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BSBPUB504A Develop and Implement Crisis Management Plans

BSBPUB504A Develop and Implement Crisis Management Plans . Elements. 1. Develop crisis management plans 2. Implement a crisis management plan 3. Review and update crisis management plans. Performance criteria. 1. Develop crisis management plans

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BSBPUB504A Develop and Implement Crisis Management Plans

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  1. BSBPUB504A Develop and Implement Crisis Management Plans

  2. Elements • 1. Develop crisis management plans • 2. Implement a crisis management plan • 3. Review and update crisis management plans

  3. Performance criteria 1. Develop crisis management plans • 1.1 Conduct research to identify crisis management best practice • 1.2 Consult relevant groups and individuals for input into the crisis management plan • 1.3 Document, distribute and maintainorganisationalcrisismanagement plan • 1.4 Ensure organisationalcrisis management plan is clearly understood by relevant groups • 1.5 Ensure crisis management plan complies with organisational policies and legal and ethical requirements • 1.6 Practise simulated crisis responses

  4. Performance criteria 2. Implement a crisis management plan • 2.1 Set up a dedicated crisis resource centre • 2.2 Develop a crisis response team to deal with media and • conduct issue tracking • 2.3 Monitor media to ensure the organisation is aware of • possible crises • 2.4 Implement and monitor issues tracking systems according to crisis plans

  5. Performance criteria 3. Review and update crisis management plans • 3.1 Consult managers and employees about the effectiveness of the crisis plan • 3.2 Amend crisis management plans as necessary to comply with legal and ethical requirements

  6. 3 Review and update crisis management plans

  7. Contents • 3.1 Consult managers and employees about the effectiveness of the crisis plan • 3.2 Amend crisis management plans as necessary to comply with legal and ethical requirements

  8. 3.1 Consult managers and employees about the effectiveness of the crisis plan

  9. Overview • To be most effective, the CMP in place within the org must be updated and reviewed regularly. • This is necessary to take into account: • changes to the org structure and personnel • Relevant org policies, legislative and ethical requirements • Technological advancement • Lessons learned whilst practising simulated crisis responses.

  10. Why consult with managers and employees?

  11. Effective? • Flexible • Responsive • Easy to understand • Contains accurate information • Current • Protects staff members/ customers/ members of the public from harm • Maintains loyalty to the org, its brand and image

  12. Effective? • Improves communication during a crisis • Assists with business continuity • Reduces negative impacts of a crisis • Cost effective • Complies with org policies • Meets legal requirements • Meet ethical requirements

  13. Methods • Surveys • Questionnaires • Informal discussions • Formal discussions • Meetings • Debriefing sessions after practising a simulated crisis response • Requesting anonymous comments to be place into a suggestion box

  14. Questions to be asked • Did/will the plan work as intended? • Did/will the plan work as expected? • Did/will the plan achieve the desired results? • Are there problems or issues with the plan which should be addressed? • Are additional resources needed to ensure the plan can be complied with? • Do staff members need additional training to properly implement the plan? • Are there any associated OHS issues which must be addressed? • Did/will the plan have any impact on other areas/ sections or divisions within the organisation?

  15. Note • Rate the effectiveness of the CMP? • Not simply about obtaining feedback on the operation of the current CMP, but should see the consultation process as an opportunity to improve the plan using new ideas and strategies which might be contributed by managers and staff • Vertical vs lateral thinking?

  16. 3.2 Amend crisis management plans as necessary to comply with legal and ethical requirements

  17. Manufacturer Sells product to Contract Retailer No contract Sells product to Contract Customer

  18. Manufacturer Sells product to Contract Retailer Contract Sells product to Contract Customer

  19. Crisis Management Model

  20. 0 Crisis Management How a Crisis Should NOT be Handled • Minimizing the issue • Stonewalling • Too little, too late From Figure 6-7

  21. Outcomes of Major Crises • Escalated in intensity • Subjected to media and government scrutiny • Interfered with normal business operations • Damaged the companies bottom line • Resulted in major power shifts 0 Types of Crises

  22. Prodromal Crisis Stage Warning—precursor Symptom —precrisis Acute Crisis Stage Point of no return Crisis has occurred Learning Crisis Resolution Stage Patient is well/whole again Chronic Crisis Stage Lingering on—perhaps indefinitely; period of self-doubt; self-analysis 0 Crisis Management: Four Stages Figure 6-8

  23. 0 Pattern of a Poorly-Managed Crisis • Early indications that trouble is brewing occur. • Warnings are ignored / played down. • Warnings build to a climax. • Pressure mounts. • Executives are often overwhelmed or can’t cope. • Quick-fix alternatives look appealing. Hasty moves create trouble. • Clamming-up versus opening-up options present themselves. • Most firms choose the former. • A siege mentality prevails.

