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The suffering servant of God that is written about in the prophet Isaiah is absolutely focused on God . 在先知以赛亚书中所写的受苦的神之仆人完全是专注于神。. Whoever it is has perfect, complete confidence in God’s saving Grace and power . 该仆人无论是谁绝对信任上帝的救赎恩典和力量。.
The suffering servant of God that is written about in the prophet Isaiah is absolutely focused on God. 在先知以赛亚书中所写的受苦的神之仆人完全是专注于神。
Whoever it is has perfect, complete confidence in God’s saving Grace and power. 该仆人无论是谁绝对信任上帝的救赎恩典和力量。
He asks that God would give him the gift to speak comfort and hope to people. 他请求上帝会给他带来向人们述说安慰和希望语言的才能恩赐。
Such a word of comfort that when spoken would lift people from their despair into a state of freedom and energy. 该希望语言给人们讲述后,会将人们从他们的绝望中解脱,获得自由和力量。
This word from God would turn the lives of people around, no more self-doubt, no more sitting complaining and not acting. 该来自上帝的语言改变人们的生活,没有更多的自我怀疑,没有更多的坐着抱怨和不采取行动。
We see in many places in the world today where rulers are extremely antagonistic to the idea that the prophet puts forward. 我们看到在当今世界很多地方,那里的统治者不同意先知提出的想法。
Many of these rulers do not want their people to think, do not want their people to have the freedom to think and act. It is a threat to their use of power. 许多统治者不希望自己的人民去思考,不想让自己的人民有自由思考和行动。因为这是他们对他们权力运用的威胁。
The prophet makes it clear that resistance to this word of hope has little hope of success. 先知清楚地表明,对抗希望这个词不会有成功的希望。
The servant who speaks God’s word may well be accused of treason and taken to court. 讲神的话语的仆人很可能是犯了叛国罪,并诉至法院
The servant believes that he will be proved innocent. 仆人认为,他将被证明是清白的。
The servant trusts in the power of God. 仆人信任神的力量。
The Psalm celebrates the power of God and gives thanks to God for being rescued 诗篇庆祝上帝的力量, 并感谢上帝被救出
Brought back from the edge of the abyss the writer is saved in order to be able to join the procession of pilgrims into the gates of Jerusalem. 从深渊作家的边缘被保存, 以便能够加入朝圣者的队伍进入耶路撒冷的城门。
Perhaps not just to join the procession but to lead it as the King going to the Temple to renew his vows to God. 也许不只是参加游行,而且是引领它作为国王去神殿更新他给神的誓言。
In this procession we see descriptions that seem to echo for us a remembering of Jesus entering Jerusalem. 我们看到的这种游行描述,似乎给我们耶稣进入耶路撒冷的回忆。
The very nature of the person of Jesus that Paul the apostle wants us to understand is a humble pilgrim coming to worship the living God in the Temple. 使徒保罗要我们了解耶稣是一个谦虚的朝圣者前来圣殿朝拜永生的神。
More than that Paul writes of Jesus’ commitment to the will of his father. 更重要的是保罗写的耶稣对他的父亲的旨意的承诺。
This obedience to the covenant is paramount. Jesus abandons the power that he has as God so that the power of God can be evident. 服从契约是最重要的。耶稣放弃自己的权力,他有上帝,让上帝的力量显而易见。
This thought may seem strange to us, but we need to understand that Jesus whilst walking around in his earthly body did have great powers. 这个想法对我们来说似乎很奇怪,但我们要明白,虽然耶稣以人体在人间,但也有很大的力量。
We saw in the story of the temptations that Jesus was tempted to use these powers and as we will see in the story of the crucifixion he chose not to simply hop down off the cross. 我们看了耶稣被诱惑使用这些权力的故事,我们看到了在十字架受难的故事里,他选择不从十字架上往下掉。
