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ENTAM 10 Years of Testing Network in Europe

Join us at the 2009 ENTAM Meeting in Montoldre to discuss the past successes and future advancements in agricultural machinery testing. Explore state-of-the-art practices, activity reports, and network recognition procedures. Engage in discussions about new agreements, chairmanship elections, and upcoming activities. Discover how ENTAM aims to improve testing standards for agricultural equipment in Europe and beyond.

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ENTAM 10 Years of Testing Network in Europe

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  1. ENTAM The European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines 1999 – 2009: 10 years of testing network in Europe… and beyond!

  2. Austria Bulgary ٭ Denmark France Germany Germany Greece Hungary Italy Poland Russia ٭ Germany Argentina ٭ F.A.O. Spain Spain Switzerland Members of ENTAM European Network for Testing Agricultural Machinery Brazil ٭ : ٭ Bulgary, Argentina, Brazil, Russia are Observer Members. FAO is Honorary Member

  3. Agenda of the 2009 ENTAM Meeting - Montoldre, 11th – 12th of June, 2009 Thursady 11th of June, 2009: ENTAM state of the art 09:00 Coffee in Montoldre 09.30 Visit of the Cemagref research station. 11.30 video on " Environmentally Friendly Spreading activities" of Montoldre 12.15 Lunch 13:15 Welcome by the ENTAM Chairman and Gerard Chuzel - Head of Cemagref "Development and Innovation" Direction 13: 30 quick overview of Montoldre Cemagref Research centre, by Vincent Abt 13:45 Presentation of the Agenda (Giulio Fancello) 14:00 Presentation of the Activity Report 2008 (Giulio Fancello) 14:30 Presentation of the Board of Auditors Report 2008 (Thomas Anken, Franz Handler) 15:00 Coffee Break 15:30 Statement of the Chairman concerning the activities and the financial situation 15.45 Working group activity report (Detlef Stieg – Crop Protection, Krister Persson – Mineral fertilizer spreaders, Carlo Bisaglia – Mixer Feeder Wagons, Marc Rousselet/Jackie Mazoyer – Organic fertilizer spreaders) 17:40 End of the first day 18:20 Visit, in English language, of the medieval castle at Billy 20:00 Dinner at "Lorisse" inn at Varennes Sur Allier

  4. Agenda of the 2009 ENTAM Meeting - Montoldre, 11th – 12th of June, 2009 Thursady 11th of June, 2009: ENTAM state of the art Friday 12th of June, 2009: ENTAM future 08.00 New ENTAM Agreement and Annex proposal and approval. 09:30 Coffee Break 10:00 open discussion 11:00 Chairman and Board of Auditors election, Choice of the venue for the 2009 ENTAM annual meeting; 11:30 Provisional budget and fees. 12:00 New activities 12:30 Lunch at the "St Eloy" restaurant in the center of Montoldre village 13:30 End of the meeting

  5. ENTAM ACTIVITY REPORT 2008-2009 New Agreement and annex Activities carried out in 2008-2009 Technical Groups – State of the art TWG Plant Protection TWG Mineral Fertilizer Spreaders TWG Organic Fertilizer Spreaders TWG on Irrigation machinery and equipment TWG Mixer Feeder Wagons TWG Soil Tillage and Sowing Web Site and Database Management and Results ENTAM Recognition of test reports Other activities – Research projects Financial Report Report of the financial 2008 balance

  6. TESTING ACTIVITY: the ENTAM Institutions test the machines on the basis of an ENTAM common methodology. the mission of the ENTAM is to improve a COMMON TESTING ACTIVITY and a mutual recognition of the tests on agricultural machinery and equipment At the end of the testing activities, a test report, in English language, containing the results is issued by the ENTAM Member that performed the test The result is a “ENTAM Registered” Test Report The ENTAM testing activity

  7. Every testing procedure is based on official international standards (ISO, EN, OECD), and common testing procedures agreed by all Institutions working in the related Technical Working Group ENTAM common methodology “Technical Working Groups” (TWG) are in charge of developing the ENTAM common methodology, the establishment of a technical working group is approved during the annual meeting.

  8. “Team of Competence” (ToC) are responsible for the ENTAM recognition of the test reports, the institution of a team of competence is approved during the annual meeting The test recognition procedure and validity is defined in the Annex the aim of the ENTAM testing activity is the mutual recognition of the tests on agricultural machinery and equipment carried out on the ENTAM Common Methodologies At the end of the recognition process, the test report is a “ENTAM RECOGNIZED” Test Report The ENTAM test RECOGNITION

  9. On every ENTAM RECOGNIZED Test Report the last page should contain the “ENTAM” Logo and the following sentence: “The present Test Report is made under the performing Institution responsibility. The performing Institution is a Member of the ENTAM (European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines). ENTAM has the aim of establishing and recognizing tests carried out on performance, safety and environmental aspects of agricultural and forestry machinery and implements according to CEN, OECD and ISO standards and to the related ENTAM common methodology. On the basis of the ENTAM agreement this test report has been recognized by the ENTAM Members (ENTAM recognition n. …/……..) with the following recognition numbers. Please find more information about the network at www.entam.netor send an email to info@entam.com.

