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Labour market in Estonia. Jyväskylä, september 2009 Kaire Cocker EURES adviser Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund. Reorganization. Reorganization The activities of the Estonian Labour Market Board had been terminated pursuant to Goverment of Republic Act on 30th
Labour market in Estonia Jyväskylä,september 2009 Kaire Cocker EURES adviser Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund
Reorganization Reorganization TheactivitiesoftheEstonianLabour Market Boardhadbeen terminatedpursuanttoGovermentofRepublicAct on 30th of April 2009. All responsibilitiesweretransferredto a legal personinpubliclaw Estonian UnemploymentInsurance Fund Eesti Töötukassasince the 01 of May 2009 www.tootukassa.ee All servicesfromoneinstitution!
Information about Estonia 01.01.09 - Populationof1 340 415 In Tallinn: 401000 people 52.3% Estonians, 38.5% Russians(2008) Workingagepopulation - 1 038 800 (2009 I-II Q) Thelabourforce688 000 (2009 I-II Q) Employed - 602000 (2009 I-II Q) Unemployed - 85 600(2009 I-II Q) Non-active - 350 850 (2009 I-II Q) Averagemonthlysalary 795 EUR/monthgross (2009 I-II Q) Minimumwage 277 EUR/month
Entitlement to unemployment insurance benefit In order to receive unemployment insurance benefit three main requirements have to be met: • Registration as unemployed • Required insurance periods • Involuntary unemployment
Unemployment insurance benefit A person must haveworked and paid unemploymentinsurancepremiumsfor at least 12 monthsduringthe 36 monthsprecedingtheregistrationasunemployed. Theamountofunemploymentinsurancebenefitdepends on theperson'ssalary AmountoftheUnemploymentInsurancebenefitcanbe: - 1-100 days-50% ofaveragesalaryin last 12 months - 101-360days-40% ofaveragesalaryinthe last 12 months Durationofbenefit:- upto 180 calendardaysiftheinsuranceperiodisunder 56 months - upto 270 calendardaysiftheinsuranceperiodisunder 56-110 months - upto 360 calendardaysiftheinsuranceperiodis 111 monthsormore
Unemployment allowance Unemployment allowance is financial support for the person who has finished work voluntarily or has been occupied other ways. The unemployment allowancerequires that the person has been working 180 days within last 12 months Paid 7 calendar days a week (30 or 31 days), 270 days The payment is 32,90 EEK a day
Additonal Labour market benefits • A grant is paid to unemployed people who take part in work experience, work practice or 40 hours of labour market training. The principles behind the issuing of the grant are regulated by the Labour Market Services and Benefits Act. • Transport and accommodation benefits are paid to unemployed people who take part in labour market training or work experience. The principles behind the issuing of these benefits are regulated by the Labour Market Services and Benefits Act.
Statistics – what to believe? • Estonian UnemploymentInsuranceFund - Registered 16 yearsoldupto pension age • UnemploymentStatisticsbyStatistics Estonia - Includes all 15-74 yearsoldpeople • Eurostatestimatesunemployment Eesti Töötukassa
15-74 years old occupied peoplesource: Eesti Statistikaamet 2009.a. II quartertherewere 92 200 unemployedpeolpe and theunemploymentratewas 13,5%; End oftheyear 2000. thenumber ofunemployedwashigher,butitwasfollowedbyvery rapid economicrecovery Eesti Töötukassa
Registeredunemployed 23.08.2009 source: Eesti Töötukassa www.tootukassa.ee In Estonia there were 72 141 registered unemployed persons and registred unemployment rate was 11%. The highest registered unemployment was in Ida-Viru and Võrumaa. The fastest growth of unemployment was in Tartu- and Harjumaa. Eesti Töötukassa
Where are the biggest job losses? Collective redundances-looking at specific areas on first half of year 2009 Eesti Töötukassa
Breakdown of the recipients of the employer's industrieswhohasgonebankruptcy Eesti Töötukassa
Who are registered unemployed in Estonia? ●¾ofthenewlyunemployedpeoplehavebeenoccupiedoremployedbefore : • theincreasehasbeeninvoluntarilyterminatethecontract; byemployee and theemployer'sinitiative . • Estonian and Russianspeakersunemploymentrateisalmosthalf • Sex and age: men 54%; 70% reg. Unemployed are 25-54y, 17% are under 25y ja 13% at least 55a • Theincreashasbeeninyoungpeople and decreaseis seen inolderpeople • Around 1/3 unemplyedpeolpe are gettingtheunemlpoymentinsurancebenefit • Around1/4 unemployedpeople are gettinganallowance (~1000 EEK) Eesti Töötukassa
What kind of workforce are unemployed at the moment? The previous work experienced registered unemployed peolpe are builders or labour workers Eesti Töötukassa
Registered unemployed in the distribution of educationSource:Eesti Töötukassa ja Statistikaamet Themostunemployedpersonspeolpe are amongpeolpewithvocationaleducationfollowedbytheusualsecondaryeducation. Thehighestrecordedrateofunemploymentamongpeoplewithsecondaryeducation. Eesti Töötukassa
KIITOS! Thank You for Your attention! TÄNAN! Kaire.cocker@tootukassa.ee Eesti Töötukassa