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Small Group Communication. John A. Cagle. Dewey’s Reflective Thinking. In 1910, John Dewey’s How We Think introduced a rational model of solving problems and making decisions called “Reflective Thinking.”
Small Group Communication John A. Cagle
Dewey’s Reflective Thinking • In 1910, John Dewey’s How We Think introduced a rational model of solving problems and making decisions called “Reflective Thinking.” • This approach would later become the “standard agenda” teachers of group discussion would use to teach students how to work in groups.
Procedural Model of Problem Solving (PMOPS) • What is the nature of the problem facing us? • What might be done to solve the problem? • What are the relative merits and demerits of the possible solutions? • What is the best decision we can all support? • How will we put our solution into effect? • How can we prepare an effective written and oral report?
Lewin’s Field Theory & Systems Theory • Kurt Lewin introduced us to idea of field theory, an early systems theory • Group variables are related to other variables so that by altering or manipulating one variable changes are produced in all other variables.
Collins & Guetzkow’s Model of Decision Making • task groups encounter two types of obstacles, task and interpersonal • the group produces behaviors related to those obstacles • those behaviors contribute to the group’s final output and productivity, and • two rewards result in the end that determine what behaviors will be learned and maintained in response to future obstacles.
Robert F. Bales’ Interaction Process Analysis (IPA) • A group member’s communication reveals aspects of his/her personality. • He thus developed a system for systematically measuring communication behaviors in groups called IPA (Interaction Process Analysis). • Communication is linked to group task and socio-emotional effectiveness and satisfaction. • Perceptions of a group member’s communications produce perceptions of leadership and liking in other group members.
Benne and Sheats • Communication enables the group to accomplish task and social goals. • In fulfilling such needs, a communication serves a function for the group. • In terms of Task and Social/Maintenance, various communication roles are enumerated in the theory.
Information & opinion giver Information & opinion seeker Direction and role definer Summarizer Energizer Comprehension checker Encourager of participation Communication facilitator Tension reliever Process observer Interpersonal problem solver Supporter and praiser Illustrative Leadership Behaviors Task Messages Relationship Messages
Fewer More TaskMessages Low Dominance High Dominance More RelationshipMessages acquiescesagreesassistsconcursobligesconcedesevadesrelinquishesretreatswithdraws advisescoordinatesdirectsinitiatesleadsanalyzescriticizesdisapprovesjudgesresists High Sociability Low Dominance Fewer