  10. ENTAM The European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines • Network activity: - Technical Groups - Team of Competence - International Projects

  11. Technical groups (TG) activity: - working on the common ENTAM methodologyTeams of Competence (ToC) activity: - Teams are reponsible for test methods application- Teams evaluate test reports and approve them

  12. Technical groups (TG) activity: - working on the common ENTAM methodologyThe ENTAM tests are carried out according to CEN, OECD and ISO standards and, if available, to the ENTAM common methodology. The ENTAM common methodology consist of technical instruction which are discussed, approved and updated unanimously by specific Technical Working Group held by the ENTAM Members. The ENTAM Technical Working Group is made up of the experts in a particular type of machine or equipment designated by the ENTAM Members and its aim is to define an ENTAM Common Methodology for testing that kind of machine or equipment according to the international standards assuring a uniform testing by the different testing stations within the ENTAM.

  13. Teams of Competence (ToC) activity: - Teams are reponsible for test methods application- Teams evaluate test reports and approve themThe ENTAM recognition process starts when the manufacturer asks for a recognition of the test report by another ENTAM Member .The Secretary will send the test reports and technical paper in English language to the coordinator of the Team of Competence which is a restricted group of expert chosen among those of the corresponding technical group and is in charge of the ENTAM recognition of the test assuring the correspondence of the technical paper data to the related international (CEN, OECD, ISO) standards.

  14. Teams of Competence (ToC) activity: The members not belonging to the Team of Competence are always informed of the test which is under the evaluation of the Team of Competence. If the Team of Competence approves the test then the test is officially “ENTAM recognized”. Every Member, also the members not belonging to the Team of Competence, are requested to mail the Secretary their recognition numbers for the ENTAM recognized test.The test report of the ENTAM recognized test is uploaded in the ENTAM data base and is published with the “ENTAM recognized” logo and all the ENTAM Members recognition numbers according to a common layout approved by the Technical Working Group. The technical paper, which contains all the measurements and the evaluation made according the ENTAM common methodology, remains strictly confidential and is not published.

  15. TG Plant ProtectionENTAM 2007 Workshop: 16th and 17th of July 2007 at the Federal Biological Research Centre (BBA) – Braunschweig. ENTAM 2008 technical meeting: September 9th and 10th, 2008 in Braunschweig. The TEAM of COMPETENCE and the relatedTechnical Group

  16. The new TEAM of COMPETENCE and the related Technical Group • TheMINERAL FERTILIZERS spreaderstechnical group took place in Groß-Umstadt, on April 3rd, 2008 and on May 6th, 2009. • The Team of Competence Leader is Mr Krister Persson • Members who joined the ToC are: DIAS, CEMAGREF, DLG, HIAE, PIMR • A draft of the common methodology has been approved

  17. The new TEAM of COMPETENCE and the related Technical Group • The Mixer Feeder Wagonstechnical group took place in Treviglio (Italy), on April 28th, 2008, another is scheduled on July the 10th 2009, in Treviglio, Italy • A draft of the common methodology has been approved • The Team of Competence Leader is Mr Carlo Bisaglia • Members who joined the ToC are: ART, ENAMA, HIAE, PIMR

  18. The Organic Fertilizer SPREADERS technical group took place in Montoldre (France), TWG started its activity in 2009, thanks to the work of Dominique Didelot, Jacky Mazoyer, Marc Rousselet – France (CEMAGREF), Franz Handler – Austria (BLT); Ulrich Rubenschuh – Germany (DLG), Carlo Bisaglia – Italy (CRA-ING representing ENAMA), ENAMA – Italy (represented by DEIAFA - University of Turin: Elio Di Nuccio, Mario Tamagnone); The new TEAM of COMPETENCE and the related Technical Group

  19. The IRRIGATION TWG, first meeting took place on 10th of June 2009 at CEMAGREF laboratories in Aix en Provence. The participant were: - Mr Bruno Molle (Cemagref – laboratoire LERMI, Aix en Provence) - Mr Alejandro Sánchez de Ribera González and Jeròme Perez Perucha (Central Laboratory for Irrigation Equipment and Material Testing, Madrid); - Jan Radniecki (PIMR - Poland); The new TEAM of COMPETENCE and the related Technical Group

