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TIME MANAGEMENT. Why TM Is So Important To You The College Student?. It improves productivity Improves quality of output TM impacts us psychologically as well (Event = Success = Self Esteem) “is the cornerstone to success on the college level”. Basic Element & Key to Managing TM.
Why TM Is So Important To You The College Student? • It improves productivity • Improves quality of output • TM impacts us psychologically as well (Event = Success = Self Esteem) • “is the cornerstone to success on the college level”
Basic Element & Key to Managing TM • The basic element of time is AN EVENT. • The key to managing time is CONTROLLING AN EVENT.
Planning TM • Planning TM is predetermining a sequence of events. • Excuses for not planning: - not enough time (too busy) - rather party or play golf (other priorities) - not useful (“things change”) - “I do better under pressure anyways” A Natural Law: “We tend avoid events which are unpleasant, complex, lengthy, or uninteresting, regardless of priority.” – R Alec MacKenzie
POA 4 Beating Procrastination • Analyze what you procrastinate about - keep log & write down - common pattern?? (interpersonal, physical, confrontational) - are you “AM” or “PM” person • Recognizing what you procrastinate about will signal you to begin to apply solutions!!!!
POA 4 Beating Procrastination • Note your common “delay tactics” – what kind of excuses you use - “I will do it after this show” - “It really can wait until tomorrow” - “I will do it this weekend” • Recognizing these traps will help you avoid them!!!!
POA 4 Beating Procrastination • Experiment w/ solutions that work for you - subdivide the big task into small tasks - start w/ easy task 1st to get going - get someone to work w/ you – less difficult & painful (studymate) - make a commitment to someone or set deadline (more difficult to put off) - have all info ready (ie. articles, study guides) - ensure well rested & alert - close the door (block out distractions)
POA 4 Beating Procrastination • Put your plan on paper (provides blueprint for success) • Taking the time to plan & then implement plan 1 step @ a time will result in a more organized & productive effort. EXAMPLE - Don’t just start driving on a vacation – need to plan route, hotel reservations, $, activities. • College is a 4 (5) year journey!!
POA 4 Beating Procrastination • Give self carrot when complete task ie. go for ice cream, watch ball game, etc. • Get enough sleep. Eat right. Exercise! • College is a 4 (5) year journey!!
How To Maximize Your Time • Learn to set priorities on things like goals, tasks, meeting agenda, items, interruptions. • Start w/ “A” priorities – best use of time! • Implement anti-procrastination POA (you should know signs & control measures) • Subdivide large tough tasks into small easily accomplished parts. (divide & conquer) • 5. Establish quite hour – requires will power
How To Maximize Your Time (Con’t) 6. Find a hideaway ie. library, etc 7. Learn to say “NO” when you have a deadline 8. Minimize routine tasks ie. eating, washing, etc. 9. Shorten low-value interruptions ie. “I need someone to fail with me” crowd. 3 options : 1) reschedule, 2) avoid, 3) terminate 10. Avoid over-commitment/over-schedule – remember the jar!!! (Be realistic & allow some crisis/flex time)
3 Steps To Better TM • Analysis: • - Keep a log of where you time goes. • - Analyze your key problems & anticipate problems. • - Find solutions. • Medium & Long Term Planning: • - Build actions POAs to accomplish goals. • - Set deadlines. • Daily Planning: • - Develop habit of daily planning ie. use planning guides, prioritized to-do list. • - Write down what/when/how plan to do it.
1. Select distraction-free environment 2. Review med/L/T goals 3. Review prior day’s Daily Task List for any incomplete activities. 4. Review today’s prescheduled events Review the next few days’ schedule to see what needs to be prepared. 6. Update new taskers from yesterday 7. Prioritize the activities (A1, B1, B2, C1, C2) The Daily Planning Procedure
STUDY TIPS 101 • Budget 1-2 hrs study time for each hr of class (WHEN IS BEST TIME???) • Best to study before & after class (w/in 24 hrs) – better retention (remember!!!) • Take break (exercise) – stimulate brain • Are you AM or PM person • Eliminate distractions ie radio, hallways • Don’t’ wait to last moment (more anxiety) • Test file ??? • Study alone before test (you know what)
STUDY TIPS 101 • Use time btwn classes (1 hr = a lot) instead of watching TV • Actively take notes (active –vs- passive listening), maybe compare notes • Learn to abbreviate (symbols) • Write questions in margins • Mark text books selectively (not all yellow) • Organize facts – concentrate on important terms & key concepts (wrote memory) • Eliminate unimportant info (war stories)
STUDY TIPS 101 • Pre-read (better understand & know route) • Study partners/groups • Ask Instructor if unsure • Taking tests -get there early - read all directions - spend most time on ??’s that count most - change answers only when certain - if all ?’s same value move thru difficult ?’s
Time Management (TM) • 7% Communicated Verbally 93% Communicated Non-Verbally (ie. gestures, tone, variation, body language) • 10% of information is retained by just listening & no note-taking or reviewing • 55% is retained if it is written down & not reviewed • 75% of info is retained if written down & reviewed w/in 48 hrs