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Day Two: The Odyssey—Calypso, I Am Laertes’s Son and The Lotus Eaters

Day Two: The Odyssey—Calypso, I Am Laertes’s Son and The Lotus Eaters. Bell Ringer—Strength Word Work: Skill Focus: Imagery and Sensory Detail Reading p. 752-758 Exit Slip By the end of class you will be able to identify imagery in a text. . Bell Ringer #2: (A) 4/13 & (B) 4/14.

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Day Two: The Odyssey—Calypso, I Am Laertes’s Son and The Lotus Eaters

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  1. Day Two: The Odyssey—Calypso, I Am Laertes’s Son and The Lotus Eaters • Bell Ringer—Strength • Word Work: • Skill Focus: Imagery and Sensory Detail • Reading p. 752-758 • Exit Slip • By the end of class you will be able to identify imagery in a text.

  2. Bell Ringer #2: (A) 4/13 & (B) 4/14 Our strength grows out of our weaknesses.-- Ralph Waldo Emerson Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.-- Arnold Schwarzenegger 1. What is more important, physical strength or intellectual strength? Explain in at least one sentence. 2. Select a quote and write it on your paper 3. Interpret the meaning the author intended. You must write at least one sentence

  3. Word Work: The Greeks had a word for it! The English language has been enriched by many contributions from the Greek language. The sciences, geography, and the theater have all prospered as we have drawn from other languages. Now you can be a word-maker. If you know the Greek roots and prefixes, you can easily discover the meanings of many words. For example: Astrology = astro (star) + logy (study of ) = study of the stars. Poly (many) phonic(sound) photo(light) phyte(plant) neo(new) mete(measure) You try: (write the word out like in the example) 1. Polyphonic poly_______ + phonic______ = ____________ 2. Photomete 3. Neophyte

  4. How did you do? 1. Polyphonic: poly(many) + phonic(sound) = many sounds of music 2. Photomete: photo(light) + mete(measure) = Measure of light 3. Neophyte: neo(new) + phyte(plant) = new beginning, new convert, novice

  5. Review intro. from last class

  6. Greek god posters • Zeus • Athena • Apollo • Poseidon • Hermes • Cronus • Hephaestus • Helios

  7. Independent Reading: (p. 740 – 748) As you read “An Introduction to The Odyssey” in your class texts, please consider the following: • What are common characteristics of an epic? • What was the Trojan War and why did it occur? • Who is Odysseus and how was he involved in the war? • What is the Trojan Horse? • What were the relationships with the gods at the time like? • Who was Homer? • How were epics told? • What was it like to hear a live performance?

  8. NOTES: epics

  9. Definition of an Epic • A long narrative poem on a serious subject (historic or legendary) . . . like war or other periods of social change • Focused on a heroic figure—a group of people’s fate depends on him! • Began as oral traditions

  10. Characteristics of an Epic • The protagonist represents the culture’s ideal in physical appearance and abilities; often superhuman. • The setting’s places can include distant lands and supernatural places, and the time can span centuries. • The action consists of deeds of honor or superhuman courage (especially in battle). • Supernatural forces participate in the action. • The style of writing is elevated (highly descriptive and poetic). • Often begins in medias res, or “in the middle of things” then tells parts of the story using flashbacks

  11. Characteristics of an Epic Hero • Faces trials and enemies while struggling on a long journey • Encounters “women as temptresses” who threaten his completion of the journey • Must complete a final task alone at the end of his journey • Returns home after completing this final task and journey as a leader of his people • Sometimes has a tragic flaw . . . making him a tragic hero, like Romeo

  12. Vocabulary: Day One Adversity (noun): hardship; great misfortune Formidable (adj.): awe-inspiring by reason of excellence, strikingly impressive

  13. Skill Focus: Imagery and Sensory Detail Definition: Words or phrases a writer selects to create a certain picture in the reader’s mind, usually based on sensory detail.

  14. Don’t forget… Remember, mood is the feeling the story creates in you. To understand it better, think about how movies use music to create a feeling of anxiety (fast, high-pitched violins), sadness (slow, low notes on a solo saxophone), or excitement (loud rock band or full orchestra).

