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LNM exercises, Ch. 7,8. Indirect Statement Present Active/Passive Infinitive A Whole Mess o’ Ablatives. Indirect Statement, p. 119. Take these direct statements, and turn them into INDIRECT statements. Ex: puella narrat : “passer digitum mordet .” puella narrat passer EM digitum mord ĒRE
LNM exercises, Ch. 7,8 Indirect Statement Present Active/Passive Infinitive A Whole Mess o’ Ablatives
Indirect Statement, p. 119 Take these direct statements, and turn them into INDIRECT statements. Ex: puellanarrat: “passer digitummordet.” puellanarratpasserEMdigitummordĒRE • Vircogitat: “occulipuellaesuntpulchrae.” • What CASE does occuli need to be in? • What verb form do we need? • Are there any other words that need to change case? VircogitatocculOSpuellaeESSEpulchrAS.
Poetanarrat: “puella a familiāamatur.” • Poetanarratpuellam a familiāamari. • Catullus videt: “puelladeliciasamat.” • Catullus videtpuellamdeliciasamare. • Puellaputat: “passer estpulcher.” • Puellaputatpasseremessepulchrum. • Poetacogitat: “doleo.” • Poetacogitat se dolēre. • Senesnarrant: “vita non estsemperpulchra.” • Senesnarrantvitam non essesemperpulchram. • Poeta et puellaputant: “malaefabulae a senibusnarrantur.” • Poeta et puellaputantmalasfabulas a senibusnarrari.
Chapter 8 READING—Themistocles • Based on the author Cornelius Nepos’s de virisillustribus(About/On/Concerning famous men). • Nepos wrote about BOTH Greeks AND Romans whom he considered worthwhile. • Themistocles was an Athenian leader whose cunning strategy helped Athens shore up power among the Greek city-states in the 5th century BCE. • In addition, he helped the united Greek forces defeat the immense Persian invasion led by king Xerxes against the Greeks in 480 BCE.
Themistocles estAtheniensium dux et homo valdecallidus. • Atheniensium (genitive plural) of the Athenians • Dux, ducis m. leader • Callidus, a, um-cever
Xerxes rexPersarum contra Graecos bellum cum magnāindustriāpararedicitur. • Persae, -arum—the Persians • Contra (+acc.) against • Industria, ae—industry, care • Bellum, -i—war
Xerxes multosmilites et multas naves habet et cum multisvirisarmatis ad Graeciamnavigat.`
Athenienses bellum timent et oraculaPythiaepeteredecernunt. • Athenienses- Athenians • Oracula, aePythiae –oracle of/from the Pythian priestess/the Pythian oracle. • Peto, petere, petivi—to seek, head for, go to, rush at • Decerno, -ere, decrevi, decretum—to decide, to determine (often + infinitive)
PythiaDelphīs habitat et consiliaApollonishominibus dat. PythiahaecverbaAtheniensibus in templōDelphicōdicit: • Delphīs—at Delphi • Delphicus, a, um —belonging to Delphi, Delphic
“Atheniensesmurīsligneīsservarīpossunt.” solus Themistocles se consiliumApollonisintellegereputat. . Ligneus, a, um—wooden (Themistocles) Murosligneosesse naves dicit.
AtheniensesverbaThemistoclisesse bona putant. • A terrāsuā fugiunt, sedmultas naves aedificant.
Tunc naves Persarummagnāfortitudineoppugnant et Persasvincunt. • Tunc—then • Fortitudo, fortitudinis—courage G P
Atheniensestimoreliberantur. • Libero, are, avi, atum—to free, set free, liberate