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Questions about Al-Ridha. Politics at his Time 37 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD. Definition of Terms in this Slide Show. Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at: The house of the Imam Masjid Al-Nabawi
Questions about Al-Ridha Politics at his Time 37 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD
Definition of Terms in this Slide Show • Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at: • The house of the Imam • Masjid Al-Nabawi • At or near the Grand Mosque during Haj • Piety-minded: Refers to the many Schools of thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Qiyas, etc.
Give a historical perspective of Imam Al-Ridha's lifetime. • Al-Ridha was born during the reign of Al-Mansoor, • and he lived throughout the reign of 6 Benu Abbas' Rulers. • Al-Ridha's life-span coincided with Benu Abbas at the height of their power. • a+b+c+ The cultural achievement of the Ummah was very high at this time.
To how many Khalifas of Benu Abbas was Imam Al-Ridha contemporary? • 6 Khalifas • 4 Khalifas • 8 Khalifas • 9 Khalifas Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Enumerate on some situations facing Al-Ridha at the beginning of his Imamah. • The Institute of Ahlul Bayt was restricted due to the pressure put on it by Benu Abbas. • The Shi'a were spread over vast areas of the Ummah. • The Conversion to Islam of much of the indigenous Christian, Jewish, and Zoradusht population was more or less complete by now. • a+b+c+ The Continued need for Ahlul Bayt to explain the Ideal Islam as Muhammad (pbuh) had taught it, but under different conditions than any time before. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Provide a description of Khalifa Al-Rashid’s court life in Baghdad. • Along with poetry and song, Al-Rashid's courtly life was supplanted with more sober learning and seeming piety. • Even so some eminent U'lamaa refused to be found too close to the Khalifa's Court; • a+b+ but Al‑Rashid —between his bouts of wine‑drinking— paid attention to their exposition of the religious law. • Al‑Rashid paid reverence to Ahlul Bayt for their support Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Portray life in Baghdad at the time of Haroon Al-Rashid's Khilaafah. • Al Rashid's immediate family concentrated the largest spending in their own hands. • His wife Zubaydah was famous for her charities, causing numerous wells to be dug along the Haj trail from Iraq to Medina for the use of the Haj pilgrims. • a+b+ The dynasty of Wazirs, the Persian Al-Barmaki family, showered out almost as many gifts as the Khalifa himself. • Al-Ma’Moon decreed to dig wells for the pilgrims Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
What did life in Baghdad attract at the time of Al-Rashid? • The big spenders of Baghdad attracted • artists, and poets, • scholars, and philosophers, • as well as tricksters and sheer career men. • Luxury was most evident at the capital —and probably most insecure there. • a+b+ But the well-to-do could lead a very comfortable life even in the provinces. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Tell us about Abul Atahiya. • Abul Atahiyah, of Arab stock, transformed the poetic tradition to be • Islamic, ascetic, • and of a speculative turn of mind. • Yet, a loyal Muslim of Shi'i sentiments, Abul Atahiyah dedicated his verse to a philosophic bend • which proved more popular in the market place than at court of the Khalifa. • a+b+c+ Abul Atahiyah's lines formed a mine of soberly pious quotations for future popular writers. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Give an account of Al-Barmaki dynasty. • The Barmaki family had been Buddhist priests at Balkh (in Central Asia) before their conversion to Islam. • Khalid Al-Barmaki became a top ranking Kaatib (Secretary of the Khalifa) and trusted adviser of the Khalifa. • a+b+ Khalifa Al-Mahdi son of Al-Mansoor had placed Khalid's son Yahya in charge of Al Rashid’s affairs. • a+ The Barmaki family were cousins of Benu Abbas Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Explain more about Al-Barmaki. • Haroon Al-Rashid grew up as a close friend with Yahya's son Ja'far. • When Al-Rashid became Khalifa he retained Ja'far as chief courtier and companion of his leisure hours. • a+b+ Al-Rashid also made Ja'far's brother, Al-Fadhl Ibn Yahya Al-Barmaki, head of affairs during most of his reign. • a+b+ Al-Rashid’s sister was married to Ja’far Al-Barmaki Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Explain the possible reasons for ousting the Barmaki family. • Imam Al-Kadhim was detained in the house of Al-Fadhl Al-Barmaki for almost one year, • a+ Al-Kadhim was treated with honor and respect by Al-Fadhl. • Al-Kadhim was treated very harshly by Al-Fadhl. • Al-Kadhim was released by Al-Fadhl. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Give more reasons for ousting the Barmaki family. • Haroon Al-Rashid grew resentful of the enormous power of the Barmakis. • Al-Rashid gave dramatic orders to behead Ja'far Al-Barmaki, which was immediately carried out. • The head was publicly displayed next day, to prove that Ja'far was dead and beyond help from any coup. • a+b+c Ja'far's brother, al-Fadhl, and their father, Yahya Al-Barmaki, were imprisoned and died not long after. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Describe the decision of Haroon Al-Rashid about the future control of the Ummah. • Al‑Rashid decreed that the control of the Islamic empire was to be divided on his death between his two sons: Al-Amin and Al-Ma'Moon: • To Al-Amin would go the Fertile Crescent (Iraq and Syria), Arabia, Yemen, and the western provinces. • To Al-Ma'Moon would go Khurasan (Iran) and the eastern provinces, with an army and full autonomy (and the right of subsequent succession), • a+ But Al‑Ma'Moon was bound to obey Al‑Amin in ultimate matters. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
