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This slide deck presents results from a survey on organ donation attitudes, support levels, and motivators among black and Asian adults in England. Insights are provided for different ethnic groups and key findings are highlighted.

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  1. Attitudinal survey of black and Asian adults in England Survey carried out by Agroni Research Ltd 2019

  2. What this slide deck covers • Results from the latest survey of black and Asian adults in England on the subject of organ donation. The survey covers: • Support levels for donation • Whether or not people are willing to donate • The motivators for and barriers against organ donation • Information about whether people are talking about organ donation • Responses to factual questions about organ donation • Insights are provided for the whole survey sample of black and Asian adults and broken down by different groups (black African, African Caribbean, Bangladeshi/Pakistani, Indian and Muslim) • We have also included BAME results from the latest awareness tracker around the change in the law

  3. Attitudinalsurvey of black and Asian adults in England • NHS Blood and Transplant commissioned a survey of 1063 black and Asian adults 18+ living in England using a quota sample. Quota sampling was chosen to ensure that a sufficient number of respondents for each main ethnic group were interviewed to provide more robust statistical validity. • The main ethnic groups are defined as black Afro-Caribbean, black African, Indian, and Bangladeshi/Pakistani. Additionally, a minimum sub-quota of 200 Muslim respondents is also set as part of the overall N=1,000. • The sample is balanced by age, gender and broad geographic region to provide enough coverage among each variable, but no quotas are set. • An initial benchmark Wave was carried out face-to-face in May 2018 by Agroni Research, a bespoke agency specialising in BAME respondents, via face to face interviews. The second Wave reported on the following pages was carried out in March 2019.

  4. Important notes • Please do not use these stats in a comparative way in your work e.g. x ethnicity is more likely to want to donate than y ethnicity • Don’t presume that any differences in %s are statistically significant • Base sizes were often small • Please speak to NHS Blood and Transplant first if you are planning to use the stats in any press releases etc. marketing.comms@nhsbt.nhs.uk

  5. Key findings – support for organ donation among black and Asian adults in England • There was generally an improvement in the attitudes to organ donation among black and Asian audiences from the previous measurement of May 2018. • There was a statistically significant increase in strong support for organ donation between wave 1 and 2 and a statistically significant decrease in opposition. • These results indicate an initial softening of attitudes that, if sustained, may lead to a more robust increase in support and consideration Q10 Support for organ donation (%) X Net: Support X Net: Oppose Neither support nor oppose 33 41 Support. Which of these statements best describes your views on organ donation? It doesn't matter if you would donate your own organs or not, we just want to know how you feel about organ donation in principle. • Base May 2018 : All respondents (1034); Afro-Caribbean (309), black African (304), Bangladeshi/Pakistani (318), Indian (103), Muslim (464) • Base March 2019 : All respondents (1063); Afro-Caribbean (329), black African (289), Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233), Indian (212), Muslim (345)

  6. Support for organ donation by ethnicity Q10 Support for organ donation (%) Net: Support X Net: Oppose X Total Afro-Carib. African Bangl./Pakist. Indian Muslim 41 45 38 39 I neither support nor oppose 44 33 Support. Which of these statements best describes your views on organ donation? It doesn't matter if you would donate your own organs or not, we just want to know how you feel about organ donation in principle. • Base March 2019 : All respondents (1063); Breakdown: Afro-Caribbean (329), black African (289), Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233), Indian (212), Muslim (345),

  7. Key findings – willingness to donate organs among black and Asian adults in England • There was a statistical significant increase in willingness to donate all organs and a statistically significant decrease in people saying they definitely wouldn’t donate. • There was an increase in people answering “I don’t know” suggests a softening in attitudes, shifting from negative to neutral positions. If sustained, this could lead to further consideration and increase in willingness. Willing. Which of the following best describes how you personally feel about organ donation after death? • Base Main Tracker: All respondents Nov 2017 (1600) Oct 2018 (1858) • Base BAME Tracker: All respondents May 2018 (1034) March 2019 (1063)

  8. Willingness to donate own organs by ethnicity Willing. Which of the following best describes how you personally feel about organ donation after death? • Base March 2019 : All respondents (1063) Breakdown: Afro-Caribbean (329), black African (289), Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233), Indian (212), Muslim (345)

