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The Wanderers Alcinoos Calypso Charybdis Circe Lotus Eaters Nausicca Polyphemus Scylla Sirens

Character Analysis Poster Each student will create a detailed, informative, and creative poster on one of the following characters:. The Wanderers Alcinoos Calypso Charybdis Circe Lotus Eaters Nausicca Polyphemus Scylla Sirens. Ithacians Antinoos Eurycleia Eurymachus Penelope

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The Wanderers Alcinoos Calypso Charybdis Circe Lotus Eaters Nausicca Polyphemus Scylla Sirens

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Character Analysis PosterEach student will create a detailed, informative, and creative poster on one of the following characters: • The Wanderers • Alcinoos • Calypso • Charybdis • Circe • Lotus Eaters • Nausicca • Polyphemus • Scylla • Sirens • Ithacians • Antinoos • Eurycleia • Eurymachus • Penelope • Telemachus • The Gods • Apollo • Athena • Helios • Hermes • Poseidon • Zeus

  2. What to Include • Where they live • How they impacted Odysseus on his journey home (positively or negatively) • If they are a god or a mortal being • Specific characteristics or flaws that define the character • Relate this character to someone in our modern era

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