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FAIRMODE and the implementation of ambient air quality directives

FAIRMODE and the implementation of ambient air quality directives. Andrej Kobe ENV C3, DG Environment. 2002: 6th Environmental Action Programme

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FAIRMODE and the implementation of ambient air quality directives

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  1. FAIRMODE and the implementation of ambient air quality directives Andrej KobeENV C3, DG Environment

  2. 2002: 6th Environmental Action Programme ‘achieving levels of air quality that do not give rise to significant negative impacts on and risks to human health and the environment’; (Art 7.1. of 6th EAP)

  3. Outline • EU ambient air policy • The old, the new, and the relevant • New Directive 2008/50/EC published in June 2008 • Implementation of AQ Directive • Models to the rescue • FAIRMODE: roles and expectations by DG ENV • The outlook

  4. Community Air Policy Concentrations Emissions Framework Directive Air Pollution 1St Daughter Ambient Air Quality National emissions ceilings Stationary sources Mobile Sources 2nd Daughter 3rd Daughter LCP’s Incineration VOC’s IPPC 4th Daughter CAFE Directive Exchange Information Non-road Fuels Quality Road

  5. EU Air Policy - How does it work? • Understanding : research, WHO... • Development : CAFE (Clean Air for Europe) • Community measures • Reducing emissions (sectors, total) Current in revision: EURO vehicle standards, fuel quality (also shipping), VOC, IPPC • Coherence between Community policies () • Environmental standards • Triggering further action at more local level • Enforcement • Everyone must do its part

  6. Emissions are going down... LRTAP (EEA 2008)

  7. But there is work to be done... By EEA ETC/ACC, Source : Q461

  8. Is there improvement? By EEA ETC/ACC

  9. In preparation of new AQD the Commission used models and model results extensively ... CAFE 2000 Loss in life expectancy due to fine particles(in months)350,000 premature deaths annually … but FAIRMODE is about encouraging and facilitating your model use in AQD implementation!

  10. New Directive – Expectations(I) • Streamlined provisions, more clarity in implementation • Where limit values apply? • PM2.5 objectives, monitoring requirements • Focused , more coherent measures, better information for further policy development • More time for compliance, under conditions • Assessment of measures by Commission

  11. New Directive – Expectations(II) • Expanded concept of deduction of natural contributions • Better Assessment > better understanding of sources, more effective measures • Additional QA/QC provisions, reference methods... • higher quality data (monitoring & modelling) • New reporting provisions, • Faster availability (NRT), higher quality, spatial dimension of AQ • Updated guidance • Support to implementation and more harmonized approach

  12. Modelling in implementation of AQD Assessment - concentration levels Optimization of measurement network Analysis : source apportionment Natural contributions, winter salting and sanding Ex ante and ex post assessment of impacts Forecasting for triggering short term action Public information Is all this written in the Directive? No. AQD has strong ‘subsidiarity’ character In AQD: enabled use in assessment, Model quality objectives Potential for 50% reduction in number of stations

  13. Modelling in practice... Few States comprehensively in assessment (UK,NL) Sometimes used but not reported Natural contributions, winter sanding Often used to develop air quality plans Use of EU-wide products (EMEP)...Kopernikus? Regional models, local application Integrated assessment modelling Issues Fitness for purpose Metrics Where limit value applies > interpretation of model result Public information: uncertainty, issues of scale

  14. AQD ImplementationOngoing (I) Groundwork Committee and its Working Groups Relation with stakeholders Transposition Notifications under Art.22 – time extensions Communication/Guidance & Forms NL currently still the only Member state to notify Modelling integral part of assessment & maangement Enforcement Lack of Plans and Programmes Sulphur dioxide PM10 : pending

  15. AQD ImplementationOngoing (II) Guidance preparation Review & update of existing Specific guidance Equivalence Natural contributions Winter sanding/salting Common measurement stations Implementation of new provisions Traceability of measurements Accreditation of national reference laboratories (AQUILA) QA/QC also for data reporting Addressing sensitive populations... (air quality plans)

  16. AQD ImplementationOngoing (III) Assessment, reporting, exchange, public info Q questionnaire updated to include 4th DD Zoning/GIS DEG: Implementing provisions for Reporting AQUILA (meeting 18-19 November) FAIRMODE (kick-off 10 October) EIONET : implementation experience on reporting GMES/Kopernikus (EC Communication still in 2008) Air quality services INSPIRE, pilot – implementation of INSPIRE under AQ SEIS EEA : data centre + SEIS implementation pilots

  17. This was the introduction...

  18. FAIRMODE Roles and expectations Member States Implementation of AQD Expect clear rules, ability to effectively use resources (reporting, mutual recognition...) Expect guidance and support, exchange forum DG ENV Policy development and enforcement Managing Committee under AQD and its Working Groups, Modify some AQD Annexes (with Member States) Prepare guidance..., steer Community action Links (CEN, WHO, DG RTD, DG ENTR)

  19. Roles and expectations EEA – Air data centre Data collection, including QA/QC Dissemination Assessments, ETC coordination EIONET / access to users Main SEIS builder at the Community level JRC QA/QC : validation methods, intercomparisons Expert networking New methods, link to research

  20. FAIRMODE will ... (Expectations by DG ENV) Facilitate/promote/increase robustness of model use in assessment under AQD Optimize implementation of air quality plans How? Guidance (use, natural contributions, winter sanding) input to revision of reporting Model validation methodologies, intercomparisons Exchange of best practices

  21. DG ENV will... DG ENV will appropriately include FAIRMODE deliveries within AQD implementation frame Acceptance by the Commission Propose endorsement by Committee Propose modification of AQD Annexes Steering of Community action (Kopernikus)

  22. ...even more ambition... Foster further development of models : Improve data assimilation techniques (monitoring, remote) Improve & reconcile model inputs Nesting over scales Support review in 2010-2012 Exposure, attainability, differentiated targets... Prepare for qualitative change in assessment requirements in 2013 – Revision of AQD Based on new ‘standards’, operational services at EU scale

  23. Final messages • DG ENV strongly supports the initiative • The twin management character (JRC/EIONET) pivotal for success Consider YOUR contribution to the initiative! http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/index.htm andrej.kobe@ec.europa.eu

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