  9. Motivators towards organ donation among black and Asian adults in England Respondents who were favourable towards organ donation, or did not know whether they would donate their organs after death, were shown a list of reasons why other people have donated organs. They were then asked to select, which, if any, applied to them. The top four reasons selected were: − Someone I love could one day need a transplant (27%) − Don’t know (27%) − It would be improving and saving the lives of others (22%) − I feel a social responsibility to donate (22%) Below are some things that people have said about why they would donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: All respondents excluding those who definitely would not donate organs (851); Breakdown (Afro-Caribbean (279), black African (264) Bangladeshi/Pakistani (118), Indian (190), Muslim (203))

  10. Barriers against organ donation among black and Asian adults in England • Respondents (except those who would definitely donate) were shown a list of reasons why other people have said they would not donate their organs after death. They were then asked which, if any, were relevant to them • The top four reasons selected were: • − Don’t know (30%) • − I think organ donation is against my culture or religion (22%) • − I don’t know enough about it (13%) • − I want my body to be whole when it is buried or cremated (10%) Below are some things that people have said about why they would not donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would not consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: All respondents excluding those who definitely would donate organs (909) Breakdown: (Afro-Caribbean (278), black African (248) Bangladeshi/Pakistani (211), Indian (172), Muslim (295))

  11. Do black and Asian adults in England talk about organ donation? What was spoken about? (%) Have you ever talked with anyone about organ donation? Which of the following have you spoken about? • Base, March 2019: All Respondents (1063); All who have spoken to someone about organ donation (143)

  12. Conversations by ethnicity • Have you ever talked with anyone about organ donation? • Base March 2019 : All Respondents (1063), Afro-Caribbean (329), black African (289), Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233), Indian (212), Muslim (345)

  13. Why never spoken to close family/partner about organ donation Q22 Why never spoken to members of close family about organ donation (%) Total Afro-Caribbean black African I haven't got around to it yet I didn’t think that I needed to It's never come up in conversation I do not know enough about it I wouldn’t feel comfortable about it I do not want to donate Donating is personal choice so no need I've never really thought about organ donation before I worry that it might upset them I don’t want to talk about death I don't think they would feel comfortable It might divide opinion/cause an argument I feel like it would be tempting fate I would worry that they might object to my opinion Don't Know Why have you never told members of your close family or your partner whether or not you want your organs to be donated? • Base, March 2019: All respondents who had not talked about organ donation (985); Afro-Caribbean (314), black African (264)

  14. Why never spoken to close family/partner about organ donation Q22 Why never spoken to members of close family about organ donation (%) Muslim Indian Total Bangladeshi/Pakistani I haven't got around to it yet I didn’t think that I needed to It's never come up in conversation I do not know enough about it I wouldn’t feel comfortable about it I do not want to donate Donating is personal choice so no need I've never really thought about organ donation before I worry that it might upset them I don’t want to talk about death I don't think they would feel comfortable It might divide opinion/cause an argument I feel like it would be tempting fate I would worry that they might object to my opinion Don't Know Why have you never told members of your close family or your partner whether or not you want your organs to be donated? • Base, March 2019: All respondents who had not talked about organ donation (985), Bangladeshi/Pakistani (217), Indian (190) Muslim (321)

  15. Knowledge about organ donation among black and Asian adults in England Compared to a sample from May 2018, the respondents were much better informed on organ donation issues Almost double the number (22% to 39%) now correctly answer that you get a better match with a donor from your own ethnicity and three times as many (11% to 35%) state that black and Asian people are proportionally more likely to need an organ. • Which of these statements do you think is true? (receiving organs) • Base, March 2019: Afro-Caribbean (329), black African (289), Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233), Indian (212) Muslim (345), Non-Muslim (718) • Which of these statements do you think is true? (need for organs) • Base, March 2019: Afro-Caribbean (329), black African (289), Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233), Indian (212) Muslim (345), Non-Muslim (718)

  16. Knowledge about organ donation among black and Asian adults in England Q25 Which of these statements do you think is true? (need for organs) (%) • Which of these statements do you think is true? • Base BAME Tracker: All respondents May 2018 (1034), March 2019 (1063)