  15. Who was she? Calypso • Sea nymph in Greek mythology and the daughter of Titan god Atlas. • She imprisoned Odysseus on her island in Homer’s Odyssey.

  16. Phaeacia It was inhabited by a seafaring people who were hospitable to sailors and fond of joyous, luxurious living. When Odysseus was shipwrecked on their coast, their king, Alcinoüs, and his daughter, Nausicaä, entertained him.

  17. The Lotus Eaters “Fruit of the Forgetfulness” The lotus is sacred in Egypt, India, and China. Eating the lotus in this story make a person completely forget home, friends, and family.

  18. While You Read: Think about what images of Calypso’s home lure Odysseus to her island. How are we as readers also lured into the imagery of Calypso’s home?

  19. Reading: Calypso, I Am Laerte’s Son and The Lotus Eaters 752-758 Remember to pay attention to the imagery and sensory details in the text.

  20. Skill Review: Imagery Imagery - words or phrases that create a picture in the reader’s mind, usually based on sensory details. • Read Vega’s poem “Calypso” on p. 755. List THREE examples of imagery from the poem. Make sure to use quotation marks. • Compare and contrast the two author’s writing styles. Which contains more imagery? How do you know this? Why do you think this is so? • What is the mood of the poem? How does the imagery in the poem establish the mood? Make sure to use examples from the poem.

  21. “Calypso” by Suzanne Vega My name is CalypsoAnd I have lived aloneI live on an island And I waken to the dawnA long time agoI watched him struggle with the seaI knew that he was drowningAnd I brought him into meNow todayCome morning lightHe sails awayAfter one last nightI let him go. Click Here to Listen

  22. My name is CalypsoMy garden overflowsThick and wild and hiddenIs the sweetness there that growsMy hair it blows longAs I sing into the windMy name is CalypsoAnd I have lived aloneI live on an islandI tell of nightsWhere I could taste the salt on his skinSalt of the wavesAnd of tearsAnd though he, pulled awayI kept him here for yearsI let him go

  23. My name is CalypsoI have let him goIn the dawn he sails awayTo be gone forever moreAnd the waves will take him in againBut he'll know their ways nowI will stand upon the shoreWith a clean heartAnd my song in the windThe sand will sting my feetAnd the sky will burnIt's a lonely time aheadI do not ask him to returnI let him goI let him go

  24. Watch Calypso from the Odyssey Film Will she let him go?

  25. Sensory Detail Writing Activity

  26. Sensory Detail Pre Writing Model Sensory Details Chart /Event A day at the beach Visual details children playing in the sand, people lying on the beach and swimming in the water, sparkling sand with white-speckled shells, water meeting the blue sky at the horizon, lifeguard stand and hot dog stand Sounds chatter and laughter of children, parents and children talking the lifeguard’s warning whistle, the lapping of the surf against the sand the splashing of swimmers Smells ocean air, slight fishy smell, whiff of roasting hot dogs, scent of suntan lotion Tastes salt water, hot dogs Feelings / Textures heat of sun on back, sweat, cool water, and towel on skin, sand between toes

  27. Sensory Detail Chart

  28. On your own… Use the graphic organizer for your prewriting and write one paragraph focusing on sensory detail. The prewriting is worth 25 (daily) points. This paragraph is worth 25 (writing) points. You get five points for using each of the sensory details correctly in your writing.

  29. Exit Slip Imagery Examples- 1. Cristina’s long nails were neon pink, fluorescent purple, and deep green with a flurry of stripes and dots like a bouquet of tropical flowers. 2. The stench of my mom’s breath reeked of bitter coffee and pungent onions while she talked in front of my face. 3. Winston chomped into the cold and sour shocking flavor of his Granny Smith apple. 4. The crowd of students ran down the hall to see the fight while their thunderous footsteps echoed like galloping horses. What descriptive words stand out to you? What sense (sight, sound, taste, touch, and scent) does each sentence illustrate? What might be the mood?

  30. 3, 2, 1Exit Slip List THREE examples of imagery from today’s reading. Make sure to include quotation marks and the page number. • Describe 2 ways that Odysseus shows signs of being an epic hero. • Make 1 prediction about what will happen at the end of the story. Be sure to explain why you believe this. Support your answer.

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