What did Al-Rashid do about his decree? • Al‑Rashid posted his decree in the Ka'ba to give it sacred authority. • a+ There was not a single social element in the state strong enough to gainsay this dismemberment of the hard‑built political structure for a personal whim. • a+ Al‑Rashid posted his decree in Medina • a+ Al‑Rashid posted his decree in Baghdad Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Tell us about Al-Ridha at the time of Al-Rashid • Al-Ridha was not harmed by Haroon Al-Rashid, neither before nor after Al-Kadhim had died in prison. • Though vocal, Al-Ridha's teaching activity was restricted. • The Institute was somewhat limited in scope. • a+b+c+ Al-Rashid was 30 years old when he imprisoned the 51 year old Al-Kadhim, at which time Al-Ridha was 31 year old. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Give an account of Khalifa Al-Amin's background and rule. • Zubaydah, Al-Amin's mother, was the sister of Al-Mansoor. • a+ Al-Amin grew in luxury with a distinction that his aunt was Zubaydah. • Al-Amin was known not to be clever or bright. • c+ He was reckless, imprudent, insensible, and unheeding. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Describe Baghdad during the civil war between Al-Amin and his brother Al-Ma'Moon. • Baghdad held out against Al‑Ma'Moon's besieging general Tahir for over a year and a half despite: • fire, much property destruction, and perilous insecurity, • famine because of cutting the lines of food supplies, andlack of any support from the provinces. • a+ Baghdad held out but for 3 months • a+ Baghdad held out but for 9 months • a+ Baghdad held out but for 36 months Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Who was in support of Al-Amin against his brother Al-Ma’Moon? • Al‑Amin had the support of Benu Abbas families • and of the populace in the capital, • who evidently feared the Khurasani orientation of Al‑Ma'Moon; • Al-Ma'Moon kept his headquarters at Maru in Khurasan • a+b+ and had Persians for the military and administration. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Describe the works of Imam Al-Ridha during Khalifa Al-Amin's rule. • Al-Ridha intensified his works for Islam since he was not hampered • the activity of the Institute was at much higher level than before. • students and scholars of various fields flocked to Medina to learn at the hands of Al-Ridha. • a+b+c+ The popularity of and sentiment for Ahlul Bayt was quite high among people especially Iraq and Khurasan. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
List important points about Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon's background. • Al-Ma'Moon's mother was not of a nobility stock, she was a Persian slave-mother. • Al-Ma'Moon's mother died soon after childbirth. • a+b+ Al-Ma'Moon was very intelligent, astute, and shrewd, a fact his father Al-Rashid valued highly. • b+ Al-Ma'Moon's mother was very instrumental in his education. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
List more important points about Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon's background • Ma'Moon was more self-reliant and independent, thus not maneuverable. • Because of Al-Rashid's accord, Al-Ma'Moon had to be in Khurasan after his father's death. • a+b+ Al-Ma'Moon became increasingly Persian-oriented since he: • kept his headquarters at Maru in Khurasan, • had Persians as ministers. • had Persian armed forces and Persian generals (such as Tahir). • b+ Ma'Moon was in Basrah after his father’s death. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Specify some points of importance about Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon's administration. • Al-Ma'Moon was an astute, perceptive, and a canny politician. • Al-Ma'Moon triumphed over his brother, Al-Amin, after a 2½ year of civil war in which: • a+b+ his brother was beheaded and Al-Amin's head was brought to him from Baghdad. • Al-Ma'Moon triumphed over his brother, Al-Amin, after a 2 months of negotiations Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Mention more points of importance about Al-Ma'Moon's administration. • Al-Ma'Moon was able to put down simultaneous revolts: • especially of the Kharijis in Persia, • a revolt in Iraq that made a potent bid for power, and • Revolts in Yemen and Medina. • Al-Ma'Moon was the undoubted master of most of the Islamic empire during his Khilaafah. • a+b+c+ Though scarred and damaged, Baghdad continued to be at the height of magnificence during his reign. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
What were the circumstances befalling Al-Ma'Moon's early on? • Al-Ma'Moon had said, “When I was struggling against Al-Amin, the people of Sistan and Kirman revolted, and there was unrest in Khurasan too. • My treasury was empty, so I could not rely on my fighters whom I did not pay. • In such a perilous circumstances, I prayed to Allah, taking the oath that • if I overcome all the odds and accede to the throne, I would hand the Khilaafah over to its real and rightful master, • Meaning to the most suitable among Imam Ali's descendants. • a+b+c+ It was only after taking this vow that my affairs improved.” Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Give an account of the agreement between Imam Al-Ridha and Al-Ma'Moon. • Al-Ma'Moon urged Al-Ridha to accept the Khilaafah or Vice-regency. • a+ After an initial refusal Imam Al-Ridha (being pressured) agreed to be the Khalifa-in-succession (Vice-regent), on certain conditions • a+ Imam Al-Ridha was eager to succeed to the Khilaafah • Imam Al-Ridha was adamant in not accepting any offer. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
What conditions did Al-Ridha agree to about being Khalifa-in-succession? • That Al-Ridha does not appoint or dismiss any official. • That Al-Ridha does not carry out tasks in the administration. • a+b+ That Al-Ridha would give counsel and advice when asked. • a+b+ That Al-Ridha would help in the day-to-day affairs of Khurasan Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