  17. The NHS Organ Donor Register and registration • There was an increase in those reporting that they were definitely registered, or thought they were registered. This is still low compared to the general population, as 38% of UK population is registered • The number of people saying they were definitely not registered decreased • Note that the results are based on claimed behaviour. Have you registered on the Organ Donor Register that you want to donate your organs? • Base Main Tracker: All respondents Nov 2017 (1600), Oct 2018 (1858) • Base BAME Tracker: All respondents May 2018 (1034), March 2019 (1063)

  18. Muslim insights

  19. Support for organ donation – Muslims in England Q10 Support for organ donation (%) 31% X Net: Support X Net: Oppose 37% 33% I neither support nor oppose Support. Which of these statements best describes your views on organ donation? It doesn't matter if you would donate your own organs or not, we just want to know how you feel about organ donation in principle. • Base, March 2019: Muslim (464)

  20. Willingness to donate own organs – Muslims in England Q11 Willingness to donate own organs (%) Willing. Which of the following best describes how you personally feel about organ donation after death? • Base, March 2019: Muslim (345)

  21. Motivators among Muslims in England Muslim Someone I love could one day need a transplant It would be improving and saving the lives of others I feel a social responsibility to donate My organs will only go to waste when I die I would feel proud to donate I want to make something good out of a sad situation It's something that everyone should do I would accept an organ so I should be prepared to give one It would help my family and friends with the grieving process Makes me feel good I could be helping someone when I die It would make my family and friends feel proud Organ donors are viewed as extremely unselfish people Want to ensure there are organs for those who need them Don't know None of the above Below are some things that people have said about why they would donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: Muslim respondents excluding those who definitely would not donate organs (203)

  22. Barriers among Muslims Q13 Barriers for Donating Organs (%) I think organ donation is against my culture or religion I don’t know enough about it I want my body to be whole when it is buried or cremated I don't want to think about my death I don't want to suffer after death I worry my organs wouldn’t be used for transplantation I worry donation will delay the burial or cremation time I worry my family might be upset if I donated my organs I don't want to donate to someone from a different religion Hospital staff might not save me if I am on ODR I don’t want to donate to someone who does not deserve it I'm too old - my organs wouldn't be of any use I have an illness that will stop doctors wanting my organs I wouldn’t accept an organ transplant, so I wouldn’t donate Don't know Below are some things that people have said about why they would not donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would not consider donating your organs after death? Base, March 2019: Muslim respondents excluding those who definitely would donate organs (295)

  23. Awareness of need for organs – Muslims • Which of these statements do you think is true (need for organs)? • Base, March 2019: Muslim (345)

  24. Understanding of importance of ethnic matching - Muslims Q24 Which of these statements do you think is true (receiving organs)? (%) • Which of these statements do you think is true (receiving organs)? • Base, March 2019: Muslim (345)

  25. black African insights

  26. Support for organ donation – black African people in England Q10 Support for organ donation (%) 38% X Net: Support X Net: Oppose 17% 45% I neither support nor oppose Support. Which of these statements best describes your views on organ donation? It doesn't matter if you would donate your own organs or not, we just want to know how you feel about organ donation in principle. • Base March 2019 : black African (289)

  27. Willingness to donate own organs – black African people Q11 Willingness to donate own organs (%) Willing. Which of the following best describes how you personally feel about organ donation after death? • Base March 2019 : black African (289)

  28. Motivators among black African people Someone I love could one day need a transplant It would be improving and saving the lives of others I feel a social responsibility to donate My organs will only go to waste when I die I would feel proud to donate I want to make something good out of a sad situation It's something that everyone should do I would accept an organ so I should be prepared to give one It would help my family and friends with the grieving process Makes me feel good I could be helping someone when I die It would make my family and friends feel proud Organ donors are viewed as extremely unselfish people Want to ensure there are organs for those who need them Don't know None of the above • Below are some things that people have said about why they would donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: black African respondents excluding those who definitely would not donate organs (264)

