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Dan Badulescu (guest instructor) columbus@columbus-grp 604-6123986

FRE 306- Global Food Markets Global Trade & the Developing World Dr. Nisha Malhotra-UBC Session Oct 4th, 06. Dan Badulescu (guest instructor) columbus@columbus-grp.com 604-6123986. Global Trade & Developing World. Global Trade & Agricultural Trade

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Dan Badulescu (guest instructor) columbus@columbus-grp 604-6123986

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  1. FRE 306- Global Food MarketsGlobal Trade & the Developing WorldDr. Nisha Malhotra-UBCSession Oct 4th, 06 Dan Badulescu (guest instructor) columbus@columbus-grp.com 604-6123986

  2. Global Trade & Developing World Global Trade & Agricultural Trade • History: China, Phoenicians, Arabs, Portugal, Spain, England, Canada (HBC) What was/is being traded (bartered) ? • Sugar, spices, tea, cotton, fur, silk, wool, wood, grain, cereals, coffee, fruit, tobacco, bananas, orange concentrate, vegetables, meat, milk, rubber, fish, seed

  3. Global Trade & Developing World Expeditions to raw materials, precious & foods • Vikings -America before English, Spanish, French • Trading common between indigenous groups Trade between colonies and capitals- competitiveness – • e.g. England and Portugal XVIII (wool, machinery >< wine, tobacco) • e.g. Central America and Europe/NA (bananas><chemicals)

  4. Global Trade & Developing World Global Trade: exponential growth in last 20 yrs. • Main commodities traded • Value of trade • Trade blocs • WTO-Gatt-Uruguay Round • Agricultural trade vs. industrial or services • Some drivers: communication, insurance, finance, exchanges, logistics, payment payment systems, affluence, standards, regulations

  5. Global Trade & Developing World Key concepts in trade (is globalization new?) Trade triggers development? What kind ? • Slave trade followed sugar business • Fur trade:the indigenous communities in Canada • Canada – a country or a trading corporation? • Oil trade and the current history in Middle East • Trade brought the railway to the West of NA • Panama Canal & global trade

  6. Global Trade & Developing World Trade vs. free trade – fair trade • Trade blocks – NAFTA, EU, Asean, Africa, Mercosur, Caricom, CAFTA, FTAA • Doha Agenda –Launched Nov 01 in Qatar, comprises wide range of topics: agriculture, development issues, trade in services, industrial tariffs, WTO rules and trade and environment. Progress has been uneven, talks to be concluded Jan 05

  7. Global Trade & Developing World Trends in trade • Stakeholders? Citizens, women, farmers, kids, corporations, governments, global governance (UN) • Who controls trade? Citizens, small & medium size enterprise (SME), global corporations (MNC) • How is trade being controlled? Where is value being added? How to become competitive?

  8. Global Trade & Developing World 1

  9. Global Trade & Developing World 2

  10. Global Trade & Developing World

  11. Global Trade & Developing World

  12. Global Trade & Developing World

  13. Global Trade & Developing World

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