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Purificació Canals, PhD President

The Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network Steering Committee of North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN), 19-20 March 2014, Incheon. Purificació Canals, PhD President. History of the MedPAN network. «  bottom -up » approach Project: common actions

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Purificació Canals, PhD President

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  1. The Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas NetworkSteering Committee of North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN), 19-20 March 2014, Incheon Purificació Canals, PhD President

  2. History of the MedPAN network • « bottom-up » approach • Project: common actions • Governance of the network • 1990 : MedPAN launched • 1996 : activities stopped • 2001 : Port-Cros National Park delegates the relaunching of the network to WWF-France • 2005 - 2007 : INTERREG III C MEDPAN project with 23 partners • 2007 : 1st conference of the Mediterranean MPA (Porquerolles – France) • 2008 : Creation of the MedPAN Organization at the request of MPA managers • 2009 : Permanent secretariat of the Organization based in Hyères (France) • 2010-2012 Strategy and 2013-2017 MedPAN network strategy • 2013 : Permanent Secretariat based in Marseille (France)

  3. MedPAN network Mission Promote, through a partnership approach, the sustainability and operation of a network of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean which are ecologically representative, connected and effectively managed to help reduce the current rate of marine biodiversity loss. Thus, it contributes to achieving the objectives of international conventions: CBD (Aichi targets), Barcelona Convention (Protocol SPA/DB, Protocol ICZM), ACCOBAMS and European policies (Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Habitats and Birds Directives).

  4. The MedPAN organisation – a snapshot • A legally independent structure with an international governance • 8 foundingmembers, 45 members, 28 partners – 18 countries – More than 80 MPAs • Secretariat 7 persons • Main donors: Mava Foundation, Albert II Foundation, FFEM, European Commission, local territories, French Water Agency& MPA Agency • Strategicpartners: CBD, RAC/SPA, RAC/PAP, Plan Bleu and UNEP/MAP, WWF, IUCN Med, Conservatoire du Littoral, GFCM, ACCOBAMS, … • Link withother networks in the world: CaMPAM, Rampao, Maia, WIOMSA, Panache…

  5. 2013-2017: MedPAN Strategy

  6. 2013-2017: MedPAN Strategy 3 strategic axis: 2 3 1 Being a network for knowledge, information, anticipation and synthesis Reinforce the vitality of the network, interactivity between members and building their capacity effective management of MPAs with stakeholders Reinforce the network's sustainablility, prominence, its governance and resources 5 major transverse intervention areas: Scientific Communication Capacity building Sustainablefinancing Consolidation of the governance and Secretariat

  7. Some MedPAN activities

  8. The Status of MPAs in the Mediterranean www.mapamed.org

  9. The Status of MPAs in the Mediterranean • 4.56% surface of MPAs (1.08% without Pelagos) • Less than 0.1% no take zone • 96% in the Northern basin • Coastal(0.1% of the open sea)

  10. The Status of MPAs in the Mediterranean • Variable representativity of habitats & species • Weak ecological coherence • Insufficient management (sample: 80 MPAs) • 42% with management structure and plan • Weak enforcement • Weak financial resources to cover recurring costs • Need for capacity-building • Need for socio-economic studies

  11. 2012 Mediterranean MPA Forum www.medmpaforum2012.org 2016

  12. MPA Forum main objective • Bridging the gap • betweenfield actions / politicalcommitments / science To contribute elaboration of better informed decisions and provide for efficient implementation at all levels Unique opportunity for dialogue/partnerships among all MPA stakeholders (scientists, decision-makers, private sector, managers, civil society…) ROADMAP TO 2020 and Antalya Declaration calling for urgent action to achieve, by 2020, International, Mediterranean and European commitments

  13. Objectives of the roadmap • It is addressed to national, European, Mediterranean and International stakeholders who are involved in MPA policies, planning and management in the Mediterranean region; • The roadmap is not legally binding, • but aims to define steps that Mediterranean States, relevant organisations and other stakeholders could individually and/or jointly undertake to achieve, by 2020, the objectives set for the network of MPAs. • It will also contribute to identifying measures to be taken during future discussions (the Barcelona Convention COP, SAP BIO review, European policies, IMPAC III, etc.).

  14. VISION OF THE ROADMAP FOR 2020 ““To achieve by 2020 a connected, ecologically representative, effectively managed and monitored network of Marine Protected Areas which ensures the long term conservation of the key components of the marine biodiversity and gives solid support to the sustainable development of the region. “



  17. The TRUST FUND INITIATIVE: 4th STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OF THE ROADMAP FOR 2020 • New sustainable financial mechanisms (trust funds, payment for ecosystem services, earmarked taxes, etc.) need to be tested and developed on a local, national and regional level. • New donors should be identified and mobilised to support MPAs. • Donors will be invited to support the development of long term sustainable financing mechanisms Increase the allocation of financial resources to establish and maintain an ecological network of effectively managed MPAs • Analysis of MPAs financial needs/gaps and regular evaluation of funding schemes • Reinforce national policies and institutional frameworks (local, national, international) to improve the funding and diversification of financial resources

  18. The purpose of creating a Mediterranean MPA trust fund would be: • To help existing MPAs secure means to function in the long-term • The support to the regional networks of Mediterranean MPAs, • To encourage countries to reinforce their national MPA development strategies • To bring complementary financial resources • To existing or future national funds in Mediterranean countries • To support countries in developing new innovative financing mechanisms at national level

  19. IMPAC 3 – Ajaccio Declaration Launch by the governments of Monaco, France and Tunisia of a Trust Fund for Mediterranean MPAs Istanbul Declaration: Contracting Parties « Invite international organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations and the private sector, with the interest and capacity to do so, to encourage the creation and the support of the activities of the trust fund for Mediterranean marine protected areas »

  20. Contributing to create ICZM models and achieving sustainable financing mechanisms • pilot sites • CB / knowledge improved • decision-makers/stakeholders aware/committed Management models of coastal, insular and marine areas in the Mediterranean

  21. www.medpan.org medpan@medpan.org pcanals@tinet.org Thanks for your attention

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