Resolution 1210b: Overview From HR 35: “…some Jewish students on public postsecondary education institution campuses in California have experienced the following: (1) physical aggression… (2) speakers, films, and exhibits sponsored by student, faculty, and community groups that engage in anti-Semitic discourse or use anti-Semitic imagery and to falsely describe Israel, Zionists, and Jews,including that Israel is a racist, apartheid, or Nazi state, that Israel is guilty of heinous crimes against humanity such as ethnic cleansing and genocide, that the Jewish state should be destroyed, that violence against Jews is justified…” • HR 35 urges CA’s higher education institutions to “condemn” and “combat” anti-Semitism on campuses. • HR 35 conflates anti-Semitism with criticism of Israeli state policy. • It follows a history of tactics to stifle critical views and study of Israel. • Resolution 1210b calls on higher education institutions to protect free speech and academic freedom and oppose HR 35.
Campus AffairsRecommendationsResolution 1210b: • Our analysis: • Actions like HR 35 create a climate of censorship and intimidation • In particular, HR 35 threatens legal and/or administrative action against students and faculty for what they research and and teach • We must protect academic freedom • We suggest the resolution add some context for why it is critical that the GA take this stance now. • Over all, we recommend the GA pass this resolution
EAVP Committee RecommendationsResolution 1210b: • Recommend support of resolution. • HR 35 explicitly calls out boycott actions as anti-semitic and such a definition would jeopardize the academic or activism work of many graduate students on this campus.
Rules RecommendationsResolution 1210b: • Title should read: 1210b: Standing Policy and Directed Action in Favor of Free Speech and Academic Freedom • Lines 22 & 23: These lines should read “the bill could result in the censorship of legitimate criticisms of the state of Israel” • Line 25: Spelling Correction “WHEREAS” • Line 25-26 to read as follows: HR35 sets a dangerous precedent by threatening to infringe on free speech rights and academic freedom by conflating”
Rules Recommendations(cont’d) Resolution 1210b: • Strike Line 32-33 as repetitive • Strike Line 39 [blank space] • Line 45: Strike “and” and insert “therefore be it” • Line 47: Insert THAT after RESOLVED and replace “it’s” with “its” • Questions and Recommendations to Author: • Add HR35 to list of materials delegates will receive • Provide more context about the HR 35 to the resolution • How does HR 35 result in what the resolution claims in lines 22-30?