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Vocab. Pax Romana - The Golden Age of Rome. A period of peace that lasted for 180 years. 2 nd Triumvirate- Made up of Octavian, Lepidus, and Mark Antony, also ended in jealously and violence.

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  1. Vocab • PaxRomana- The Golden Age of Rome. A period of peace that lasted for 180 years. • 2nd Triumvirate- Made up of Octavian, Lepidus, and Mark Antony, also ended in jealously and violence. • Octavian/Augustus- The grandson of Caesar who eventually became Emperor and took the title “Augustus” meaning exalted one. • Assimilation- The adoption of Roman Culture by foreign lands.

  2. Warm Up • What do you think a “Golden Age” is?

  3. The Roman Empire and PaxRomana

  4. Roman Empire Forming • After Caesar died there was a lot of turmoil (chaos) and a civil war broke out and destroyed the remnants of the Roman Republic. Three of Caesar’s supporters came together to defeat the assassins. • Octavian was the grandson of Caesar. He joined the 2nd Triumvirate with Mark Antony and Lepidus in 43 BC at the age of 18. Like the 1st Triumvirate, the 2nd ended in jealousy and violence. • Octavian emerged victorious and claimed that he would restore the Republic in Rome. He later took the title Augustus which means “exalted one”. Now the Roman Empire was ruled by one man.

  5. PaxRomanA • There was a period of peace that lasted for 207 years from 27 BC to 180 AD. This was known as the PaxRomana. • Augustus: • Who was he? • First Emperor of Rome • Upon what was his power dependent? • Control of the army • Augustus’ changes in Government: • How much power did the Senate hold? • Not much • What were the main duties of the Senators? • Court of law, some legislative power

  6. Control of the People: • How many people lived in the Roman Empire? • 70-100 million • What percentage lived in the provinces? • 75% • How did Augustus maintain control of the provinces? • Appointment of Governors using civil service • Encouraging adoption of Roman Culture (assimilation) • Respecting local customs

  7. How did emperors control the plebeians? • By supplying their bread • Creating Holidays • Providing public entertainment • Conquests • To where did Augustus expand his empire? • Germany, Spain, France • How did he connect the empire? • Road network

  8. Encouraging the Arts: • Who was one of the famous poets? • Virgil: His Aeneidis a Roman equivalent to The Odyssey. • What form of art was dominant? • Mosaics • Pictures taking their forms from small tiles • Bas Relief • Sculpture where the design protrudes from the background without entirely separating itself. (Mt. Rushmore)

  9. Closing • What is the PaxRomana? • Who was Octavian and who did he become? • What was the coolest Roman achievement? Why? • How was Augustus able to control such a large empire? • What did Rome supply for the Plebians to keep them happy? • What were the 2 dominant forms of art from Rome?

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