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Working Group Innovation. EuroCities Economic Development Forum Utrecht, February 27 th , 2014. Agenda. Welcome and Introduction Discussion on Chair and Invitation for chair / vice-chair 2014 Discussion on visit Dutch Game Garden Member presentation from Utrecht and Amsterdam
Working Group Innovation EuroCities EconomicDevelopment Forum Utrecht, February 27th, 2014
Agenda • Welcome and Introduction • DiscussiononChair and Invitationforchair/vice-chair 2014 • Discussiononvisit Dutch Game Garden • Memberpresentationfrom Utrecht and Amsterdam • Eurocities open data guidebook and • EU policieson open data (George Niland – Eurocities • Topics of Interest for WG Innovation (Jeroen van Oort)
Welcome and Introduction Objectives for 2014 Understand how innovation systems and processes are being implemented across the EU • Open Data • Attracting talents and skills • Financing Innovation In Utrecht, Brussels and Brno we will for this topics focus on • good examples/learning from each other • implementation of Europe2020/innovation
DiscussiononChair • Jeroen van Oort, chair of Working Group Innovation, left Netwerkstad Twente and worksfor Leiden University, now. • There was noco-chair, now • Althoughnotworkingfor a city anymore, Jeroen van Oort is available to continue chairing the innovationworkinggroup, butfor the year 2014, only. • A newchair, co chair, vicechairorhelpingsuccessor is needed.
DiscussiononvisitDutch Game Garden • Whatdidyoulearnfrom the visit? • Is thissomethingyoucouldcopy, on the sameoranother topic, in your city? Why (not)? • What would you advice Utrecht to improve the concept? • What could in your opinion the European Union do to improve the concept? • Is there a similar concept in your city? Which?
Memberpresentations 1 Utrecht 2 Amsterdam
Presentation George Niland • Eurocities open data guidebook and • EU policieson open data
Working on the 2014 program Topics of Interest for Working Group Innovation Jeroen van Oort
Objectives for 2014remembering the Glasgow conference Understand how innovation systems and processes are being implemented across the EU • Open Data • Attracting talents and skills • Financing Innovation In Utrecht, Brussels and Brno we will for this topics focus on • good examples/learning from each other • implementation of Europe2020/innovation
Starting an inquiry into local innovation policies The following overview is collected from data provided by the cities of Amsterdam, Enschede, Gijon, Lisbon, Lyon, Manchester, Paris, Preston, Terrassa.
Is financing innovation a problem for companies in your region? • Yes, it is.
Financing innovation is a problem, but our cities do provide some policy answers… • Gathering stakeholders • High risk early stage investment • Educating investors in potential of emerging technologies • Investment funds/joining Jessica and Jeremie/micro-credit funding/seed capital funding • Supporting access to R&D funding
Helping both existing companies and start-ups Policy for existing companies: 70% Policy for start-ups: 87% Policies include: • Information on entrepreneurship, special rents, information on financing • Focus on growth potentials • Supporting access to R&D • Special funding • Network building/partner search
Main problems in financing innovation Local problems: • access to credit at high risk and early stage • banks being reluctant • being competitive • limited engagement in national programs • taxes
Main problems in financing innovation EU problems: • lack of regulations to give SME’s more and easier access to finance • lack of taxation union • protection (patents)
Attracting talents and skills (70% has active policies) Main local problems • brain drain due to unemployment rate • brain drain due to larger cities being more attractive to employees • mismatch in the labour market between vacancies for high skilled people and unemployment for low skilled people • low local salaries in some areas (competitiveness to other areas)
Attracting talents and skills (70% has active policies) Main local policies • cooperation with local university • celebration of enterpreneurship/festivals • stimulating links between research institutes and companies • most cities actively inves t in keeping graduated people in their city (all respondents have tertiary education in their city), internships, grants to industry
Attracting talents and skills Attracting people from elsewhere From elsewhere in the country 75% From other EU-member states 50%
Going on together • Elections EU-parliament in May • New EU commission in early autumn EuroCities Innovation Working Group year result after Brno: Bidbook with our ideas on problem solving on innovation policies for new MPs and Commissionars. Who joins?
Part of the program in Brussels Glenn Gassen explains In Brussels we could talk about what we learned for iCapital, the EU award for having an integrated innovative system. We could invite Giuseppe Ruotolo and some (nominated) cities could present their cases.
Thank you for attending, and see you in Brussels, June 5th!