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“38 Perfect Weight Off Suggestions” Would You Like To “Extend Your Warranty”?. Eat a big breakfast – 80% of overweight do not eat much for breakfast WALK 1 hour per day or other exercise NO food after 6p.m. Cleanse colon with the Cleansing Trio
“38 Perfect Weight Off Suggestions”Would You Like To “Extend Your Warranty”? Eat a big breakfast – 80% of overweight do not eat much for breakfast WALK 1 hour per day or other exercise NO food after 6p.m. Cleanse colon with the Cleansing Trio Drink ½ juice of lemon in water first thing in morning Eat the GOOD fats cod liver oil, olive oil, flax, coconut and avoid all trans fats. Read “Fats That Heal – Fats That Kill” by Udo Erasmus Take Omega Blue #3190 Read “The Anti-inflammatory Zone” by Barry Sears No artificial sweeteners: read “Excitotoxins, The Taste That Kills”. STOP BELLY FAT: take Thieves oil to balance blood sugar and allay hunger.
“Weight Off” continued • Rebounder – bounce on a rebounder every day for lymphatic work while wearing a back pack carrying 5 lbs. of flour and carry a 2 lb weight in each hand. This added 9 lbs tricks your body into thinking it has gained weight and may speed up the metabolism. • Drink peppermint in water as it helps to open the bilary ducts to the liver. • Drink Citrus Fresh, Grapefruit, Lemon or Orange in water to cleanse • Take enzymes: Essentialyzme, Detoxzyme, Lypozyme with meals • Adding # 3293 Digest & Cleanse capsule to peppermint, caraway, lemon, ginger, fennel and anise will enhance digestion. • 50% raw fresh food promotes an alkaline environment for greater weight off. Coffee, tea and soda are acid forming and acid systems do NOT lose weight.
“Weight Off” continued • No MSG, often disguised as hydrolyzed vegetable protein. • No Diet Soda of any kind, excito-toxins called the “new crack”. “ Drop the Pop” and lose 10 lbs in a month. • No Fast Food, it is loaded with chemicals, trans fats, and additives that will keep you FAT. • EAT ORGANIC FOOD AND DAIRY, as these do not contain hormones, (steroids) or antibiotics to enhance growth. • Eat organic apples and grapefruits, citrus breaks down fats/lipids. • NO HIGH FRUCTOSE SUGAR that is added to so many foods – read labels carefully • NO white stuff, flour, sugar, salt. Use whole grains and real sea salt - visit: www.thetruthaboutsplenda.com – a chlorinated artificial sweetener or visit – www.mercola.com
“Weight Off “ continued • A great tonic for great health; cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. • 1 cup each of raw honey, and apple cider vinegar, blend with 6-8 cloves of garlic. Store in refrig. for 5 days, then take 2 teas. a.m • To speed up the metabolism, take Young Living’s Thyromin caps and rub neck with EndoFlex oil blend. Use basal thermometer to test thyroid health: under armpit before lifting your head from pillow • 97.6 degrees is perfect temp. Signs of a sluggish thyroid are cold hands and feet, hair loss, fatigue, weight gain. Other problems such as difficulty with digestion, circulation, immune function, hormone imbalance, emotions and not feeling well may arise from a sluggish thyroid. • Chlorine and sodium flouride in cleaning products, municipal water supplies and dental care tooth paste inhibit the up-take of iodine. • Read: “Iodine, Why You Need It and Why You Can’t Live Without It” by Dr. Brownstein
“Weight Off” continued • Try Young Livings Thermaburn, #3230 for increasing metabolism • Gary said that one should take calcium for weight loss, #3244 Super Cal, or #3280 Mega Cal; a 1.1 ratio of calcium & magnesium. • To assist in alkalinizing, # 3199 Alka Lime powder • Massage body with Cel-Lite Magic oil blend # 3754 after shower instead of lotion, paying attention to lymphatic areas, groin, armpits, collar bone, hip area. • Consider receiving a series of lymphatic massages. • Detox, detox, detox, and everything will happen sooner. • STRESS causes elevated cortisol levels and weight gain, so de-stress with Peace & calming. Valor, Harmony, Joy, 3 Wisemen, Lavender
“Thin Through The Power of spirit”by Lucia Capodilupo • This spiritual book will offer you some options for making peace with the physical world and help you to understand the meaning and function of excess weight. • Don’t you deserve this?
