light) with exposure times of 10 seconds you will have an overexposed image. • The moon during the day is too bright to take pictures of stars!
Pictures of Stars • This picture requires long exposure time. What do you notice about the stars?
Caught in the Crosshairs • Fox claims crosshairs on lunar photographs inconsistent with expectations. • You should now be able to explain this. • Did you notice where all the crosshairs were missing? • Bright areas! This is called overexposure!
Inconsistent shadow directions • Conspiracy Theorists contend shadows are a result of multiple light sources.
Experts on Shadows? • The lunar surface is rolling and rough • If you look at the shadows of an object where the shadow is projected onto uneven or slanted ground the angles of the shadows can appear to be going various directions. • This is easy to set up in your backyard!
Repeating scenes The FOX program covers an issue of repeating terrain.They show two images that appear to repeat themselves. • The first image shows the Apollo 15 lunar module in front of Mt. Hadley. • The second image shows the same view without the lunar module.
This mountain was as high any in the Rocky mountains. (4000m or more). The Lander was located 5 or 6 km north of this feature. • With the entire lack of recognizable objects such as houses and trees estimating distances by eye is extremely difficult on the Moon. • What if the second image was taken behind the lunar module? This would explain the slight changes to the skyline of the two images. • The FOX program, regardless of how obvious it seems to be, never ventured this idea.
Dark sides should not be seen. • There is a contention in the FOX program that the sides of the spacecraft or other objects should not be visible when not lit by the sun. • ONE WORD • REFLECTION!!!!! • WE can see the Moon from 384390 km because of reflection.
“Perfect” lunar pictures • The program mentioned that ALL the lunar images were perfect. • The astronauts had the finest cameras of the time (Hasseblads) and were trained how to use them. • Furthermore, if you were in charge of public relations which photos would you release?
Astronaut Silhouette • Pictures of astronauts with Sun behind them should produce a silhouette. • Basic Photography again. • You can set most cameras to take backlit exposures. • Exposure again.
Radiation • The van Allen belts do exist. They contain charged particles from the Sun. • Extreme harm would require direct contact. Astronauts protected by their spacecraft. • Speed of spacecraft (40000 km/h ) results in very little time being spent here. • Ever had an X-ray?
Gravity and Speed • The FOX program also speeds up the images of the astronauts working on the moon. • Where is the audio? • When sped up, the FOX show exceeded the rover’s 16 km/h speed limit! • When the rover was driven, lunar dirt was flung into the air. Gravity would pull this material down to the surface in about 2.2s (1s on Earth) • Should we watch again?
Lack of Blast Crater • Lunar module’s descent engine was the first rocket engine which could be controlled. • Surface of Moon is very hard (dust on top) • Engine shut off 2m before touch down. • No need for a crater. • Imagine an helicopter landing on a beach. • Does all the sand disappear? Is there a hole? • Craters are caused by objects traveling at 3 to 5 km/s!
That’s a crater 1.6km 1.6km crater caused by a 50m chuck of iron traveling at 12 Km/s!
No Exhaust Plume • Why was there no flame when the spacecraft left the moon? • Combustion requires O2. No air, no O2, no flame. (Grade 9 science) • And… a rocket doesn’t need to “burn” fuel to move upward. (Newton’s 3rd Law). • Think Balloon!
Think Moon! • Dust created by the lunar module engine blasted out sideways. • Remember there is no air to support the dust. Therefore the dust falls quickly (like any other dropped object on the moon). • We have to always think about what it is like on the moon, NOT Earth.
Conspiracy Theory • How do you think Mr. Kaysing explains why the feather falls at the same rate? • WEIGHTED FEATHER!