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Task-Based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学. 南通大学外国语学院 吴 兴 东. 引言. 教育部制订的义务教育 《 英语课程标准 》 定点实验已进行了几年,向 《 课标 》 靠拢的教材、课堂教学、测试、管理诸方面的改革活动已遍及全国。但目前赞誉与质疑之声并起。对于 《 课标 》 明确倡导的任务型教学途径的质疑几乎占了上风。任务型教学途径是统管全局的外语教学路线,不是局部的教学技巧,它的取舍关系到 《 课标 》 立足和课改的成败。.
Task-Based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学 南通大学外国语学院 吴 兴 东
引言 • 教育部制订的义务教育《英语课程标准》定点实验已进行了几年,向《课标》靠拢的教材、课堂教学、测试、管理诸方面的改革活动已遍及全国。但目前赞誉与质疑之声并起。对于《课标》明确倡导的任务型教学途径的质疑几乎占了上风。任务型教学途径是统管全局的外语教学路线,不是局部的教学技巧,它的取舍关系到《课标》立足和课改的成败。
任务型教学途径的前身是任务教纲(task-based syllabus)。任务教纲和功能教钢、内容教纲一样是交际法的教学内容安排方式之一。教纲对教学目标、教学过程和教学考核具有很大的制约作用。在任务型教学中教纲和其它教学因素的关系更为密切。对任务教纲的否定就是对任务型教学途径的否定。
第二个原因是不少英语教师认为贯彻任务型教学途径需要真实的语境。中国人学习外语缺少真实的交际情景。任务型教学途径只适合于二语习得,不适合中国的外语学习。第二个原因是不少英语教师认为贯彻任务型教学途径需要真实的语境。中国人学习外语缺少真实的交际情景。任务型教学途径只适合于二语习得,不适合中国的外语学习。 • 任务教纲还是语法教纲更适合外语教学的疑问必须由身处外语学习环境中的中国外语教学工作者自己去回答。这个问题必须要有正确的答案。因为本次基础教育改革的重点是改革课程。教纲在广义的课程中占重要地位,而狭义的课程指的就是某一门学科的教纲,即对一门课的内容和教学顺序的安排。
Task-Based Language Teaching • 《标准》中提出的“任务型”教学途径 • 参照“活动教学法”,理解“任务型”教学途径 • “任务型”语言教学的基本思想和方法
倡导“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力倡导“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力 • 本《标准》以学生“做某事”的描述方式设定各级目标要求。教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用“任务型”的教学途径。 • 教师应依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,教师应注意以下几点: 1、活动的目的要明确并具有可操作性; • 2、要以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,内容和方式要尽量真实; • 3、活动要有助于学生英语知识的学习、语言技能的发展和语言实际运用能力的提高; • 4、活动应积极促进英语学科和其他学科间的相互渗透和联系,使学生的思维和想象力、审美情趣和艺术感受、协作和创新精神等综合素质得到发展; • 5、活动要能够促使学生获取、处理和使用信息并用英语与他人交流,发展他们用英语解决实际问题的能力; • 6、活动不仅限于课堂教学,也要延伸到课堂之外学生的学习和生活之中。
树立符合新课程要求的教学观念,优化教育教学方式树立符合新课程要求的教学观念,优化教育教学方式 课堂教学应改变以教师为中心、单纯 传授书本知识的教学模式。教师应帮助学生发展探究知识的能力、获取知识的能力和自主学习的能力。 教师在教学中要注意发展学生的批判能力和创新精神。课堂教学活动的设计应有利于发挥学生的创造力和想象力。在教学中应增加开放性的任务型活动和探究性的学习内容,使学生有机会表达自己的看法与观点。教师要鼓励学生学会合作,发展与人沟通的能力。教师在设计教学任务时,可以根据不同学生的情况设计不同的任务,使所有的学生都能进步。
Types of syllabus A structural (or formal)syllabus A notional/functional syllabus A situational syllabus A skill-based syllabus A task-based syllabus A content-based syllabus
The Activities-based Approach to Teaching English As a Foreign Language 1. Definition 2. Background 3.Theoretical Assumptions 4.Goals and Objectives 5.Areas of Study 6.Method 7.Assessment and Reporting 8.Resources
Definition of An activity • An activity involves the purposeful and active use of language where learners are required to call upon their language resource to meet the needs of a given communicative situation.
