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Innovation Coaching Working Group

Innovation Coaching Working Group. New Services for the Network 2014 & 15. Cédric “that nice man from Switzerland” Martin “that Brit guy with the odd sense of humor” Jasper “that bloody Dutch boy we will miss so much”. Agenda. Future innovation services: framework and overview Cédric

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Innovation Coaching Working Group

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  1. Innovation Coaching Working Group New Services for the Network 2014 & 15 Cédric “that nice man from Switzerland” Martin “that Brit guy with the odd sense of humor” Jasper “that bloody Dutch boy we will miss so much”

  2. Agenda • Future innovation services: framework and overview Cédric • Dialogue with DG R&I and DG Enterprisemoderated by Peter • New innovation services – what it means for EEN partnersMartin • Dialogue with audiencemoderated by Peter • Conclusion and next stepsJasper

  3. The Team at Work Thankyou • Working Group • WP leaders: Jasper Hemmes, Cédric Höllmüller, Caroline Gray-Stephens, Andrea Kindler, Martin McGurk, Monika Vrbková • WG members: Maxine Adam, Hicham Abghay, Barbara Andreani, SørenBjerregaard Pedersen, Nicolas Chehanne, Anna Kaminska, NicolettaMarchiandi, Marjo Uotila, AntoniosViader, Gabriel Vladut • EACI: Eric Koch and Gunnar Matthiesen • DG Enteprise and Industry: Sven Schade • DG Research and Innovation: Bernd Reichert and Igor Jelinski

  4. WG mandate • Propose how to implement the future innovation services EEN will deliver under the remit of Horizon 2020, in particular the 5-7 day support packages for • “Enhancing SME’s Innovation Management Capacity” and for • “Key Account Management (broker coaches & facilitate coaching) for the SME instrument” • Propose how to strengthen the embedding of EEN in the regional innovation ecosystem

  5. Nota Bene This presentation reflects the recommendations of the Working Group made to the Commission and EACI. Main focus: new innovation services delivered under remit of Horizon 2020, but the Innovation services under the remit of COSME are also integrated. Not included: Related Internationalisation services under the remit of COSME (but links are mentioned)

  6. Strand A - Future innovation services

  7. Future EEN Innovation Services - Framework • Informing SMEs on competitiveness • For all SMEs interested in internationalisation and innovation • General EEN information services, often 1 to many ` COSME provided by EEN adviser

  8. Future EEN Innovation Services - Framework ` • Helping SMEs for internationalisation and innovation • For SMEs with a clear product, service, know-how,project or technology with potential forinnovation & internationalisation • Personalised advice and support services, Usually 1 to 1 COSME provided by EEN innovation advisera sub group of EEN adviser

  9. Future EEN Innovation Services - Framework ` • Enhancing SMEs innovation management capacities • For SMEs with real potential for international growthvia clear product/service innovation but lackinginnovation management capacities • Personalised support services of several days, 1 to 1 Horizon 2020 provided by EEN innovation experta sub group of EEN innovation adviser

  10. Future EEN Innovation Services - Framework ` • Facilitating SME coaching services in SME instrument • For SME instrument beneficiaries • Key Account Management of several days, 1 to 1 Horizon 2020 provided by EEN Key Account Managera sub group of EEN Innovation experts

  11. Future EEN Innovation Services - Framework • Informing SMEs for competitiveness • For all SMEs interested in internationalisation and innovation • General EEN information services, often 1 to many ` • Helping SMEs for internationalisation and innovation • For SMEs with a clear product, service, know-how, project or technology with potential for innovation & internationalisation • Personalised advice and support services, usually 1 to 1 • Enhancing SMEs innovation management capacities • For SMEs with real potential for international growth via clear product/service innovation but lacking innovation management capacities • Personalised support services of several days, 1 to 1 • Facilitating SME coaching in SME instrument • For SME instrument beneficiaries • Key Account Management of several days, 1 to 1 COSME funding, 60% Horizon 2020 funding: xx service packages per country 1 service pack = 7 days

  12. Dialogue withDG Research & Innovation and DG Enterprise and Industry

  13. Proposed levels of EEN services EEN baseline activities Check entry level 2 / 3 EEN level 1 activities EEN level 2 activities EEN level 3 activities Check SME’s need,commitment & capacity & for internationalisation& innova- tion Personalised SME advise on inter-nationalization & innovation(1 to 1) Exit Promotion of EEN support activities SME Feedback activities on EU matters Personalised partnering for SME’s internat. business & innovation expansion (1 to 1) Expert advice for Innovation Management Capacity Building (1 to 1) General SME advise on EU matters, inter-nationalisation & innovation(1 to n) Expert Key Account Mana-gement for the H2020 SME instrument(1 to 1) Networking activities within and for EEN Signposting to non EEN services