Weight Off Prayer • Because God is , and all there is , is God, I recognize that I am one with God as I co-create my prayer for a thinner and healthier body. • I,______________ claim and accept success with my intention of becoming ____ lbs. NOW!!! • No matter what I eat, I am _____ lbs. now. • I see the discipline coming my way to accomplish this goal for a desire for more exercise and wise food choices. I can envision a new svelte body now and I know that I have the power and support of the Universal GOD to accomplish this goal NOW! • No thought, feeling, limitation or belief blocks this idea. • I accept my idea above as all channels for good are open within me and around me. I am filled with Gratitude as I say Thank you, thank you, thank you GOD. I release this treatment to the Law, knowing with certainty that it is done! • And so it is, Amen
“The Weight Loss Cure” by Kevin Trudeau • Kevin Trudeau states that he is about to share the “greatest medical discovery “ relating to obesity and weight loss of all time.” • Common denominators of fat people: • Their body metabolism is low. • Higher hunger (not cravings, actual hunger). • Eating when you are not hungry. • It is not the food, it is how it is processed with man-made chemicals and additives that actually cause weight gain and obesity. • Bovine growth hormones & antibiotics injected into meat and dairy • Flavor enhancers such as MSG • Artificial sweeteners: Nutra Sweet, (aspartame) & Splenda, (sucralose). • High fructose corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, refined sugars • All of the above are making you fat!!! IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT.
Kevin Trudeau, continued • In the 1950’s, obesity was extremely rare; food was purer and unadulterated. • Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, M.D. discovered that a substance called hCG, human chorionic gonadotrophin, a hormone like- substance that pregnant women produce will assist the weight loss process. • hCG can assist in getting the hypothalamus to reset to normal • hCG can be obtained in a homeopathic form from me for $17.00 to take while on the Kevin Trudeau diet. • hCG may just assist any diet you choose. Being a homeopathic, keep away from coffee and peppermint usage as these substances tend to negate the delicacy of a homeopathic.
#3296 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse • What I know is cleansing first will jump start your success in becoming “lighter and lighter”. • Three times a day: Drink 2 oz. of NINGXIA RED, 8 oz. ,water with 2 scoops of Balance Complete meal replacement. (contains 11 grams of fiber) • Take 1 Digest & Cleanse cap., three times with meals • Fresh fruits and veggies may be eaten as well. Everything else is off limits, but these items. 5 lbs. is the average weight loss and a great way to start making great dietary changes leading to GREATER health. • If you have ever felt headachy, weak, or crabby on a diet, you will not feel this way on the 5 day cleanse as your body is being supported completely with nutrition.
8 Day Power Meal Cleanse • Power Meal is an all-vegetarian protein supplement formulated without soy, dairy, or animal products. By combining wolfberries with concentrated rice protein and bee pollen, Power Meal is rich in branched-chain amino acides L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine, which are crucial for building healthy muscles. Power Meal contains Ginkobiloba, choline, inositol, MSM, L=carnitine, zeazanthin, chromium and the essential oils: nutmeg, orange, lemon, cypress, fennel, anise and grapefruit and 2 scoops contains 14 grams fiber. • 2 scoops = meal replacement with 2 oz. Ningxia Red - take A.M. & P.M. • Have your main meal preferably at noon: Protein, power salad (400-600 calories). Take one Therma Burn, # 3230 capsule, 2 x’s a day to accelerate the burn.
Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman • Juice of ½ lemon in warm water first thing in morning • Long Life cocktail includes unsweetened cranberry/ NingXia juice with ground flax seed and ICP powder. 2 x’s day am & pm • Breakfast: 2 eggs with veggies or a smoothie • Mid-morning snack: organic ½ grapefruit, or apple, or 1 oz. cheese • Lunch: 4 oz. quality protein over salad or veggies • 2- 8 oz. glasses of cranberry/ Ningxia water drink • 4 pm. Snack: organic small apple, or ½ grapefruit, or 1 oz. cheese • Dinner: 4 oz. high quality protein over salad or veggies • Drink a total of 8 glasses of cranberry/NingXia drink plain or with fiber. • Take ComfoTone caps for bowel assistance.
Young Living Products • The Cleansing Trio= ComforTone, ICP, Essentialzyme • 5 Day Cleanse or Power Meal, meal replacements. • Mineral Essence in water bottle to balance pH • Oils for drinking: Peppermint, lemon, orange, grapefruit, Citrus Fresh. I place 5-7 drops in my glass 20 oz. water bottle. PVC’s leach into plastic bottles • Liver support products: Juva Tone caps., Juva Power powder. JuvaFlex or JuvaCleanse oil blends to be placed over liver. • Mega Cal, 1:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium. Calcium is essential to weight loss. • THIEVES spray or oil under tongue to allay hunger by balancing blood sugar. • Therma Burn & Thyromin to increase metabolism
Karen Balistreri, Young Living Platinum# 1273 • www.youngliving.com/kbalist • Karenbalistreri.younglivingworld.com • 262-236-0085 cell 262-227-9874 • kbalist@sbcglobal.net