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CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders. Sustaining Educational Change with Quality Assurance. March 26-28, 2013 SINGAPORE. CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders.
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Sustaining Educational Change with Quality Assurance March 26-28, 2013 SINGAPORE
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders What is Quality? Who should it be done for? What can be done?... Meets customer/learners satisfaction The product is the best combination of price and features How should it be done?... What is Quality? What should be done?... Conforming to design, specifications, or requirements. Having no defects The product has something that other similar products do not have that add value Quality: A self-sustaining relationship between management, staff and students that leads to all students realising their potential.
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders What is Quality Assurance? • A process which stipulates how a production (service) should take place and to what standards • A process which guarantees customers that a product (service) will meet standards consistently (Roger Ellis) • Prevention of problems through planned and systematic activities (John S. Oakland) • Doing the right things right
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Polytechnic Quality Assurance Framework (PQAF) Purpose: • Consistent quality in the education and training offered by SP • Continuous self-learning and quality enhancement and development within the polytechnics and across the polytechnic sector • Graduates that we produce stay relevant to the needs of industry
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Areas of Focus for Quality Assurance 1: Governance & Leadership 2: Strategic Planning 3: Management and Administration 4: Academic Quality Assurance 5: Continual Improvement
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Establish the framework for the leadership system and its commitment to achieve its vision and how to meet its mission AREA OF FOCUS 1:GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Develop and set long-term and short-term plan to provide value-add educational services to all stakeholders Monitor, measure and evaluate Key Performance Indicators with targets AREA OF FOCUS 2:STRATEGIC PLANNING
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Establish a framework to manage operation and resources effectively and efficiently to meet its vision and mission AREA OF FOCUS 3:MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Set up processes to ensure that courses offered are of high quality to meet the needs and expectation of students and industry AREA OF FOCUS 4:ACADEMIC QUALITY ASSURANCE
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Establish framework to initiate continual improvement to its policies, processes and procedures for good governance. AREA OF FOCUS 5:CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT
AQMS OUTCOME: Student Performance OUTCOME: Student Learning OUTCOME: Curriculum Need Analysis Curriculum Development System Curriculum Delivery System Assessment System Evaluation System Key Processes Course Identification Design & Development Course Delivery Student Assessment Course Evaluation Staff Development Plan (PDS) CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Academic Quality Management System (AQMS)
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Academic Quality Design and Development • Develop design and development process for all courses • Develop procedures to address all aspects of the design and development process • Approving process for the outcomes and recommendations of all course including refinement made to the review process • Regularly reviews the design and development process for continual improvement
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Academic Quality Course Delivery • Develop a course delivery process to ensure that delivery is based on approved learning outcomes • Develop a monitoring process to ensure that all courses are delivered to its intended learning outcomes
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Academic Quality Student Assessment • Develop an course assessment process to ensure that the assessment principles, processes, methods and practice are aligned with the learning outcomes and contents
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Academic Quality Course Evaluation • Develop a review process to review the curriculum for all courses • Develop a procedure to involve industry, professional and academic experts and staff during the curriculum review. • Regularly reviews the course review process for continual improvement
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Provision of quality education: Interaction between 3 elements of educational program design, quality assurance and program accreditation ENGINEERING PROGRAM DESIGN QUALITY EDUCATION PROGRAM ACCREDITATION QUALITY ASSURANCE Adapted from Hanrahan, H., “Towards Consensus Global Standards for Quality Assurance of Engineering Programmes”, in Engineering Education Quality Assurance: A Global Perspective, Patil A.S. and Gray, P.J. (Eds.), Springer, 2009.
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders SOURCE: The CDIO Syllabus v2.0. An Updated Statement of Goals for Engineering Education, Proceedings of the 7th International CDIO Conference, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, June 20 – 23, 2011
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Engineering Accreditation Board Accreditation Manual (April 2008) The programme should ensure that graduates are able to: apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering; design and conduct experiments, analyse, interpret data and synthesise valid conclusions; design a system, component, or process, and synthesise solutions to achieve desired needs; identify, formulate, research through relevant literature review, and solve engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions; use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice with appropriate considerations for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental constraints; communicate effectively; recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in life-long learning; understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal context and to be able to respond effectively to the needs for sustainable development; function effectively within multi-disciplinary teams and understand the fundamental precepts of effective project management; understand professional, ethical and moral responsibility.
