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Grade 12 Family Studies Relationship Violence

Grade 12 Family Studies Relationship Violence. “The family is both the most loving and supportive of human groups and also by far the most violent group or institution.” -Child at Risk Report: Government of Canada. Table of Contents. Definitions Forms of Relationship Violence

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Grade 12 Family Studies Relationship Violence

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  1. Grade 12 Family StudiesRelationship Violence “The family is both the most loving and supportive of human groups and also by far the most violent group or institution.” -Child at Risk Report: Government of Canada

  2. Table of Contents • Definitions • Forms of Relationship Violence • Violence Against Women • Types of Abusers • Dating Violence • Spousal Violence • Child Abuse Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  3. Objectives • GLO 1.2.1 Identify and describe the forms of relationship violence and abuse. Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  4. Definitions • Violence • Abuse Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  5. Forms of Relationship Violence Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  6. Female victims Spousal Abuse Typical Characteristics Violence Against Women Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  7. More Likely to Occur • New relationships • Younger People • Common Law • Rural or Isolated Areas • Immigrant Women • Physically Challenged/Disabled Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  8. Why Do Partner’s Stay? • Commitment to the Care Giving Role • Fear of the Consequences of Leaving • Feeling Powerless Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  9. Types of Abusers • The “reactors” • The “entitled” • Overwhelmed by events • Neurologically or Psychologically ill Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  10. Dating Violence Figure 1- Girls in a Steady Dating Relationship Source: Klinic Community Health Centre, Winnipeg MB, 2005 Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  11. More Dating Violence Facts… • 15 years old • Home or Car • Jealously • Boys they know • Drinking & Drugs http://www.kcdvtf.org Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  12. Signs of Dating Violence http://www.wordle.net/. Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  13. Earlier than later Stay or be Alone Get Out NOW Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  14. Date Rape • Without mutual consent • Alcohol or Date-Rape Drugs • Blackouts, disorientation, memory loss Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  15. Spousal Violence • Private family matter • Hidden crime • Some improvements Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  16. Repeat incidents of spousal abuse rarely reported: StatsCan http://www.cbc.ca Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  17. Poverty Inadequate housing Unemployment Acceptance of violence Stress Verbal aggression Misguided way of resolving conflicts Depression Factors the Contribute to Spousal Abuse Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  18. Primary Prevention Programs Secondary Prevention Programs Tertiary Prevention Programs www.canada.justice.gc.ca Prevention Strategies Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  19. Societal Consequences • Enormous economic implications • $4.2 billion per year • $871,908,583.00 per year. www.canada.justice.gc.ca Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  20. “We have less control over others and more power over ourselves than we like to think.” Stephen Vizinczey Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  21. Child Abuse • Physical, emotional, sexual abuse & neglect • First laws 1800s • Children are not property of parents • No right to physically punish children • Child abuse registries • No central child abuse registry. Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  22. Reasons for Low Reporting Rates • Child abuse is a secret • Children are afraid or too young • Abuse continues • Suspected abuse should be reported. • Reasons for injuries are believable. • Not their business Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  23. Increased recently Social service providers strained Typically unwanted Strict discipline 3 – 8 years old Cold Hard Facts Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  24. Short and Long Term Effect of Abuse • Developmental delays • Suicidal thoughts • Difficulties forming close relationships • Less economic success • Increased risk to be abusive • Difficulty trusting intimate partners Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  25. Response to Child Abuse No standard definition of child abuse • Protocol: • Remove the child • Provide treatment • Re-educate the parents Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  26. Funding for social services Transition housing Counseling Family courts vary “No social problem is as universal as the oppression of the child.”Maria Montessori Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  27. Art From Abused Children There has to be hope. http://www.youtube.com/ Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

  28. References • www.canada.justice.gc.ca • http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2006/07/13/spousal-abuse.html?ref=rss • Child at Risk Report: Government of Canada • Senior 4 Family Studies(40S) A Course for Distance Learning 2005 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth • http://www.kcdvtf.org/05-respect_posters_DATINGVIOLENCE1.jpg • Klinic Community Health Centre, Winnipeg MB, 2005 • http://www.wordle.net/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVbkz_3lO3c Relationship Violence - 2005 MB Education Citizenship & Youth

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