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CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal.
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal Welcome to the overview of “CSPD Connections” our intranet application and information portal. CSPD Connections was built to enhance communications within the Department as well as with the public; reduce repetitive and duplicate data entry and maintenance; to encourage the sharing of data and thus improve our ability to provide superior police services to our community while utilizing our resources to their fullest. The Colorado Springs Police Department currently has 945 employees who provide police and support services to the citizens of Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs has a population of approximately 350,000 with a county-wide population in excess of 500,000. We have four Area Commands dispersed throughout the city. By developing our programs as web-based applications ALL Department personnel can view, enter data and generate reports from any of our locations. Our application and information portal is available only to our employees via our internal network. Unfortunately, we are unable to show you the functionality and design of our applications. Therefore, we have put together this brief PowerPoint presentation of screen shots from CSPD Connections. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal Home Page(top) The main navigation panel is shown at the top in blue. Each category offers a drop down list of numerous other pages or applications. Web Systems contains many of our applications which are widely-used by Department personnel. The home page also has main sections which are displayed by the use of buttons. Simply click on the blue OPEN button to expand the section. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal Home Page Screen shots of the drop down navigation fields (moving from left to right). Click you mouse to see the next screen shot. Employees are continually surveyed on the layout and contents of these sections. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal Home Page(sections) Sections are noted with blue OPEN buttons. By clicking on these buttons the sections will expand or close. Announcements provide info on upcoming activities; New Additions lists new items or updates to the site (new crime maps, bulletins, rosters, meeting minutes, etc.); News provides links to local news; For Your Info contains community wide interest items; Gov Tech News provides links to government and other tech related articles; Web Sites of the Week provides a group of links on one topic; and Events lists upcoming department or city sponsored events, classes and activities. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal ETACSEnhanced Tactical Communications System This was our first web-based application. It replaced a manual system which had each area command type out a form, fax it to the Chief’s Office who made and distributed copies to the command staff. Who made and distributed copies for their staff, etc. Information took a long time to get disseminated and many times Officers never heard about important CFS. ETACS allows personnel to input data directly into the system from any Division and that information is available to all personnel within seconds. A second component of the system displays authorized records on our internet site. It is called Police Blotter. It is one of the most visited pages on our site and we receive positive comments from the public regularly. Click your mouse to move through several screen shots. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal TACOSTactical Asset CheckOut System TACOS is a department-wide application that uses bar-coding technologies to track important tactical equipment (shotguns, tasers, rifles, etc.) used by all Patrol Officers. This is the newest of our systems and was built to provide Patrol with a simple to use interface (a cross between a book checkout system and a point of sale system). The system will help ensure that life-saving tactical equipment no longer ends up missing or is broken and not reported. From the comments received this system has surpassed all expectations and the use of bar code technologies has made it simple for ALL Officers to use. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal CFS ReportsCalls For Service Reports The CFS Reports system generates reports for analysis using the data from our CAD system. No data entry is needed and the system is accessible to ALL department personnel. Data can be searched and sorted by Division, Call Type and area (100 block of specific street address). The department’s foundation of Problem Oriented Policing is a way of being proactive to calls instead of always being reactive. This system provides an excellent tool to review CFS data, develop trends and try to attack the root cause of the problem instead of just the effects of the problem. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal Training Center This system was developed and implemented in 2003. The system replaces a time-intensive manual paper system for scheduling Officers and Civilians for elective and mandatory classes. Sergeant’s can now sign up their Officers directly into the system at their convenience. The system emails the Officer the specifics of the class he/she was registered for then 8 days before the class the Officer will receive a reminder notice. All of the records are now stored in a database and they can generate reports on attendance to ensure that all mandatory training is met. The system also allows individuals to view the classes they have taken as well as they are scheduled. During the 3rd/4th quarters, the Training Coordinator reported for the first time, ALL mandatory training had been completed. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal SORT - Sexual Offender Registration and Tracking System This system automated numerous tasks as well as reduced duplicate Division databases and has recently been upgraded to generate bills for SO who do not pay at time of registration. The system allows Records personnel to add or update a record directly when a SO reports in (previously a form was filled out and sent for data entry). The information is available to Officers immediately (previously they received a monthly report of SO registrations and then Officers entered the data into separate databases to track the SOs in their Division). Now Officers can generate a wide array of reports with a few clicks of a button and they are no longer required to maintain their own data. The reports tie to our Digital Mug Shot System which provides the most recent photograph of the SO. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal Evidence Self Service This system provides a way for CSPD personnel to search the Evidence Management system to determine disposition of evidentiary items. The search features while extremely comprehensive are easy to use. Some of the search features include the ability to select a property type, or enter a suspect/ victim name, or enter an Officer’s name or IBM number or just do a search by description. Once a list of matches is displayed clicking on the Description link will display the record details. This has saved Officers in the field and Evidence personnel countless hours determining evidentiary disposition. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal GangNet Application The GangNet Application provides the GangNet Officers who work throughout all of our Divisions with the ability to view current news/notices, events/meetings and most importantly review basic information and photos for four gang member categories: Most Active, Most Wanted, Newly Confirmed and Newly Paroled. After clicking on a main category, you can select a specific individual and view complete information including scars, marks, tattoos, wants and warrants and view the most recent photo of the gang member. The system is completely administered via an administrators system. The GangNet Analyst maintains the data with the Admin system. The system has been in production for 8 months and has become a valuable tool for the GangNet Officers. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards
CSPD Connections - Colorado Springs Police Department’s Application & Information Portal This has been a quick overview of some of our applications. We would be happy to provide more information on any of our applications or our intranet portal “CSPD Connections”. We have included screen shots of additional pages and applications within CSPD Connections. 2004 Best of the Web & Digital Government Achievement Awards