  29. Barriers among black African people Q13 Barriers for Donating Organs (%) I think organ donation is against my culture or religion I don’t know enough about it I want my body to be whole when it is buried or cremated I don't want to think about my death I don't want to suffer after death I worry my organs wouldn’t be used for transplantation I worry donation will delay the burial or cremation time I worry my family might be upset if I donated my organs I don't want to donate to someone from a different religion Hospital staff might not save me if I am on ODR I don’t want to donate to someone who does not deserve it I'm too old - my organs wouldn't be of any use I have an illness that will stop doctors wanting my organs I wouldn’t accept an organ transplant, so I wouldn’t donate Don't know Below are some things that people have said about why they would not donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would not consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: black African respondents excluding those who definitely would donate organs (248)

  30. Awareness of need for organs – black African people Q25 Which of these statements do you think is true (need for organs) ? (%) • Which of these statements do you think is true? • Base, March 2019: black African (289)

  31. Understanding of importance of ethnic matching – black African people • Which of these statements do you think is true? • Base, March 2019: black African (289)

  32. black Afro-Caribbean insights

  33. Support for organ donation – black Afro-Caribbean people Q10 Support for organ donation (%) 41% Net: Support X 21% X Net: Oppose 38 I neither support nor oppose Support. Which of these statements best describes your views on organ donation? It doesn't matter if you would donate your own organs or not, we just want to know how you feel about organ donation in principle. • Base March 2019: Afro-Caribbean (329)

  34. Willingness to donate own organs – black Afro-Caribbean people Q11 Willingness to donate own organs (%) Willing. Which of the following best describes how you personally feel about organ donation after death? • Base March 2019 : Afro-Caribbean (329)

  35. Motivators among black Afro-Caribbean people Q12 Motivations for Donating Organs (%) Afro-Caribbean Someone I love could one day need a transplant It would be improving and saving the lives of others I feel a social responsibility to donate My organs will only go to waste when I die I would feel proud to donate I want to make something good out of a sad situation It's something that everyone should do I would accept an organ so I should be prepared to give one It would help my family and friends with the grieving process Makes me feel good I could be helping someone when I die It would make my family and friends feel proud Organ donors are viewed as extremely unselfish people Want to ensure there are organs for those who need them Don't know None of the above • Below are some things that people have said about why they would donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: Afro-Caribbean respondents excluding those who definitely would not donate organs (279)

  36. Barriers among black Afro-Caribbean people Q13 Barriers for Donating Organs (%) Afro-Caribbean I think organ donation is against my culture or religion I don’t know enough about it I want my body to be whole when it is buried or cremated I don't want to think about my death I don't want to suffer after death I worry my organs wouldn’t be used for transplantation I worry donation will delay the burial or cremation time I worry my family might be upset if I donated my organs I don't want to donate to someone from a different religion Hospital staff might not save me if I am on ODR I don’t want to donate to someone who does not deserve it I'm too old - my organs wouldn't be of any use I have an illness that will stop doctors wanting my organs I wouldn’t accept an organ transplant, so I wouldn’t donate Don't know Below are some things that people have said about why they would not donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would not consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: Afro-Caribbean respondents excluding those who definitely would donate organs (278)

  37. Understanding of the need for organs – black Afro-Caribbean people Q25 Which of these statements do you think is true (need for organs) ? (%) • Which of these statements do you think is true? • Base, March 2019: Afro-Caribbean (329)

  38. Understanding of importance of ethnic matching – black Afro-Caribbean people Q24 Which of these statements do you think is true (receiving organs) ? (%) • Which of these statements do you think is true? • Base, March 2019: Afro-Caribbean (329)

  39. Bangladeshi/Pakistani insights

  40. Support for organ donation – Bangladeshi and Pakistani people Q10 Support for organ donation (%) 22% Net: Support X 39% X Net: Oppose I neither support nor oppose 39% Support. Which of these statements best describes your views on organ donation? It doesn't matter if you would donate your own organs or not, we just want to know how you feel about organ donation in principle. • Base March 2019 : Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233)

  41. Willingness to donate own organs – Bangladeshi and Pakistani people Q11 Willingness to donate own organs (%) Willing. Which of the following best describes how you personally feel about organ donation after death? • Base March 2019 : Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233)