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Mapping of CDIO Standards into SP Quality Management System
AQMS OUTCOME: Student Performance OUTCOME: Student Learning OUTCOME: Curriculum Need Analysis Curriculum Development System Curriculum Delivery System Assessment System Evaluation System Key Processes Course Identification Design & Development Course Delivery Student Assessment Course Evaluation Staff Development Plan (PDS) CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Academic Quality Management System (AQMS)
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Institutional Mission Program Goals (Std 1) Faculty Development (Std 9, Std 10) Curriculum (Std 3, Std 4) Program Objectives and Outcomes (Std 2) Teaching and Learning (Std 5, Std 7, Std 8) Learning Assessment (Std 11) Learning Environment (Std 6) Program Evaluation (Std 12)
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders The 12 CDIO Standards 1. CDIO as Context Adoption of the principle that product and system lifecycle development and deployment are the context for engineering education 2. CDIO Syllabus Outcomes Specific, detailed learning outcomes for personal, interpersonal, and product and system building skills, consistent with program goals and validated by program stakeholders 3. Integrated Curriculum A curriculum designed with mutually supporting disciplinary subjects, with an explicit plan to integrate personal, interpersonal, and product and system building skills 4. Introduction to Engineering An introductory course that provides the framework for engineering practice in product and system building, and introduces essential personal and interpersonal skills 5. Design-Implement Experiences A curriculum that includes two or more design-implement experiences, including one at a basic level and one at an advanced level 6. Engineering Workspaces Workspaces and laboratories that support and encourage hands-on learning of product and system building, disciplinary knowledge, and social learning
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders The 12 CDIO Standards – cont’d 7. Integrated Learning Experiences Integrated learning experiences that lead to the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, as well as personal, interpersonal, and product and system building skills 8. Active Learning Teaching and learning based on active experiential learning methods 9. Enhancement of Faculty CDIO Skills Actions that enhance faculty competence in personal, interpersonal, and product and system building skills 10. Enhancement of Faculty Teaching Skills Actions that enhance faculty competence in providing integrated learning experiences, in using active experiential learning methods, and in assessing student learning 11. CDIO Skills Assessment Assessment of student learning in personal, interpersonal, and product and system building skills, as well as in disciplinary knowledge 12. CDIO Program Evaluation A system that evaluates programs against these 12 standards, and provides feedback to students, faculty, and other stakeholders for the purposes of continuous improvement
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Both AQMS and CDIO are based on the same PDCA cycle of quality assurance 10 of the 12 CDIO Standards can be mapped directly to the requirements of the AQMS
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders People Developer Standard (PDS) The PDS is a mark conferred by a government agency in Singapore, which, through a certification process, gives recognition to organizations that invest in their people and have a comprehensive system to manage effective professional development
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders PDS: SP Learning and Development Framework Corporate Goals & Objectives CLS SMT Cluster / School Plans, Scorecard Cat ‘A’ Diploma Action Plans Reviewed and Approved by Management Utilization of Feedback from Review Learning Initiatives Cat ‘B’ Staff & RO Learning Effectiveness Review Evaluation Implementation
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders CASE STUDY: The Chemical Engineering Experience
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Re-designed DCHE Curriculum using CDIO Mathematics & Sciences Advanced Modules Sustainability-focused Innovative Chemical Products CDIO SKILLS INTEGRATED PROCESS + PRODUCT DESIGN CONCEIVE DESIGN IMPLEMENT OPERATE Chemical Engineering Core Modules Free Electives