Tasks are always activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome. (Willis 1996)
Definition of the Activities-based Approach 活动教学法是以活动体现教学目标、教学内容、教学手段和教学考核的语言教学方法。活动涉及有目的的积极的语言使用,学员在活动中需要利用语言材料满足特定交际情景需求。换句话说,学员在活动中以听、说、读、写等方式使用目的语达到某一目的。他们对所要表达的意思和所需用的语言没有预先的准备,必须正确处理语言加工过程和语言技能,确保所用语言在社会文化方面保持得体。活动教学法是以学生为主的语言教学方法,是交际法语言教学的分支和新发展。
Background • Social needs • Reconciliation between Product-oriented Communicative Approach and the Process-oriented Communicative Approach • Reconciliation between three Educational Value Systems: Classical humanism, Reconstructionism, Progressivism • Influence of Publications • Practical Experience of Asian Countries
Reconciliation between Product-oriented Communicative Approach and the Process-oriented Communicative Approach 产品定向交际法 过程定向交际法 1、重视语言交际行为, 强调程序处理能力。 2、注重社会性语言使用; 着眼于个性发展。 3 预先确定教学目标; 随时决定教学目标。 4、强调学习结果 强调学习过程。 5、以语言功能项目为纲编排教材 教材服从于活动, 6、排演预定社会活动, 建立一套程序原则 7、教师是总裁, 学生是主体, 8、标准参照考核方法, 学生的学习过程。
Theoretical Assumptions • Theory of Language • Theory of Education • Theory of Language Learning • Eight Principles
Theory of Language 1. Language is a system for the expression of meaning. 2.The primary function of language is fo4r interaction and communication. 3. The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative users. 4. The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse. (Richards and Rodgers, 1986: 71)
Theory of Language 语言是表达意思的系统; 语言的基本功能是交际; 语言结构反映它的功能性和交际性用途; 语言不仅仅由基础语法结构单位组成,还有在语篇中体现出来的基本的功能和交际意义单位组成。
Theory of Education The Reconstructionist concern for broad social needs and interests. Predetermined common objectives . The progressivist concern for the personal needs and interests of the individual. learner-controlled objectives . Predetermined common objectives in the earlier stages and learner-controlled objectives in the later stage of a course
Theory of Education 活动教学法阶段侧重某种语言知识和技能,以练习辅佐交际活动,继承了古典人文主义有意识学习语言形式的传统。 语言教学前期根据重建主义的大社会需求注重共同学习目标,后期更多地照顾学员个人的志向、兴趣和学习风格,给他们提供择教学目标、教学内容、教学活动和教学考核方法的机会,体现了渐进主义的宗旨。 以交际活动为纽带实现重建主义目标定向和漸进主义过程定向的统一。 综合三种教学价值体系所长,活动教学法遵循以下八条教学原则:
Theory of Language Learning建构主义理论 • 学习者: 不是被动的旁观者,而是主动的参与者. • 教学者:不是水桶,而是一个支架. • 知识:不是客观的东西,而是人在实践活动中创造的暂定性的解释和假设. • 学习: 不是简单复制和吸入信息,而是主动解释信息和建构知识. • 教学: 不是传递,而是创造理想的环境促使学生自主建构知识.
Theory of Language Learning • Communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning. • Task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning. • Meaningfulness principle: Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.
Theory of Language Learning • 活动教学法的提倡者认为涉及真实交际的活动能促进学习; • 使用语言完成有意义的任务的活动能促进学习; • 使用对学习者具有实际意义的语言能促进学习。
Eight Principles • Learners learn a language best when • 1. They are treated as individuals with their own needs and interests. • 2. They are provided with opportunities to participate in communicative use of the target language in a wide range of activities. • 3. They are exposed to communicative data which is comprehensible and relevant to their own needs and interests. • 4. They focus deliberately on various language forms, skills, and strategies in order to support the process of language acquisition. • 5. They are exposed to sociocultural data and direct experience of the culture(s) embedded within the target language. • 6. They become aware of the role and nature of language and of culture. • 7. They are provided with appropriate feedback about their progress. • 8. They are provided with opportunities to manage their own learning.
Eight Principles 1、学生为中心原则 当学生被认为具有个人需求和兴趣时,语言学习效率最高。 2、积极参与原则 当学生被提供参与大量活动进行语言交际时,语言学习效率最高。 3、沉浸原则 当学生大量接触与他们自己的需求和兴趣密切相关并可理解的交际材料时,语言学习的效率最高。 4、重点突出原则 当学生为促进语言习得过程而有重点地突出某些语言形式,技能和策略时,语言学习效率最高。 5、社会文化原则 当学生大量接触目的语传递的社会文化信息时,语言学习效率最高。 6、语言文化意识原则 当学生充分意识语言的性质和作用以及语言的文化内涵时,语言学习效率最高。 7、及时反馈原则 当学生的进步得到应得的反馈时,语言学习效率最高。 8、责任原则 当学生有机会自己管理自己的学习时,语言学习效率最高。
Goals and Objectives Interrelated Broad Goals Specific Goals of Communication General Objectives(activity cluster) Specific Objectives
Learning how-to-learn Socio-cultural Communication General knowledge Language and cultural awareness Interrelated Broad Goals
Specific Goals of Communication Establish and maintain relationships an discuss topics of interest e. g. through the exchange of information, ideas, opinions, attitudes, feelings, experiences, and plans • Participate in social interaction related to solving a problem, making arrangements, making decisions with others, and transacting to obtain goods, services, and public information • Obtain information by searching for specific details in a spoken or written text, and then process and use the information obtained. Obtain information by listening to or reading a spoken or written text as a whole, and then process and use the information obtained. • Give information in spoken or written form e. g. give a talk, write an essay or a set of instructions • Listen to, read or view, and respond personally to a stimulus e. g. a story, play, film, song, poem, picture. • Be involved in spoken or written personal expression e.g. create a story, dramatic episode, poem, play.