  24. Fink’s Three-Stage Model 0 Managing Business Crises Identifying the crisis Isolating the crisis Managing the crisis

  25. BusinessWeek’s Five Steps in Managing Crises Identify areas of vulnerability Develop a plan for dealing with threats Form crisis teams Simulate crisis drills Learn from experience 0 Managing Business Crises

  26. Monsanto’s 10R’s for Handling Public Policy Crises • Respond early • Recruit a credible spokesperson • Reply truthfully • Respect the opposition’s concerns • Revisit the issue with follow-up • Retreat early if it’s a loser • Redouble efforts early if it’s a critical company issue • Reply with visible top management • Refuse to press for what is not good public policy • Repeat the prior statement regularly 0 Managing Business Crises

  27. Augustine’s Six Stages of Crisis Management 0 Managing Business Crises • Avoiding the crisis • Preparing to manage the crisis • Recognizing the crisis • Containing the crisis • Resolving the crisis • Profiting from the crisis

  28. Identify crisis communication team Identify key spokespersons Train your spokespersons Establish communications protocols Identify and know the audience Anticipate crises Assess the crisis situation Identify key messages to communicate Decide on communication methods Be prepared to ride out the storm 0 Crisis Communications

  29. Be First Get message out first to controlcontent and accuracy Be Right Say and do the right thing Be Credible Be open, honest, and speak withone consistent voice 0 Be First, Be Right, Be Credible

  30. 0 Benefits of Crisis Management • Fewer disruptions to every life for consumers, employees, and citizens • Preparing for one type of crisis may be beneficial when other types of crises strike

  31. The 6 Phases of CM REACTIVE PROACTIVE Probing/Preparation Signal Detection Business Recovery Damage Containment No-Fault Learning Damage Containment INTERACTIVE Redesign

  32. The 6 Phases of CM SDM’s for: Any Crises? Build on Existing Data Bases? Integrated? Types of Signals, Noise? Blockers? Transmitted to Whom? Actions? Internal Assassin Team Exercise? Signal Detection

  33. Signal Received? --- --- --- Signal Detector Exists? Signal Transmitted? --- --- Signal Related To An Org Problem? --- Signal Received By The Right Person? Signal Correctly Interpreted? --- Signal Related To An Org Actions? --- Actions Taken? ORGANIZATIONAL Signal Detection

  34. Types of Signals People Communities Special Interests Media Consumers Gossip / Rumors Personal Networks The Culture Internal External Personal Data Bases PCs IT Remote Sensing Government Monitoring Industry Scientific Research Technical

  35. Signals Internal External Tech People Tech People Types Economic Reputational ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  36. The 6 Phases of CM Mandatory? Formal Failure Analyses? Rewarded? Blame the Messenger? Organizational Status? Signal Detection Probing/ Preparation

  37. The 6 Phases of CM Probing/ Signal Detection Damage Containment Damage Containment Preparation Maintained? Updated? APPROPRIATE TYPES? Physically Contain? Buffer? Wall Off? Disperse? Decay? Neutralize? Treat? Convert? Dilute? Reduce Concentration? Deflect? Redirect?

  38. The 6 Phases of CM Damage Containment Physically Contain? Buffer? Wall Off? Disperse? Decay? Neutralize? Treat? Convert? Dilute? Reduce Concentration? Deflect? Redirect? Rebound? Transparency? Tear Down Walls? Open/Expose?

  39. The 6 Phases of CM Probing/ Signal Detection Business Recovery Damage Containment Damage Containment Preparation Business Continuity Minimum Services? Most Important Stakeholders? Off-site, On-Site? Backups? Hot/Cold Sites?

  40. The 6 Phases of CM Probing/Preparation Signal Detection Business Recovery Damage Containment No-Fault Learning Damage Containment Formal Reviews? Near Misses? No Blame? Generalize Learning?

  41. The 6 Phases of CM Probing/Preparation Signal Detection Business Recovery Damage Containment No-Fault Learning Damage Containment Redesign Actually Implement Changes?

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