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Outline . Predicting establishment potential and mapping endangered areasWith limited resources and little informationStraightforward assessmentsComplex assessments Species at the edge of their range Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) in the UKColorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) in the UKSpecies with complex life cyclesKarnal bunt (Tilletia indica) in EuropeSudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum) in EuropeSome key challengesThe spatial and temporal resolution of datasetsClimate changeMapping economic loss.
1. Identifying the Endangered Area: Risk Mapping for Pest Risk Analysis Richard Baker
Central Science Laboratory, York, United Kingdom
2. Outline Predicting establishment potential and mapping endangered areas
With limited resources and little information
Straightforward assessments
Complex assessments
Species at the edge of their range
Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) in the UK
Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) in the UK
Species with complex life cycles
Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) in Europe
Sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum) in Europe
Some key challenges
The spatial and temporal resolution of datasets
Climate change
Mapping economic loss
3. Factors determining the Probability of Establishment Ecological Factors
Suitability of the abiotic environment, e.g. climate
Presence of suitable hosts, alternate hosts and vectors
Availability of effective natural or artificial control mechanisms
Cultural practices
Intrinsic Factors
Life cycle
Reproductive strategy
Genetic adaptability
Minimum population needed for establishment
4. Factors determining the Probability of Establishment Ecological Factors
Suitability of the abiotic environment, e.g. climate
Presence of suitable hosts, alternate hosts and vectors
Availability of effective natural or artificial control mechanisms
Cultural practices
Intrinsic Factors
Life cycle
Reproductive strategy
Genetic adaptability
Minimum population needed for establishment
5. Predicting establishment with little information and few resources Assume you always know or can infer:
Pest name
Pest presence/absence in the PRA area
Host plant
Pest origin
Assume you have access to a computer and therefore the:
CABI Crop Protection Compendium
Internet and search engines such as Google
11. Geographic Data in a Geographical Information System (GIS) Stored in layers
Data layers can be manipulated, analysed and displayed in many ways
12. ArcView Geographical Information System (GIS) Provides basic and advanced functions
Used widely throughout government and the industry
Powerful modular GIS (ArcGIS)
Extensions for spatial & geostatistical analysis, 3D modelling
Many contributed scripts
Can be programmed in Visual Basic
14. Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Western Corn Rootworm Serious maize pest in northern USA and Canada
In central Europe since 1992, August 2002 arrived near Paris
Since first introduced into Europe, UK area of maize has risen markedly (now >100,000 ha/year)
15. Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in the UK: Predicting Establishment & Mapping the Endangered Area Apply CLIMEX at low temporal & spatial resolution
Enhance spatial and temporal resolution
Calculate accumulated temperatures above and below ground
Look at effects of climate change
24. Maize area in England (‘000 ha) 1980-2004
25. Conclusions Risk mapping provides a powerful tool for directly analysing and displaying endangered areas
Risk mapping does not have to be complex
Detailed risk mapping is particularly useful when:
Species are at the edge of their range
Future impacts need to be assessed
Species have complex life cycles
26. Risk Mapping: Key Issues to Address Increasing the availability and accuracy of international datasets to enable risks maps to be generated for large areas, e.g. the European Union
Enhancing the spatial and temporal resolution of datasets ensuring they are compatible and relevant to the species concerned
Defining the climate baseline to represent accurately the current climate in the PRA area and predict the effects of climate change
Incorporating models of pest spread, population dynamics and impacts into risk maps, displaying the dynamic, stochastic nature of pest invasions
Including economic, environmental and social impacts in maps of endangered areas
Representing uncertainty in risk maps
Using endangered area risk maps in surveillance, contingency planning and action in emergencies.
27. Acknowledgements Claire Sansford and Alan MacLeod of the CSL Pest Risk Analysis sub-team
Other colleagues in CSL Plant Health Group, PHSI and PHD
Defra GI Unit, Economics & Statistics Directorate
Claire Jarvis, Geography Dept., University of Edinburgh (now University of Leicester)
Frank Ewert & John Porter (KVL, Denmark) and Beniamino Gioli & Franco Miglietta (IATA, Florence) EU Vth Framework Project “Karnal Bunt Risks”