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TEACHING ACROSS AGE LEVELS. By : Marisol Barraza. Children are superior to adults when it comes learning a language succesfully . Why is this a myth ?. TEACHING CHILDREN. What f actors must be considered when teaching children ?. INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT.
Children are superior toadultswhenit comes learning a languagesuccesfully. Whyisthis a myth?
TEACHING CHILDREN Whatfactorsmustbeconsideredwhenteachingchildren?
INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT • Children 7-11: Concrete OperationalStage (Piaget, 1972) • At this age have difficulty using deductive logic. (from general to specific) • Example: All oranges are fruits All fruits grow on trees Therefore, all oranges grow on trees.
INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT Children are centered in: • thehere and now. • Thefunctionalpurposes of language. Children cannot understand the use of metalanguage used to explain linguistic concepts. (grammar, structures)
In theclassroom • Don't use metalanguage to explain grammar • Avoid rules stated in abstract terms (grammar activities) • Certain patterns may be taught if the teacher is able to show the students. • Certain patterns require more repetition (meaningful)
ATTENTION SPAN Comparedtoadults, childrenhave short attentionspan. Whyisthisnotentirely true?
ATTENTION SPAN Childrenhave short attentionspanfor material thatis: • Boring • Useless • Difficult In theclassroom, Lessonshavetobeinteresting. What do teachersneedto do?
In theclassroom • Designactivitiesthat capture thestudents´immediateinterest (here and now) • Providevariety in activities • Theteacherneedstobeanimated, lively and enthusiastic. • Theteacherneedstohave a sense of humor. • Tapintothestudents´curiosity.
SENSORY INPUT • Childrenneedtohaveallfivesensesstimulated: Hearing Seeing Smelling Tasting Touching What do teachers need to do in the classroom?
In theclassroom • Complementyourlessonswithphysicalactivities (TPR, role play, games) • Projects and handsonactivities (words,structures, practicemeaningfullanguage) • Smelling, tasting, touching and Audiovisuals • Nonverballanguage (gestures and bodylanguage)
AFFECTIVE FACTORS Children are notaffectedbytheinhibitionsthat block adults in theirlearning. Whyisthis a myth?
AffectiveFactors Childrenhavemanyinhibitions and are more fragilethanadults: • Extremelysensitivetoclassmates • Their egos are ontheprocess of beingshaped What do teachersneedto do in theclassroom?
In theclassroom • Have students laugh at each others errors • Be patient and supportivebutfirm in yourexpectations • Encourage oral participation as much as possible (evenfromthequietones)
AUTHENTIC, MEANINGFUL LEARNING • Childrenwillbeinterested in learning a languageifthey can use itfor HERE and Now.
In theclassroom • Avoid stilted language (not common) • Use context embedded language (in a context: dialogues, story lines, familiar situations and characters) • Use the whole language approach (Language as a vehicle for communication)
TeachingAdults • Many rules toteachingchildrenmayapplytoteachingadults. • Adultshavesuperior cognitiveabilitiesthanchildren • They can create mental imagesand dealwithlanguagethatisnotembedded (isolated). • Adultshavetheselfconfidencethatchildrenlack.
In classAssignment • Divide intotwogroups. Prepare a comparison chart of `thingsto do and thingstoavoidwhenteachingchildren, teenagers and adults.