  20. ENTAM recognition of test reports between June 2007 - June 2008 : The total number of tests presented were 35 (test recognized 35) 2007: 1 presented by BLT (forestry lift TAJFUN EGV 40 A2) 16 presented by ENAMA (Unigreen P20 Zephir 900, Unigreen P6 TGZ 650, Unigreen T16 AirDrop FXL 6/4, Unigreen T16 Turbo Teuton FXL 6/4, Unigreen T11 AirDrop VLX 6+6/4+4, Unigreen T16 Turbo Teuton VLX 6+6/4+4, Unigreen T16 Turbo Teuton polipo, Unigreen T6 AirDrop super, Unigreen T6 Turbo Teuton super, Unigreen T6 AirDrop ventagli, Caffini Prestige 2800 TS 24, Caffini Prestige 2200 TS 24, Caffini Trend Plus, Caffini Prestige 2800/24 TS AIR, tractor tyres BKT Agrimax, “Focus test” on a mineral fertilizer spreader Agrex) 2008: 4 presented by BBA (SPRA Coupe 7450, Nozzles Lechler IDK 120-05C, Lechler IDK120-04 ceramic and IDK120-03 ceramic), 2 presented by BLT (Two-axle mower AEBI Terratrac TT220 and TT240) and 12 presented by ENAMA (Abbà Nozzles 1131.03, 1103.03, 1100.03; AgricolMeccanica FRIULI ATV 3000, Caffini Rafal 1000, Caffini Rafal 1500, Caffini Rafal 2000, Caffini Synthesis 600, Caffini Synthesis 800, Unigreen Campo 32C-CV ALA-bit, Unigreen Campo 32S-SV ALA-bit, Unigreen Campo 22P-PV Ala-bit). The request for ENTAM recognition of Crop protection equipment were 32 (90% of requests of recognition)

  21. ENTAM recognition of test reports between June 2008 - June 2009 : The total number of tests presented were 12 (10 test recognized, 2 under recognition), 4 presented by BBA and 8 by the ENAMA. The ENTAM recognition released for Crop protection equipment were 9 out of 10 (90% of requests of recognition, same percentage as in the previous period)

  22. Research Projects During 2008-2009 the ENTAM Office has received various request of candidature for several project in order to answer a research call. Moreover, with the support of some Members has started a “scouting” on different research calls opened with the aim to build an ENTAM research project. The ENTAM Office forwarded to the Members a project idea regarding the possibility of following the Leonardo da Vinci Project “Safety First” (January 2009). There was also the interest of a Greek partner (E-Isotis), a consultancy firm, with the right skills in Lifelong Learning Programs (LLP) funded by the Leonardo da Vinci. Up today this project proposal is in stand-by, because the first calls for the LLP are closed. Another interesting proposal is to participate to the Grundtvig programme, with the funding of such kinds of projects it would be possible to plan an exchange program for the ENTAM professionals between the Testing Stations. This is what actually happens when the Members of a Technical Working Group meet themselves to draft an ENTAM common methodology for testing a certain kind of machine. The possibility of funding the international activities will be further investigated by the ENTAM Office.

  23. Research Projects Up today the research proposal which gathered some ENTAM Members is the one related to fuel saving in agriculture. The ENTAM Office is still supporting the Members (BLT, ENAMA, KWF, PIMR) who are involved in the project. The call deadline is the 25th of June. Other ideas could come from new research activity that is involving ENTAM members: up today the tests carried out by the ENTAM Members have been focused mainly on the performance of the agricultural machines, then new tests have been recently developed for the safety assessment (safety of the worker/driver). The future could be to evaluate the environmental impact of a certain machine or equipment. These ideas were and still are matter of debate after the CEMAGREF proposal of “Agrotechnologies” and “eco-innovation”. The effort will be to translate the "agro-service concept note" into research proposal.

  24. Web site and database management and results The ENTAM Web site is working properly and the service that the it is assuring to the internet users can be summarized as usual in some statistics. Recently, in order to provide always the best service with the easiest access also to non skilled person, the web site has been partially renovated (check it). The possibility of getting the results of the database through the internet search engines like google is always a very useful tool, and is always open to the ENTAM Members the possibility to upload their test database (ENTAM registered tests) to the ENTAM database. As in the past years, according to the statistics provided by the web master, the database of test report is now the most searched part of the ENTAM web site, and this result explain the success of the work done.

  25. ENTAM Office work and results As stated in the ENTAM Agreement the ENTAM Office worked for: supporting the Chairman and the Board of Auditors: co-ordinating the work of the Team of Competence and the Technical Groups; maintaining the web site and test database and keep all testing methodologies; developing contacts with the European Union in order to promote ENTAM activities and propose international project: maintaining contacts with other Institutions; collecting and spreading all useful information; providing all common correspondence; organizing the Annual Meetings (together with the testing station where they will be held); These activities could be measured by the 800 mail messages that were received by the ENTAM Office and approximately 350 mail that were sent (actually they were much more but only those which were reply or official ENTAM documents were recorded).

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