Specific Goals of Communication 1、使学生能使用目的语建立和维持人际关系, 讨论有 趣的话题。 2、使学生能使用目的语参加社会交际。 3、使学生能使用目的语的口语或书面语获得 a、具体 信息;b、总体信息。 4、使学生能以目的语的口语或书面语形式提供信息。 5、使学生能使用目的语听、读、看各种文艺作品, 并作出个人反应。 6、使学生能使用目的语进行口头和书面的文艺创作。
Language Use INTERPERSONAL USE Modes:CONVERSATION-combination of listening and speaking skills CORRESPONDENCE-combination of reading and writing skills Activity-type 2 Participate in social interaction related to solving a problem,making arrangements,making decisions with others,and transacting to obtain goods, services,and public information. Activity-type 1 Establish and maintain relationships and discuss topics of interest e.g through the exchange of information ,ideas,opinions, attitudes,feelings, experiences,and plans. 3a Obtain information by searching for specific details Mode:Combination of listening speaking reading and writing skills Activities (categorised into activity-types based on the communication goals). Activity-type 6 Be involved in spoken or written personal expression e.g.create a story,dramatic episode,poem,play 3b Obtain information by listening to or reading a spoken or written text Mode:Speaking or writing skills Activity-type 5 Listen to,read or view,and respond personally to a stimulus e.g.a story,play, film,song,poem,picture. Activity-type 4 Give information in spoken or written form e.g.give a talk,write an essay or a set of instructions. 'AESTHETIC'USE INFORMATIONAL USE Mode:Speaking or writing skills Mode:Combination of listening, speaking,reading,and writing skills
Learning how-to-learn Socio- cultural 1 2 6 Activities Language and cultural awareness 5 4 General knowledge Activity Types Goals Activity-types 3a 3b Communication Objectives Activities Supporting exercises Activities are categorised into activity-types according to the communication goal they realise.
General Objectives(activity clusters) • In relation to communication goal(1) learners will be able to use the target language to: • Introduce themselves and others • Invite and thank others • Say how they feel • Describe their routine and that of friends and other people • Express likes and preferences
Topic: SHOPPING General objects: 1.Students will be able to make a shopping plan within a budget. 2.Students will be able to make a market investigation. 3. Students will be able to participate in a simulated shopping. 1
Topic : Personal Information • General objectives: • students will be able to introduce themselves to other people. • Students will be able to talk about family photos. • Students will be able to understand and write personal resume. • Students will be able to look for friends with written information
Topic: Health • General objectives: • Students will be able to • learn to do an exercise. learn to do a first-aid. see a doctor and have a talk with doctor. fill in a health form.
Topic: Interests and Hobbies • General objectives: • Students will be able to know how to express likes and dislikes. • Students will be able to describe a most interesting activity. • Students will be able to make an interview on their hobbies and interests. • Students will be able to participate in a debate on video game .
