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CURRENT TEMPLATE ELEMENTS. Introduction Learning Outcomes Instructional Materials Course Requirements Examinations Semester Grade Computations Notes and Additional Instructions from the Instructor Course Outline. CURRENT TEMPLATE ELEMENTS First Review Completed. Introduction 

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  1. CURRENT TEMPLATE ELEMENTS Introduction Learning Outcomes Instructional Materials Course Requirements Examinations Semester Grade Computations Notes and Additional Instructions from the Instructor Course Outline

  2. CURRENT TEMPLATE ELEMENTSFirst Review Completed Introduction  Learning Outcomes  Instructional Materials  Course Requirements Examinations  Semester Grade Computations  Notes and Additional Instructions from the Instructor  Course Outline

  3. Sections IV and VIII Course Requirements Course Outline Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Equipment and Materials Audio-Visual Aids Lesson Outline • Reading Assignments • Projects • Oral Reports • Case Studies • Book Reports • Research Papers • Class performance • Class participation • Other Requirements


  5. IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: • This section should contain a detailed list of each requirement that the student must accomplish to successfully complete the course. Each requirement should be described in adequate detail so that the student is able to readily understand the level of performance required. For example, this section might include:

  6. IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: • Reading Assignments • Projects • Oral Reports • Case Studies • Book Reports • Research Papers • Class performance • Class participation • Other Requirements

  7. IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: A. Reading Assignment: • Include complete bibliographical information. Indicate whether the student will hand in written homework, be questioned orally, or given announced/ unannounced quizzes on material read. Indicate the desired level of student study effort.

  8. IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: B. Projects, Oral Reports, Case Studies, Book Reports, Research Papers: • Clearly list requirements, options, basis of selection and approval, presentation methods, evaluation criteria, deadlines, etc. for each.

  9. IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: C. Class Performance: • Summarize the official institutional policy in the CTC catalog. Provide answers indicating what prior arrangements must be made to make-up missed class work, how an absent student obtains class notes and assignments, and how class performance is graded.

  10. IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: D. Class Participation: • Indicate the type and level of class participation expected, how class participation is graded, etc.

  11. IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: E. List other requirements that must be successfully accomplished. • Above requirements (paragraphs A through D) may be added or deleted as applicable to the specific syllabus being created. Re-letter the paragraphs after any omission.

  12. Course RequirementSamples • ENGL1301 • MATH1414 • HIST1301 • ITSC1409 • RNSG1209 • WLDG1417


  14. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE • This course outline may be posted in the classroom. Distribution to each student is not required; however, it should be available for student review if desired. Limit the outline to a broad overview of course content that will cover the stated Learning outcomes. The class syllabus will be customized by individual instructors. This will ensure that the body of knowledge is consistent with the subject matter throughout CTCD and separate from any individual instructor or one particular source, i.e., textbook.

  15. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE • Lesson One: (optional title) 1. Learning Outcomes: 2. Learning Activities: 3. Equipment and Materials: (if applicable) 4. Audio-Visual Aids: (if applicable) 5. Lesson Outline:

  16. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE • Lesson One or Module One:(Optional title) • Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this lesson, the Student will: (List using “action verbs”) a. Read.... b. Identify.... c. Compose....

  17. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE 2. Learning Activities: The activities should evaluate the achievement of the stated learning outcome. Code each activity with one or more workplace competency (C1 through C20) or foundation skill (F1 through F17) identifiers in parentheses, separated by a comma (i.e., (C3) or (C3, F5). a. Write a clearly-constructed thesis statement. (F2, F7) b. c.

  18. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE 3. Equipment and Materials: (if applicable)   List equipment or materials needed to conduct the lesson. a. TV/VCR b. Instructor-prepared handouts

  19. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE 4. Audio-Visual Aids: (if applicable)   List any filmstrips, videos, etc. to be used during the lesson. Some examples follow: a. The ABCs of Writing an Essay. Bergwall #A301, 1999 (video) b. Proofreading Made Easy. Payne # 101, 2000 (video)

  20. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE 5. Lesson Outline:   List the main topics to be covered. Some examples follow: a. Construction of an Essay b. Ten Proofreading Tips

  21. VIII. COURSE OUTLINE • Lesson Two or Module Two:(Optional title) Follow the same format used for Lesson One

  22. SAMPLES • BIOL1406(16 pages) • DRAM1330(3 pages) • BUSI1301 (10 pages) • CDEC1319 (9 pages) • HAMG1321 (4 pages) • DAAC1319 (14 pages)

  23. RESOURCES • Syllabus Review Task Force http://www.ctcd.edu/ia/syllabus_review.htm • Current Syllabus Template http://www.ctcd.edu/ia/documents/syllabus_template_012809.pdf • Learning Outcomes Assessment http://www.ctcd.edu/loa/ • Core Curriculum Assessment Guidelines (THECB): http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/index.cfm?objectid=24D2FE55-C9B7-419A-4D65413B13CD44ED • SCANS: http://www.ctcd.edu/scans.pdf

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