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A Parent’s Role. An African Proverb says…. "It takes a village to raise a child.". How Important is a Parent in the Educational Process?. 1. 86% of the general public believes that support from parents is the most important way to improve the schools.
An African Proverb says… "It takes a village to raise a child."
How Important is a Parent in the Educational Process? 1. 86% of the general public believes that support from parents is the most important way to improve the schools. • 2. Lack of parental involvement is the biggest problem facing schools. • 3. The more parents participate in schooling, in a sustained way, at every level -- in advocacy, decision-making and oversight roles, as fundraisers and boosters, as volunteers and paraprofessionals, and as home teachers -- the better for student achievement.
How Important is a Parent in the Educational Process (continued) • 4. Family participation in education was twice as predictive of students’ academic success as family socioeconomic status. 5. The more intensely parents are involved, the more beneficial the achievement effect. 6. When parents are involved students have: • Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates • Better school attendance • Increased motivation, better self-esteem • Reduced disciplinary incidences • Decreased use of drugs and alcohol • Fewer instances of violent behavior
Research suggests… Parents are crucial to the success of an anti-bullying program.
Parental Highlights 1. Empowerment The S.T.A.M.P. Out Bullying program is especially designed to educate and equip children and adults with a five-point strategy, focusing on WHAT to do with the intended outcome of empowering victims and by-standers. That process includes empowerment via the research-validated acronym:
Stay away from bullies. Tell someone. Avoid bad situations. Make friends. Project confidence.
Parental Highlights 1. Empowerment (continued) • “Extra-curriculars” – hobbies, jobs, sports, activities that boost children’s self-confidence has shown to be a major contributor of self-esteem, thus reducing victimization.
Parental Highlights 2. Modeling • Family factors: A number of child-rearing styles have been found to predict whether children will grow up to choose bullying behaviors. • A lack of attention and warmth toward the child. • Modeling of aggressive behavior at home. • Poor supervision of the child (including internet & cell) • Adult conversations in front of or near children. • TV – the unwelcomed guest! • Individual factors: The best documented individual child factor in bullying is temperament. Temperament refers to basic tendencies by children to develop certain personality styles and interpersonal behaviors.
Parental Highlights • School factors - The social context and supervision at school have been shown to play a major part in the frequency and severity of bullying problems. • Teachers and administrators have little control over individual and family factors which produce children who are inclined to bully. • However, bullying problems CAN be greatly reduced in severity by appropriate supervision, intervention, and climate in a school.
Parental Concerns 1. School-wide definition of bullying • The most recent study about successful anti-bullying programs suggested 7 elements that reduce bullying behaviors. • #1 – “Clearly defined definitions of bullying behavior in terms of social, emotional and physical categories, both verbal and non-verbal”.
3 Components of Bullying Behavior: 1. Punitive – aimed at hurting or punishing targeted individuals. • 2. Power imbalance – when someone takes power over someone else. • Physical imbalance – a stronger, more physically dominant individual usurps authority over a smaller, less strong individual. • Psychological imbalance – intellect or social status determines dominance. • 3. Repetitive – a repeated even systematic act over time.
One distinction is made between bullying and normal peer conflict… • Normal peer conflict is equal or matched. • Bullying is punitive, a power imbalance and repetitive. • Peer conflict opportunities develop problem-solving opportunities.
3 Types of bullying • Physical bullying – harm to another person’s body or property. • Social bullying – harm to another’s group acceptance. • Emotional bullying – harm to another’s self-worth.
Bullying Behavior Model VERBAL • Taunting NONVERBAL • Making threatening gestures VERBAL • Insulting remarks NONVERBAL • Giving dirty looks VERBAL • Starting & spreading rumors NONVERBAL • Playing mean tricks LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 PHYSICAL Harm to another’s body or property EMOTIONAL Harm to another’s self-worth Social Harm to another’s Group acceptance
Parental Concerns • 2. Teacher/school support. • Without support (both public and private) the educational process is compromised and undermined. • Doubt expressed to children about school or teachers at ANY level often results into doubt • at EVERY level! • Children need to know teachers and parents • are allies in the educational process.
Parental Concerns • 3. Balance - consistency & level-headed action. • Don’t over-react to your child’s report of a possible bullying situation – get the facts from the school/teacher. • Be careful what you say about other children in front of your children, especially concerning incidences related to behaviors. • *ALWAYS be an advocate for the silent party.
Is an Anti-Bullying Program THAT Necessary? • Current research says YES!
Some bullying statistics… • 80-90% of students report being bullied. • 26% of students bullied on a weekly basis. • 9 out of 10 incidences are not reported. • 39% of students don’t feel safe at school, and 7% stay home once a month. • Bullies identified by age eight are 6 times more likely to be convicted of a crime. • Victims often have poor scholastic scores, social problems, depression, three to four times more health issues, and have a much greater risk of suicide.
How does this program work? Students who are targets of bullies are empowered by the elements of the S.T.A.M.P. acronym, enabling self-prevention and intervention measures. Students who choose bullying behaviors have external incentive to adopt new behaviors by means of strict and consistent consequences.