For how long did Al-Ridha live after the agreement with Al-Ma’Moon? • Al-Ridha died within 3 years after the agreement • a+ He was with Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon on his way moving to Baghdad. • a+ He was on his way to Medina • a+ He was on his way to Mecca for Haj Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
What marriage relationship evolved between Imam Al-Ridha and Khalifa Al-Ma'Moon? • Al-Ma'Moon gave his sister in marriage to Al-Ridha. • At the same time Al-Ma'Moon gave his daughter in marriage to Al-Jawaad, • Al-Ridha. gave his sister in marriage to Al-Ma'Moon • Al-Ridha. gave his aunt Fatima in marriage to Al-Ma'Moon. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Comment about Commerce in Baghdad at the time of Al-Ridha. • Commerce and markets flourished freely, hence possibilities for new investment, were expanding. • Merchants, buying cheap and selling dear, found it profitable to carry exotic goods long distances • Hence luxuries were available not only at Baghdad but in many other places in unusual abundance. • a+b+c+ Of the wealth so released, at least a part went to encourage still further economic activity. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Describe the Banking System at the time of Al-Ma’Moon. • To supply the needs of far flung merchant houses, a regular banking business grew up, • which evidently had developed out of money changing business. • Bankers accepted draughts drawn in one place on funds deposited far distant. • a+b+c The government naturally made use of these bankers in accelerating its tax collecting and in other operations of its bureaucracy. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Describe the postal service and Al-Bareed during Imam Al-Ridha's time. • Far flung contacts were maintained through regular postal services, • This was arranged by private individuals, over the most important sea and land routes; • Usually these were slow, but some seem to have been express services. • a+b+c+ Example: a merchant stationed in Gujarat [in India] might have a relative traveling in Spain or be planning a commercial venture to the Oxus basin or the Volga valley Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Describe the fashion at that period. • The fashions set at the court in social life, and in literary and artistic taste were spread to all the provincial centers, • The court itself was a melting pot in which all cultural traditions confronted each other. • a+b+ A key trait of the new common culture was cultural openness • a+b+ The Muslims began to emphasize personal worth on domination over others to the extreme. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Discuss the men of arts and letters during Imam Al-Ridha's time. • Men of arts and letters were constantly on the move, rarely residing in the town of their birth, and usually able to report visits to many widely distant cities. • The courtiers clung to some elements of hereditary position, which had been very important in Persian times. • Sometimes they wrote as if this were essential to Adab, to polite cultivation. • a+b+c+ The Alawi were very much looked up to. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Explain about the man of Talent at the time of Al-Ma’Moon: • At Baghdad under the Abbasi rule a man of talent could make a fortune or reach the highest positions with little regard for his birth. • What mattered even at court was his personal Adab (Polite Cultivation), especially his literary cultivation. • a+b+ This made for a new common regional pattern of culture. • a+b+ Personal Adab (Polite Cultivation), was looked down upon, it was regarded for the charlatans. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Describe the Bureau of Genealogy during Al-Ma’Moon’s time. • There were special governmental bureaus to register the generations of these families, so that genuine descent could be guaranteed, • This was to regulate the considerable properties and privileges accruing to the families as such. • a+b+ The Piety minded among the Muslims had further helped to lower the pride both of the Arab tribesmen, with their pagan ancestors, and of the formerly infidel gentry. • a+ This was a move to keep track for collecting taxes Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Review the social patterns during Imam Al-Ridha's time. • The Islamic spread altered the social relations of several traditions of high culture. • By now Muslims no longer formed merely a small ruling class, • Muslims were becoming a substantial part of the population at large, in some places a majority. • a+b+c+ Consequently, there were no longer simply many religious communities divided from each other in geography, in language, and in lettered traditions. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
Evaluate the influence of the Qassass [Popular Story Tellers] • Popular story tellers (quasars) held forth the wonders of the Prophets and other tales, all conceived within an Islamic framework. • A popular Islam arose further, complete with its own history, ethics, and eschatology. • a+b+ When the towns had become primarily Muslim, their innumerable links with the dependent village populations assured the gradual conversion of the villages to Islam also. • a+b+ Popular story tellers (quasars) were highly discouraged by Benu Abbas. Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
How were the new converts identified under the rule of Benu Abbas? • Under the Abbasi, the new converts no longer had to be identified with any Arab tribe, • for such tribes themselves gradually were losing their privileges. • a+b+ Islam became a badge, a status symbol, not of a ruling class, but of a cosmopolitan, urban oriented mass; • it became a symbol of the newly intensified social mobility. a+ for such tribes were ignored Questions, Al-Ridha, Politics at his Time
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