  42. Motivators among Bangladeshi and Pakistani people Bangladeshi/Pakistani Q12 Motivations for Donating Organs (%) Someone I love could one day need a transplant It would be improving and saving the lives of others I feel a social responsibility to donate My organs will only go to waste when I die I would feel proud to donate I want to make something good out of a sad situation It's something that everyone should do I would accept an organ so I should be prepared to give one It would help my family and friends with the grieving process Makes me feel good I could be helping someone when I die It would make my family and friends feel proud Organ donors are viewed as extremely unselfish people Want to ensure there are organs for those who need them Don't know None of the above Below are some things that people have said about why they would donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would consider donating your organs after death? Base, March 2019: Bangladeshi/Pakistani respondents excluding those who definitely would not donate organs(118)

  43. Barriers among Bangladeshi and Pakistani people Q13 Barriers for Donating Organs (%) Bangladeshi/Pakistani I think organ donation is against my culture or religion I don’t know enough about it I want my body to be whole when it is buried or cremated I don't want to think about my death I don't want to suffer after death I worry my organs wouldn’t be used for transplantation I worry donation will delay the burial or cremation time I worry my family might be upset if I donated my organs I don't want to donate to someone from a different religion Hospital staff might not save me if I am on ODR I don’t want to donate to someone who does not deserve it I'm too old - my organs wouldn't be of any use I have an illness that will stop doctors wanting my organs I wouldn’t accept an organ transplant, so I wouldn’t donate Don't know 19 Below are some things that people have said about why they would not donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would not consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: Bangladeshi/Pakistani respondents excluding those who definitely would donate organs (211)

  44. Understanding of the need for organs amongst Bangladeshi and Pakistani people Q25 Which of these statements do you think is true (need for organs) ? (%) • Which of these statements do you think is true? • Base, March 2019 Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233)

  45. Understanding of importance of ethnic matching – Bangladeshi and Pakistani people Q24 Which of these statements do you think is true (receiving organs) ? (%) • Which of these statements do you think is true? • Base, March 2019: Bangladeshi/Pakistani (233)

  46. Indian insights

  47. Support for organ donation – Indian people Q10 Support for organ donation (%) 46% X Net: Support X Net: Oppose 10% 44% Neither support nor oppose Support. Which of these statements best describes your views on organ donation? It doesn't matter if you would donate your own organs or not, we just want to know how you feel about organ donation in principle. • Base March 2019 : Indian (212)

  48. Willingness to donate own organs – Indian people Q11 Willingness to donate own organs (%) Willing. Which of the following best describes how you personally feel about organ donation after death? • Base March 2019 : Indian (212)

  49. Motivators among Indian people in England Q12 Motivations for Donating Organs (%) Indian Someone I love could one day need a transplant It would be improving and saving the lives of others I feel a social responsibility to donate My organs will only go to waste when I die I would feel proud to donate I want to make something good out of a sad situation It's something that everyone should do I would accept an organ so I should be prepared to give one It would help my family and friends with the grieving process Makes me feel good I could be helping someone when I die It would make my family and friends feel proud Organ donors are viewed as extremely unselfish people Want to ensure there are organs for those who need them Don't know None of the above Below are some things that people have said about why they would donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would consider donating your organs after death? Base: Indian respondents excluding those who definitely would not donate organs - Indian (190)

  50. Barriers among Indian people Q13 Barriers for Donating Organs (%) Indian I think organ donation is against my culture or religion I don’t know enough about it I want my body to be whole when it is buried or cremated I don't want to think about my death I don't want to suffer after death I worry my organs wouldn’t be used for transplantation I worry donation will delay the burial or cremation time I worry my family might be upset if I donated my organs I don't want to donate to someone from a different religion Hospital staff might not save me if I am on ODR I don’t want to donate to someone who does not deserve it I'm too old - my organs wouldn't be of any use I have an illness that will stop doctors wanting my organs I wouldn’t accept an organ transplant, so I wouldn’t donate Don't know Below are some things that people have said about why they would not donate their organs. Which of these apply to you when thinking about whether you would not consider donating your organs after death? • Base, March 2019: Indian respondents excluding those who definitely would donate organs (172)

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