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Review existing coverage of CDIO Skills Design Activities & Assessment CDIO Skill Review Feedback Reflection Revise and re-design Changes, New Developments “The world moves, and ideas that were good once are not always good.” – Dwight Eisenhower
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Apr: Revised DCHE CDIO Sequential Curriculum Apr: New DCHE CDIO Curriculum Nov: SP 3.0 Beyond 2014 Nov: CDIO Conference Feb: SP@60 2009-2014 2006 2011 2013 2008 2009 2010 2007 2012 Feb: Adopt CDIO Self-Evaluation 1 Mar: IChemE Re-accreditation (Outcome-based) Gap Analysis 2 Self-Evaluation 2 May: IChemE Re-accreditation (Old Criteria) Gap Analysis 1
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Outcome of CDIO Self-Evaluation (Round 2) Educational Initiatives (The DCHE CDIO Way) DCHE CURRICULUM QUALITY EDUCATION Holistic Education GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES QUALITY ASSURANCE AQMS / ISO9001:2008 (CDIO Standards) UK IChemE Accreditation (CDIO Syllabus)
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders CDIO Self-Evaluation in Chemical Engineering
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Rubrics for each of 12 Standards Source: Examples of Evidence of Compliance with the CDIO Standards v 2.0 (8 December 2010)
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Corporate & School Scorecard, DCHE Work Plan Environmental Scan SWOT Analysis Stakeholder Input and Feedback DCHE Course Management Team (CMT) INITIATIVES REVAMP Knowledge and Skills Need FEEDBACK REVIEW Core Module 2 Core Module 1 CLUSTER OF MODULES REVIEW MODULE REVIEW Core Module 3
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders (One-Off) CT Course CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Briefing: Course Management HE, CDIO, DT (CM, AM) CT-AR Briefing on Module(s) (MC, AM) Module Review TEACHING Module Development “Standard” Workshops HE , CDIO Formulate Action Plan(s) Execute Action Plan(s) Additional Training (if necessary) Other Training Courses, Workshops Skill Map and Training Records Source: SUSTAINING CDIO CAPABILITY – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR ENGINEERING FACULTY, Sin-Moh Cheah & Mark Nivan Singh, Proceedings of the 7th International CDIO Conference 2011; June 20-23, Copenhagen, Denmark
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Continual Improvement Action Plans – proposed or completed captured in e-Module Review
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders CDIO and IChemE Accreditation
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders IChemE UK Accreditation Guidance Revision: (Mar 08) “Decisions on whether a programme is accredited, and at what level, will be taken solely on the basis of achievement of learning outcomes against defined standards.” “The learning outcomes specified in this Guidance comprise a package which is distinctive to chemical engineering, and which can be regarded as a minimum necessary requirement for IChemE accreditation.” Six Focus Areas: (1) Maths & Science, (2) Core Chemical Engineering, (3) Engineering Practice, (4) Design & Design Practice, (5) Embedded Learning (Sustainability & SHE), (6) Embedded Learning (General Transferable Skills)
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders General Transferable Skills (IChemE, UK) General Learning Outcomes: Students graduating from an accredited programme in chemical engineering … must have developed and demonstrate ability to integrate transferable skills (such as communications, time management, team working, inter-personal, effective use of IT including information retrieval skills) that will be of value in a wide range of situations
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders Use CDIO Standards to drive continual improvement, identify areas of improvement and skill gap, formulate action plans, track progress, evaluate results Use CDIO Syllabus to achieve desired graduate attributes (Holistic Education, Accreditation, etc) WORK DONE: Capture in e-Module Review as per existing practice according to our AQMS
CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and Workshop on Engineering Education and Policies for Regional Leaders The Last Word …. Critical Success Factor Pedagogy Building Faculty Capability: CDIO Standards 9, 10 PRACTICE REFLECTIVE Teaching, Learning Unit (T&L) Capability Curriculum Training Needs Analysis Source: SUSTAINING CDIO CAPABILITY – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR ENGINEERING FACULTY, Sin-Moh Cheah & Mark Nivan Singh, Proceedings of the 7th International CDIO Conference 2011; June 20-23, Copenhagen, Denmark