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Questions about Al-Kadhim

Explore the political era during Al-Kadhim's lifetime and the perspectives of piety-minded communities and rulers at that time. Uncover the views of Ulamaa and the religious aura projected by the Abbasid regime.

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Questions about Al-Kadhim

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  1. Questions about Al-Kadhim Politics at his time 37 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD

  2. Definition of Terms in this Slide Show • Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at: • The house of the Imam • Masjid Al-Nabawi • At or near the Grand Mosque during Haj • Piety-minded: Refers to the many Schools of thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Qiyas, etc. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  3. Give a historical perspective of Al-Kadhim’s life‑time. • Al-Kadhim was born during the reign of Marwan the Ass • Was contemporary to the revolts which toppled Benu Umayya, • a+b+ Lived throughout the reign of 5 Benu Abbas' Rulers. • a+b+ Lived throughout 12 Benu Abbas’ rulers Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  4. How was the political transformation in the early years of Al-Kadhim? • The Khilaafah passing from Benu Umayya to Benu Abbas, • the initial euphoria of the Ummah, followed by blood shed, then • a period of administrative consolidation associated with severe repression • a+b+c+ and establishment of a spy-network particularly against Ahlul Bayt. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  5. Aalim was a nickname of Al-Kadhim. Give the meaning of Aalim. • The erudite and the uniquely knowledgeable in Islam • The Knowledgeable in Adventure • The Knowledgeable in innovation • The Knowledgeable in manufacture Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  6. Which rulers was Al-Kadhim contemporary to? • Marwan the Ass, Al-Saffah, Al-Mansoor, Al-Mahdi, Al-Haadi and Haroon Al-Rashid • Marwan the Ass, Al-Saffah, Al-Mansoor, Al-Hasan, Al-Husain • Al-Saffah, Al-Mansoor, Al-Mahdi, Al-Ridha, Al-Jawaad • Marwan the Ass, Mu’awiya, Yazid, Abdul Malik and Haroon Al-Rashid Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  7. Name most Piety-minded communities at the beginning of Al-Kadhim’s Imamah. • The Shi'a, schools of Ibn Abbas and Ibn Omar, Murji'ah, Khariji, Mu'tazila, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Jah'miyyah plus less important others.  • The Shi'a, schools of Ibn Abbas and Ibn Uthman • The Shi'a, Mu'tazila, Jabriah • The Shi'a, Murji'ah, Khariji, Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  8. Give the Piety-minded viewpoint of the rule of Benu Abbas. • The Piety-minded looked upon the Abbasi regime as a compromise with the pious ideals for Muslim society. • a+ The arbitrariness of Benu Abbas was an alien intrusion into proper Islamic social order. • The arbitrariness of Benu Abbas was welcomed by all • The arbitrariness of Benu Abbas was welcomed by Al-Kadhim Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  9. Give the Khalifa court viewpoint of the Piety-minded. • Piety-minded could have, at best, only marginal significance. • Piety-minded were given full reign in the government • Piety-minded were not tolerated • Piety-minded were banned Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  10. Describe the religious aura which Benu Abbas put forth. • the Abbasi Khalifa was made to be a major figure, • he was the Majestic King, • he was the one to have a certain religious aura; • a+b+c+ and this was an attitude foreign to the spirit of the Shari'ah as envisaged by the Piety-minded. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  11. How did the U’lamaa view the attitude towards the Khalifa? • When the Khalifa was addressed —as he was— as Allah's shadow on earth, the U'lamaa (scholars) could only be profoundly shocked. • Shari'ah Islam, with its insistence that all men were on equal level before Allah, could ill-tolerate such a Khalifa-figure. • Yet the courtly circles of Benu Abbas were willing to ascribe such similar position to the Khalifa, only limiting themselves to the proper language. • All the above Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  12. Explain the background of Khalifa Al-Saffah. • Al Saffah's mother was the previous wife of Abdul Malik son of Marwan of Benu Umayya. • He grew up in a house very resentful of Benu Umayya and a sympathizer of Ahlul Bayt in the beginning. • Al-Saffah learned: • to be cautious, and not to take anything for granted. • how to plan well and execute when needed. • to be hardy and tough yet enduring. • a+b+c+ Al-Saffah had attended many of the discourses of Imam Al-Saadiq in Medina. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  13. Describe the person of Al-Saffah. • He was entrusted the Khilaafah because of his strategy that toppled Benu Umayya. • a+ Al-Saffah established the state on the basis of all force: • he slaughtered his opponents treacherously, with gross brutality, especially Benu Umayya • he acceded to digging out from the graves the remains of the Khalifas of Benu Umayya, to be burned or thrown away. • He treated Benu Umayya lovingly • Appointed one of Benu Umayya as secretary of State Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  14. Describe more personal traits of Al-Saffah. • Al-Saffah was a good-looking man who relished food, enjoyable company, nice narratives and anecdotes. • a+ For nights of gaiety he began a custom of sitting behind a curtain separating himself from the entertainers. • a+ He loved to dance almost every night • He loved to pray all night Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  15. Describe the contribution of Al-Khallal and the intrigue surrounding his death. • Al-Khallal was an ardent supporter of Ahlul Bayt, and was the first appointed Wazir of Benu Abbas. • He was scholarly and an extremely efficient administrator. • He sent letters to Al-Saadiq for Khilaafah but the offer was rejected. • a+b+c+ It is said Al-Khallal was killed by unidentified people, because of his support of Ahlul Bayt. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  16. Enumerate some accomplishments of Al-Saffah • He built Al-Anbaar to be the capital city, in which he died. • He gave power to Benu Abbas' members to all sensitive and prestigious positions in his government. • He continued the Monarchy. • a+b+c+ His power rested mainly on the Arab and Khurasani Persian gentry and their peasant troops. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  17. Give some points of Al-Mansoor’s background • Al‑Mansoor's mother was Sallama, from North Africa —Berber stock. • He had attended many of the discourses of Al-Saadiq in Medina. • a+b+ Al-Mansoor was chased after by Benu Umayya; he eluded them successfully. • His piety and sense of justice were well known Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  18. Describe the Person of Al-Mansoor: • Al-Mansoor succeeded his brother (Al Saffah) as the Khalifa. • Al-Mansoor treacherously killed Abu Muslim, who brought Benu Abbas to power by toppling Benu Umayya. • Al-Mansoor used the black dress and black flags as a symbol for Benu Abbas • All the above. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  19. Describe further the Person of Al-Mansoor • He murdered some of the most prominent Shi'is, who had figured prominently in bringing Benu Abbas' family to power • a+ When he put down the rebellion of Al-Nafs Al-Zakiyah at Mecca and forced the U'lamaa (Scholars) to choose either hopeless opposition or accommodation with him, • a+ He loved Imam Al-Saadiq and used to visit him often • a+ He called upon Al-Saadiq 18 times to visit Baghdad Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  20. Give an account of the Al-Mansoor's administration. • Al-Mansoor tied the religious specialists to the state by making the Maaliki into an officially established order, and • Thus asserting a final Khalifa authority in questions of Fiqh law. • a+b+ Such a course was difficult because the Abbasi victory depended on the Khurasani animus • Because Maaliki school was a subsidiary of Ahlul Bayt School. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  21. Describe the spy-network Khalifa Al-Mansoor. • Al-Mansoor built up a network of spies and informants to: • keep down any future conspiracies, • to control (by the spies) information of various officials with their widely ramifying responsibilities. • He was paranoid and frightened by Benu Umayya • He was frightened by the intrigue of his women Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  22. Give a report of an outstanding project Al-Mansoor built. • Al-Mansoor built Baghdad to be capital of the empire.  • Al-Mansoor built Cairo • Al-Mansoor built Damascus • Al-Mansoor built Basrah Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  23. Describe the attitude of Al-Mansoor toward Imam Al-Hasan's person. • At one occasion Al-Mansoor gave a talk in which: • he belittled Imam Al-Hasan and falsely accused him of many incorrect things. • he was the first person to coin the term Sunni to describe the non-Imamah asserters. • He did that because he was paranoid • He did that because of misinformation by his spies Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  24. Describe how Al-Mansoor treated Al-Hasan's progeny. • Al-Mansoor arrested more than 100 of Al-Hasan's progeny, • He incarcerated them in the underground part of the building without any light, • and treated them with such abandon that when one died his body was left to decay and reek with stench. • a+b+c+ finally the roof of the prison was made to collapse and kill the rest who were still living. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  25. Why did Al-Mansoor court Ibn Malik? • In a move to curb the influence of Ahlul Bayt, • Al-Mansoor appointed Anas Ibn Malik as the supreme religious head in Arabia • and made even the Governors of the Provinces subservient to him, and • a+b+c+ Ibn Malik became the head of the Maaliki school of thought and wrote Al-Mu'watta Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  26. How was the works of Ahlul Bayt in the early days of Al-Mansoor. • The teaching at the Institute of Ahlul Bayt was in full force, unhampered. • Al-Kadhim, as a teenager by this time was an active participant in the affairs and operation of the Institute of Ahlul Bayt, • a+b+ the Institute had reached its zenith by this period. • The Institute had to shut down because of Al-Mansoor’s threats Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  27. What happened to the Institute in later years of Al-Mansoor • Ever distrustful and paranoid, Al-Mansoor utilized spies in particular against the Institute of Ahlul Bayt. • This reduced the activities of the Institute to a great extent. • Al-Mansoor also summoned Imam Al-Saadiq several times to question him and be assured • All the above. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  28. Describe Khalifa Al-Mahdi's (son of Al-Mansoor) Administration. • Al-Mahdi's reign improved the strained relationship between the court and the highly dis­appointed Piety‑minded • A new but less enthusiastic attitude of the Jama’ah‑Sunni U'lamaa was that the days of Al-Khulafaa Al-Rashidoon had been a time apart, which Benu Abbas could never hope to rival. • Ahlul Bayt continued to be the opposition party notwithstanding the new stand of the Al-Jama’ah-Sunni U'lamaa. • a+b+c+ Al-Mahdi made no attempt to soften the growing absolutism that seemed unavoidable. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  29. Discuss Ahlul Bayt during the Khilaafah of Al-Mahdi son of Al-Mansoor. • In his thirties by now Imam Al-Kadhim continued his teachings but still cautiously. • Al-Kadhim continued his stand in refusing to give the institutional support to the Monarchy of Benu Abbas. • a+b+ Due to the prevailing conditions the size and activities of the Institute of Ahlul Bayt were very curtailed. • But Khalifa Al-Mahdi continued to oppose Malik Ibn Anas Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  30. Why was Al-Kadhim summoned by the Khalifa? • Al-Mahdi summoned Al-Kadhim to be assured that there would be no attempt to topple his throne. • Al-Mahdi detained Al-Kadhim in Baghdad, then released him after seeing a dream. • Al-Kadhim left Baghdad to continue his teachings in Medina. • a+b+c+ Al-Ridha was a teenager by this time. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  31. Give an account about Khalifa Haroon Al-Rashid’s person. • Haroon Al-Rashid was tutored by the highly regarded Khalid Al-Barmaki, a convert to Islam from Buddhism. • The Barmaki family had been Buddhist priests of Balkh in Central Asia. • Al-Rashid lived a luxurious life yet emphasizing the importance of prudence, power, and the use of force if need be. • a+b+c+ Haroon Al-Rashid was extremely close to Al-Barmaki family and gave them the Wazir position for 17 years. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  32. How was Al-Rashid’s administration? • Al‑Rashid enjoyed the position of Khalifa at the peak of its splendor. • For a brief generation there was relatively unbroken peace and prosperity in the Khilaafah empire. • Under the Khalifa, the government was now largely delegated to administrators, a Wazir as financial chief and generally head of government, and his secretaries in their many bureaus (diwans). • a+b+c+ The Khalifa was to be a court of ultimate appeal. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  33. Describe the wealth and manner of spending during Al-Rashid’s Khilaafah. • The Khalifa's family took first place, as in receiving, so in disbursing wealth, as patrons of the arts, of luxury, and of learning. • Ibrahim al-Mawsili, the musician, and Abu Nuwas the poet, both were identified with wine and the gaiety of song. • On occasions of courtly joy, liberality in giving (largesse) was scattered in the form of coins tossed in abandon in the streets, • a+b+c+ And of food served to all comers, or of robes of honor of luxurious silks or brocades passed out among favored courtiers. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  34. Discuss Ahlul Bayt during Al-Rashid’s rule (Khilaafah). • Imam Al-Kadhim continued to be Al-Marji' • The scope of the Institute of Ahlul Bayt was mush restricted because of the antagonistic stand of the Khalifa and his government. • By this period of time the teachings of Ahlul Bayt had followers and representatives in Iraq, Egypt, Persia, Arabia, Yemen ,among others. • a+b+c+ The Institute of Ahlul Bayt continued to be the Islamicly non-bending and pure, without backing or support from the ruling class; Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  35. What a plan did Khalifa Haroon Al-Rashid devise about Al-Kadhim? • While he was on his way from Haj, Al-Rashid stopped at Medina • He unexpectedly ordered to immediately arrest Al-Kadhim • At the time Imam Al-Kadhim was 51 years old, • a+b+c+ Imam Al-Kadhim was incarcerated for 4 years, first in Basrah then in Baghdad, where he died in imprisonment at the age of 55 years. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  36. Describe Baghdad in its early days. • Baghdad was built on the Tigris at a location carefully chosen as an economic center for the whole population of the region. • Baghdad was chosen partly to command the agriculture of the Sawaad, and partly as a crossroads of bulk and luxury trade. • a+b+ Moreover, Baghdad was focused on the enormous Khalifa Palace. • Baghdad was focused on nothing but pure wealth. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  37. Give more description of Baghdad. • Baghdad’s most important part was the round city, the administrative complex in which the Khalifa lived • and around him the other members of the Abbasi family and the various courtiers, • each in vast establishments which sheltered large numbers of dependents. • a+b+c+ At the outskirts of Baghdad sprang up the bazaars and housing for the rest of the servicing population. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  38. Discuss the Monarchy of Benu Abbas. • The court etiquette of Baghdad was consciously modeled on that of the Persians. • Only the most privileged could normally speak with the Abbasi Khalifa at all. • He could be approached only through a chain of officials and in accordance with an elaborately formal ritual. • a+b+c+ It was this etiquette of obvious personal submission before the Khalifa that especially roused the ire of the U'lamaa and of the pious. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  39. Discuss the use of surnames by Benu Abbas: • The first Abbasi Khalifa had adopted a surname of eschatological overtones, • Al-Saffah, meaning bloody ruthlessness in exacting divine vengeance. • a+b+ Al-Mansoor implying that the Khalifa was singled out for divine help in his victories. • Al-Mahdi, a title which the Sunni used for the expected restorer of Islamic justice. Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

  40. End of quiz • You may go for the next set of questions about Al-Kadhim or • You may choose another topic • Thank you and May Allah bless you. For more information Click me: Questions, Al-Kadhim and Politics at his time

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