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Manual for monitoring the REAPs, LEAPs and SAPs - general presentation. EUROPEAN UNION. Project financed under Phare. MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU. Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018- CONTENT OF THE MANUAL. EUROPEAN UNION.
Manual for monitoring the REAPs, LEAPs and SAPs- general presentation EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
CONTENT OF THE MANUAL EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare Introduction to Manual What is monitoring? Monitoring System Log on matrix and monitoring Monitoring process Basic data collection Monitoring visit Monitoring report Assessment of results of monitoring of REAP by the Advisory group panel Peer learning visits Expected results of monitoring Annex 1 Monitoring report form Annex 2 Questionnaire for peer learning visits MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
What is monitoring? EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • Monitoring is a key component of the strategic planning process. • While the planning process helps identify the achievable objectives and the activities to be carried out, the monitoring process helps to identify whether the implementation process goes accordingly and the results are satisfactory to reach the objectives proposed by planning. • monitoring must be performance of measuring processes and an important source of information for the updating/revision process during the planning activity. Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Monitoring system EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • is a way in which information related to the progress of plan is collected • is an instrument to make decisions regarding management and communication flow between the responsible stakeholders and all actors involved • The essential components of a monitoring system are: • Selection of indicators for each plan - objectives • collecting data regarding indicators -templates • Data analysis • Presenting the information in a corresponding format – monitoring report • Use of information to improve activities - recommendations Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Log-on Matrix analysis and monitoring EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • Identifies more easily whether the objectives observe the SMART principles, are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound. • Contributes to a clearer and correct identification of indicators. • Identifies the data source for indicators. • Clearly identifies the framework to obtain and check the sources of information. • Covers with the chosen group of indicators the necessary requirements of the information management process both on short and long term (input and output data) as well as to measure performances (outcomes and impact). • Realizes a more consistent indicator structure as compared to the way in which the expense budget is structured • Realizes a more consistent structure of indicators as related to the monitoring process. Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
EUROPEAN UNION Monitoring process of REAP/LEAP Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Basic data collection EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU The list of the templates: 1. TVET supply for the current school year and proposals for the next school year – regional level and local (county) level 2. Detailed data related to TVET supply for the current school year by schools and qualification 3. TVET supply of Phare TVET schools 4. Partnership map (partnership between schools and employers) 5. Rehabilitation of schools buildings 6. Learning condition in TVET schools 7. Endowment of schools with IT logistics and internet connection 8. Management training courses for schools directors 9. Training courses for teachers in the fields: elaboration SAPs, student-centered teaching, quality assurance 10. Career guidance and counselling for students 11. Graduates transition rate to the next level of qualification 12. Schools and programmes for adults training Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Monitoring visit EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • to every RC and LDC will be made by another RC and LDC. • so called external monitoring • to get to know the best practises and the bottlenecks of educational development in the specific region. • to learn from the experiences of another region, transfer the experiences and also to make comparisons. • The indicators to be monitored are formed according to the objectives • monitoring sheet with Log-on matrix analyses format • Monitors are the members of RC forming monitoring team • fill in monitoring sheet by checking the objectives and indicators with the RC people they are visiting • Overall assessment of the objective is done with the scale: 0= no progress 1=delayed progress 2= satisfactory progress 3= good progress Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Pairs of monitoring regions EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • North East – South East • Centre – North West • South – Bucharest • West – South West Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Monitoring report EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • comprises the method by which the monitoring process was carried out • a result of the monitoring process, showing the evidence of the monitoring what is done • it reports the results of the monitoring for the further use and for the different levels of actors and stakeholders about the development of TVET sector. • the certain monitoring report form Monitoring report form has two parts: • a general part of the monitoring process, which will be filled in by the monitoring team together • second part is a monitoring sheet which includes the assessment by each objective • The monitoring team divide the objectives they are going to assess between the members of the team. • The final result there will be one monitoring sheet and in extent monitoring report from the entire monitoring visit. Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Revising plans EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • The revision of LEAP is based on the monitoring reports, • the updating of REAP will have a further step i.e. advisory group panel Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Advisory group panel EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • RC should be enlargened with the other stakeholders, such as • Parents • Employers & trade unions • Authorities • enlargened RC meeting after the monitoring reports are ready • The data collected in phases 1 and 2 and reported on the Monitoring report is discussed and assessed by the advisory group panel • Effects to the content for revising the educational plans Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Peer learning visits - SAP EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU The aim of the peer learning visits is to strengthen the grass-root contact for the regional TVET network and to learn the monitoring process for the future purposes. School representatives will report of the results which will be analysed at RC. The peer learning visits will be utilized in the process of next SAPs. Agenda of a peer learning visit I Presentation of the SAP by the host school principal/representative II Presentation of viewpoint about • partnership network by an employer • school provision and quality by parents • school provision and quality by local authorities III School visit IVa filling in the questionnaire IVb providing feedback in the form of discussion between hosting and visiting groups The groups for peer learning visits Members in a group are considered to be peers because each is equal in helping themselves and others to share ongoing support, feedback, materials and accountability to get things done and learn at the same time. Participants of the host school will be representatives of: • Teacher’s council • Administrative board • Employers • Partnership organization • Parents • Local authorities Participants of the visiting group will be representatives of: • Monitors of RC • Members of local development committee (minimum 1 visit per each) • Principals of PHARE 2001 schools • QA person of PHARE 2001 schools Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
Expected results of monitoring EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU • When the system of monitoring is established, there will be a database of information formed by the monitoring reports as an updated information about the implementation of regional and local educational plans. It can be used for the revision of plans. • and be used for the further decisions for the TVET sector by the Ministry and other public bodies in planning of educational system! Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Annex 1 Monitoring report form Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Annex 2 Questionnaire for peer learning visits Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-
EUROPEAN UNION Project financed under Phare MERI/ NCDTVET-PIU Nord-Est Nord-Vest Centru Vest Sud-Est Sud-Vest Bucuresti Sud Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO 2006/018-