  14. Current Services - awareness raising 1-n ` • For all SMEs interested in internationalisation and innovation • Funded via COSME Possible activities • EEN promotion activities • Internet pages • Newsletter • Articles • Talks and presentations • Info days • … • Feedback activities • SME Feedback • SME Envoy • … • Networking in the region • Exchanges with regional stakeholder • Exchanges with NCPs • … • Networking within EEN • Sector groups • Best practice exchanges • Training • Working groups • Annual conference • … provided byEEN adviser

  15. Current Services: Advice and 1-1 Support ` • For SMEs with a clear product, service, know-how, project or technology with potential for innovation & internationalisation • Funded via COSME Possible activities • Personalised advice • Advice on markets, trends, regulations, IPR • Advice on access to finance • Advice on EU programmes • … • Personalised assessment • Potential of projects, new products/services, markets • Innovation need, capacity & commitment audit • … • Personalised partnering • Business offers / requests • Technology offers / request • Research partner searches • Brokerage events • … • Personalised capacity building • Training on innovation • Training on EU funding • … provided by EEN innovation adviser

  16. New service: 1-1 Innov. Manag. capacity building • For SMEs with real potential for international growth via clear product/service innovation but lacking innov. manag. capacities • Enhancing Innovation management capacity • Funded via Horizon2020 Step 1 Assess SME Innovation Management Capacity 0.5 day Step 2 Develop an Action Plan 1 day Step 3 Implement Actions to tackle Innovation Gaps 5 days Step 4 Final Report and initiate next steps 0.5 day Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs Funded via xx service packages per country 1 service pack = 7 days to be delivered within 12 month max. provided by EEN innovation expert

  17. Process for 1-1 Innov. Manag. Capacity Building

  18. Innovation Management Capacity Building ` • A new service to enhance SME’s Innovation Management Capacity • A restricted number of packages are available, choose who to support wisely • High level coaching provided by selected EEN “experts” (with the right CV, selected via call)

  19. New service: 1-1 Key Account Management ` • For SMEs with a successful project within the SME instrument of Horizon 2020 • Facilitating SME coaching within the H2020 SME instrument • Funded via Horizon 2020 Step 1 Assess SME Gaps and Needs 0.5 day Step 2 Identification and Selection of Coach 1 day Step 3 Facilitate Coach-SME-EACI interactions 5 days Step 4 Close coaching case and initiate next steps 0.5 day H2020 SME Instrument Key Account Management Funded via xx service packages per country 1 service pack = 7 days 2.5 days for SME instrument phase 1 4.5 days for SME instrument phase 2 provided by EENKey Account Manager

  20. Process 1-1 Key Account Management `

  21. 1-1 Key Account Management (KAM) ` • The KAM will facilitate the coaching process for SME Instrument beneficiaries, coaching done by external experts • To carry out a fast initial assessment KAM will need to be expert level (with the right CV, selected via call) • KAM has a role in • checking coach credentials • helps the client choose a coach • facilitates interaction during the coaching process • supports closure of coaching assignment

  22. Tools ` • WG recommends having one tool for scoping coach assignment by the Key Account Manager to ensure common language • WG recommends having an “agreed” group of tools to ensure a common language and to support the innovation expert to analyse the innovation Management Capacity of SMEs • WG recommends criteria regarding usability, output, management and content according to latest European standards • WG recommends process to identify and select tools

  23. “Strand B” - how to strengthen the embedding of EEN in the regional innovation ecosystem ` • Local stakeholders act as local associated partners and the beneficiaries are SMEs • The cooperation should be based on mutually favourable actions set out regularly, bringing measurable added value. • WG recommends not to impose regional/local cooperation in the new EEN call, but to ask for an explicit strategy how to embed EEN in the regional innovation eco-system • WG recommends to use existing performance indicators

  24. Dialogue withthe audience

  25. Timeline • Mid-Dec - Mid Jan. 2014: Call for the EEN 2015-2021 under COSME • April 2014: Deadline for the EEN Call 2015-2021 • Mid Jan. 2014: Invitation letter to EEN coordinators to submit “2014 proposal” for H2020 related EEN services • March 2014: Deadline for “2014 proposal” • 6 Feb. 2014: Information Day on the EEN Call 2015-2021 under COSME • 7 Feb 2014: Workshop on new EEN innovation services (recommended) New Innovation services for 2014, existing consortia “Normal” & New Innovation services for 2015-21, new consortia

  26. And now? • Report with recommendations will be published on Merlin Beginning of November • WG Recommendations are under consideration by DG Enterprise & Industry and by DG Research & Innovation • WG recommends transparency • Merlin Forum / FAQ (to be set-up by EACI) • Workshop back to back with Infoday on call • WG members available (but we are not in the driver seat!) Yes, we KAM!

  27. Contact: Someone else please

  28. Innovation Coaching WG This has been a Desert Adventures and Bucket of Ice production Thank you for Listening

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