Specific Objectives Learners will be able to : generate questions use the future tense use vocabulary related to the activity
Areas of Study --------------------------------------------------------------------- Areas of Study 1. Discourse 2. Activities, Settings 3. Linguistic Forms and Roles Elements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Work requirements ------------------
Activities and Roles 角色 活动 剧作家 写 剧中人物 读 演员 扮演 导演 剧本 导演 布景员 换背景 观众 看戏 剧评家 评论
Activities and Discourse 语言活动是靠话语进行的,话语是通过活动体现的。但是,活动和话语形式并不一一对应,一种语言交际活动可用多种话语形式进行。例如:发出邀请的语言活动可以通过书信、电话、电报或卡片话语形式进行。反之,一种话语形式也可用来进行多种活动,例如:一封信可以用来邀请客人,进行商业询盘,表达同情,作为文学课文等。常用的话语形式如下: 记叙文、广告、轶事、通知、论文、报刊文摘、自传、动画、目录、挂图、戏剧、合同、会话、文艺评论、辩论、日记、讨论、新闻、社论、散文、童话、表格、旅游指南、索要、食谱、采访记录、标签、演讲、传说、地图、菜单、电报、小说、命令、计划、诗歌、宣言、节目单、谚语、问卷、收据、推荐信、谜语、履历表、台词、小故事、招牌、标语、歌曲、总结、教科书、时间表。
Activities and Linguistic Elements 在活动教学法中,教学内容是按照活动选择和组织的,而不是按照语法项目或词汇的难易程度安排的。因此,根据活动需要选择语言项目,而不是按照传统教学法的惯例,根据语言项目组织活动。语言因素根据它们在使用中的重要性和所选话语形式或活动组合的相关性进行选择和组织。对于信息加工至关重要的语言因素先行练习。一些复杂的语言形式有可能相对提前教学。但在教学中可以把这些表达方式作为公式或常规来记,而它们的结构分析可相对推迟。语言因素练习是为顺利进行交际活动服务的。因此,紧接在交际活动之前,交际活动之中,或紧接在交际活动之后的练习效率最高。
Activities and Exercises Real communication activities Practice communication activities Shaping exercises Focusing exercises
The Grading of Activities • 预测性:语境线索多,语言形式预测性强,活动简单。反之,活动复杂。 • 静态或动态描述:静态描述比动态描述简单。 • 相关经历:所用语言或活动本身与学员的经历相关性强的活动简单。 • 社会文化特殊性:活动的社会文化特殊性越强活动越复杂。 • 外援程度:语言交流对方在内容、速度等方面的体贴、谅解、照顾和帮 助越多,活动越简单。 • 语言加工难度:语言理解所需认知或心理语言加工过程越简单,活动也越见单。 • 认知水平要求:完成活动所需的思维水平越高,活动越难。 • 参与者多少:参与者少的活动简单。 • 步骤多少:所需步骤少的活动简单。 • 学员相关因素:学员的信心足、动机强、学习经验丰富、学习速度快、语言技能熟练、文化知识和语言知识广博,活动就显得容易。
The Grouping of Activities 活动可以按照主题-话题、语言技能、文体、研究项目、课文或其它学科话题组织起来。长期教学内容可按多种方式组织,短期教学内容以一种方式组织为好。最常用的是主题-话题方式。交际活动组织在话题(topic)和次话题(sub-topic)之下。话题隶属于主题(theme)。假设“人际关系”是主题,那么“自己”、“家庭”、“朋友”是话题,而“自己的兴趣爱好”、“住房”、“交朋友”则分别为上述三话题的次话题。 教师应根据学生的水平和兴趣选择话题。由于语言学习过程是循环式和螺旋式进行的过程,因此,学生在语言学习经历中可能重复接触同一话题。教师可以通过控制同一话题下的活动的难度和复杂性,满足学生在不同时期的语言学习需求。
Unit Development Target group Organizational focus Time allocation Specific goals Communication Sociocultural LHTL LACA Gen. Knowledge General objectives Activities and exercises Resources Assessment Specific objectives Method Language Skill Sociocultural General Development development knowledge
Method • The teacher/learner partnership • Eight principles • Catering for Learner Differences • The process approach to writing • Worksheets • Peer tutoring • Team teaching • Learning contracts • Use of visitor from the target language community • Self-access centres • Learning centre approach • Individual progress chart
Teaching Procedures LC 模式:LC代表学习中心(learning center)。每单元包括一系列的个人、对子和小组活动。一个单元内的各节课形成连贯的系列,但程式相同。所需教学资源的名细以及活动和练习的说明都展现在教室的学习中心。 第一课开始时,教师介绍并和学生一起完成两到三个预先计划好的活动。然后,学员选择其中一个活动在余下的时间内完成。 在后续的每节课开头,教师组织学员重温已介绍的活动,突出重点和难点,再向全班介绍一到三个活动以及所需的语言、知识、技能和学习策略。接着学员自己完成已介绍过的一个或几个活动。 所有活动和练习的名细列表张贴在学习中心,表中说明活动和练习的类型(个人的,对子或小组的),所需的资料。活动或练习中所需的词汇和短语应另有说明。 学员可以自己决定活动的顺序,但必须在规定时间内完成一个单元的活动。学员每人有进步卡,记载自己的活动完成情况。教师备有检查表,记录全班学员的完成情况,并随时向学员提醒规定的进度。由于学员都忙于参与活动,教师有足够的时间进行巡回辅导。
Lesson One(Chain One)Making a shopping plan • Pre-task • Step1: The teacher sets the scene for the task. • Step2:The teacher helps students to acquire the necessary vocabulary items for the task. • Step3:The teacher explains the task and demonstrate the task procedure. • While-task • Step4: Students discuss and decide on food to buy within the budget. • Step5: Students prepare work sheets for reporting • Post-task • Step5:Students share the products by reporting with the class. 2