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Classroom Rules and Procedures Lead to

Classroom Rules and Procedures Lead to. SUCCESS. What is CHAMPS?. Champs is a campus-wide classroom program. We use the same system and language in each classroom so everyone understands what the expectations are for different activities. C H A M P - Success.

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Classroom Rules and Procedures Lead to

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  1. Classroom Rules and Procedures Lead to SUCCESS

  2. What is CHAMPS? • Champs is a campus-wide classroom program. • We use the same system and language in each classroom so everyone understands what the expectations are for different activities.

  3. C H A M P - Success • Cmeans conversation – how loud, with whom to talk and what about • H means how do you get help if you don’t know what to do? • A means the activity to do • Mmeans what kind of movement to do • Pmeans participation – what does doing the activity and being on task look/sound like? Together CHAMP lead to Success

  4. Entering Class • Say hello. • Enter class at a 0 • Get journal on way to seat • Begin work on bell-ringer

  5. Entering Class • C • H • A Get journal, go to seat. • M Moving to journal box & then to seat • P Quietly sitting down • S Success

  6. Bell-ringer • Open journal to next page. • Write date and bell-ringer title at top of page. • Begin bell-ringer. • Answer questions/complete tasks. • Enter Bell-ringer into Table of Contents. (TOC)

  7. Bell-ringer • C • HA Respond to questionsM No • P Thinking/Writing • SSuccess

  8. Teacher Directed Instruction • Listen • Think and evaluate • Raise your hand to be called on • Wait to be called before speaking • Follow instructions

  9. Teacher Directed Instruction • C • H • A Respond to questions, Take notes/make Sketches • MNo • PThinking, writing, drawing • SSuccess

  10. Independent Work • Listen, think • Do your best work. • Raise your hand if you have a question. • Complete task. • Think about what you knew and what you know now.

  11. Independent Work • C • H • AFollow instructions. Complete task. • MNo • PTask based • S Success

  12. Labs & Small Group Work • Work with 2-3 others. • Complete your own job within team. • Help team members complete their tasks if necessary. • Complete your lab or group assignment.

  13. Labs & Small Group Work • C or or • H ask others in group, then • AFollow instructions. Complete task. • MTask based. • PTask based . • S Success

  14. Table Work • Work with 3-6 students to complete task. • Often times each person will have one job. • Participation is both group and individual.

  15. Table Work • C or • H ask others in group, then • A Follow instructions. Complete task. • M Task based. • P Task based . • S Success

  16. Class Discussion • One person talks at a 3 • All others listen (at 0), think and evaluate their own opinions. • Note taking possible.

  17. Class Discussion • C or • H • AListen, think & evaluate your own opinion • Mno • PThink & contribute to discussion • S Success

  18. Presentation • Speaker: speak loudly and clearly so everyone can hear you. • Audience: listen to speaker(s) and take notes. • Audience: ask accountable questions

  19. Presentation • C or • H • AListen, think & evaluate your own opinion, take notes • Mno • PListen and take notes • S Success

  20. TEST • Do your best to answer all questions. • Do your own work. • When you are finished, bring reading material. • I may have reading material for you.

  21. TEST • C • H • A Complete test. Do your best. • M no • P Answer all questions. • S Success

  22. Clean Up • Follow task specific instructions for clean up • Put all art supplies back in boxes. • When instructed, bring to front. • After last assignment, stack all journals at ends of tables.

  23. Clean Up • C or • H ask others in group, then • A Follow instructions. Complete task. • M Task based. • P All materials put away. Tables/floor clean. Journals stacked. • S Success

  24. Class Dismissed • I will dismiss you by tables. • Tables must be eligible for dismissal: • - Clean – up done • - Turn in supplies • - Sit quietly in assigned seats. • You will leave my room quietly and proceed to your next class.

  25. Class Dismissed • C • H • A One from table puts journals in box (names facing out) • M Calmly moving out of room. • P Leave room quietly • S Success

  26. What to do if you…….

  27. …see me do this: • When I need your attention, I will raise my hand. • Please stop talking and put you hand in the air too. • I expect 100% cooperation in 5 seconds and thank you for your contribution to our class.

  28. …have a missing or broken pen/pencil. • If you don’t have a working pen or pencil, bring your backpack to me. • I will trade your backpack for a pen. • I do not have pencils or pencil sharpeners. • When your table is dismissed, bring my pen back and I will give you your backpack. • Only come behind my table if I explicitly tell you to.

  29. …are sick or out. • Check your journal – I will put any handouts inside the front. • In your journal write in the days you were sick so I know if I am grading. • Enter the days you were missing into your table of contents (TOC). • I will also printout a copy of the day’s instructions so you will know what to do. • Talk with me after class, we will decide by when you need to make up the work.

  30. … have a backpack. • Have your pen/pencil easily accessible in your backpack. • Get it out after you greet me at the door. • Either put your backpack in the “back-pack zone” and proceed to get your journal. • Or keep your backpack on the floor.

  31. … need a supply box. • Designated table manager will get supplies from teacher desk when instructed to do so. • Manager will check boxes to see all supplies are in it. • When it is clean up time, manager will check to make sure all supplies are in the box. • Supply manager turns in box and table is eligible for dismissal process.

  32. …finish an assignment early. • Check to see if there is an “If you’re done…” assignment on your table instructions. • If there isn’t or if you finish that too, feel free to read or work on something else. • If you need reading material, get a book from by “current book/magazine collection”.

  33. Homework • Hand in homework when asked. • Pass it to the front of your lab table. • Get homework back from your class box. This is your responsibility. You need your homework for study for tests. • Tape/glue it into your journals. • Often times, you will only get credit for homework if it is taped into your journal.

  34. …you need to use the restroom. • There is no need for restroom passes in :1st(go before school), 2nd (go during breakfast) or 6th (go during lunch). • Generally, you should take care of your needs either before school, during breakfast or during lunch. • Do not leave class during direct instruction or when we are reviewing instructions. Wait for independent practice. • Other classes will have 2 restroom passes each 6 weeks. If you need more than 2, I will need to notify your parents that they need to have you checked for a medical problem. • If you do not use your passes, turn them into me at the end of the 6 weeks for extra credit 5 points added to your grade.

  35. …have/create an abundance of trash during class. • Generally, you can wait to throw away your trash until the end of class when you leave the room. • If you can NOT wait, then you may throw away items during independent practice. (Please desist from disturbing direct teaching and instructions. • Remember to leave your space AT LEAST as clean as you found it.

  36. …have late homework/assignments. • 1st day is 10 points • 2nd day is 20 points • 3rd day is 30 points • 4th day is 40 points

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