Jesus stands aside from this power and God counts it as righteousness. 耶稣将这个能力不用,神决定这是有公义。
Paul calls on us to begin to think like Christ. That is to seek to do the will of God. 保罗要求我们开始像基督一样思考。这是寻求遵行上帝的旨意。
Trusting in God totally, not so that we might be glorified but rather that God might be glorified. 完全信靠神,不仅使我们得荣耀,而是上帝得荣耀。
For the last few weeks we have been following Jesus on the way to Jerusalem. 在过去的几个星期里,我们一直跟随耶稣在往耶路撒冷去。
On the way to the very centre of religious power in the life Israel. He comes at the time of the celebration of the Passover. 在去往以色列人宗教中心的道路上。他在逾越节的庆祝活动的时间到达。
The Passover was a celebration of the power of God to rescue his people, to bring them out of slavery in Egypt, could bring safely through the desert to the Promised Land. 逾越节是庆祝上帝的力量来拯救他的人们,带他们走出埃及奴隶制,可以安全穿越沙漠来到乐土。
This was a high holy feast and many pilgrims came to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple. 这是一个大的圣宴,许多朝圣者来到耶路撒冷朝拜圣殿。
It is also important to remember that the Passover meal was an inclusive extended family ritual. 同样重要的是要记住,在逾越节的晚餐是一个包容性的大家庭仪式。
Away from home Jesus planned to eat the Passover meal with his disciples. He continues to share that meal with his disciples today. 远离家乡耶稣打算和他的弟子一起吃逾越节的晚餐。他今天继续与他的弟子们分享晚餐。
Unlike the procession written about in the Psalm Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem is a humble affair. 不像在诗篇中写的关于耶稣进入耶路撒冷游行是一个不起眼的事。
Instead of a horse or chariot Jesus rides on a donkey. A crowd seems to materialise from nowhere. 耶稣骑着驴而不是马或马车。一群人似乎不知从哪儿突然出现。
The crowd starts to behave as if Jesus was King. Some in the crowd seemed not to know who Jesus was. 人群开始表现得好像耶稣是王。人群中有些人似乎不知道耶稣是谁。
Others in the crowd were convinced that Jesus was the Messiah, the promised son of David. 人群中另一些人都确信耶稣是弥赛亚,大卫的儿子。
It is interesting that Jesus entry into Jerusalem threw the place into turmoil. 有趣的是,耶稣进入耶路撒冷走过的地方陷入动荡
We might speculate about what caused that turmoil. 我们可以推测什么引起了动荡。
Perhaps they thought that Jesus was coming to overthrow the power of the Romans and to proclaim an acceptable year of the Lord. 也许他们认为耶稣是来推翻罗马人的权力,并宣布主的一个可接受的一年。
The shouts of the crowd clearly indicated that they saw a connection between Jesus and heaven. They shouted “hosanna in the highest heaven!” 众人的欢呼明确表示,他们看见耶稣和天堂之间的连接。他们高喊“应当称颂的天堂!”
Was Jesus a threat to their way of life? 耶稣对他们生活方式的威胁?
Absolutely yes! 当然是
But it was not in the way that they might have anticipated. Jesus knows that his passion, his death and resurrection will transform the world. 但事实并非他们所期待的如此。耶稣知道他的激情,他的死和复活将改变世界。
Jesus knows that he cannot avoid the at workings of the fear of those in power and that in order to deal with the power of this world he would have to submit. 耶稣知道他不能避免对当权者的恐惧,而为了应对这个世界的力量,他将不得不就范。
As post resurrection disciples of Jesus we need to remember the journey of Jesus to the cross. 在耶稣复活后的弟子,我们需要记住耶稣在十字架上的历程。
Just as the Jews remember the Passover and recall in it the saving power of God we to need to remember Jesus passion and recall in it the saving power of God. Amen 正如犹太人记得逾越节并回忆神的拯救力量,我们需要记住耶稣的激情和记住神的拯救力量。 阿门