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Secretary’s Tool Box 1

Secretary’s Tool Box 1. Affton School District ~ Converted to PS Jan 2008. Becky Blake – Rogers Middle School, Registrar and Secretary to the Assistant Principal Samantha Kurtzeborn – District Data Coordinator. Agenda. Searching for Students Exploring the World of Functions List Students

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Secretary’s Tool Box 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Secretary’s Tool Box 1

  2. Affton School District ~ Converted to PS Jan 2008 Becky Blake – Rogers Middle School, Registrar and Secretary to the Assistant Principal Samantha Kurtzeborn – District Data Coordinator

  3. Agenda • Searching for Students • Exploring the World of Functions • List Students • Quick Export • Export Using Template • Select Students by Hand • Stored Selections • Daily Bulletin

  4. Select Students By Hand • From the main menu, make a selection • All • By Grade • By Alpha • By Gender

  5. Use the CTRL key to make your selections • You can either: • Keep the selected students • Remove the selected students • You can either: • Select “Selections” • Select “Functions”

  6. If you Choose Functions, you will get your Group Function menu

  7. If you choose Selections, you will get the Stored Selections Menu

  8. Searching for Students • The following Student Search Command examples can be used from the start page in PowerSchool • Birthdays (today) • *birthday=today • Finds all students whose birthday is today, matching only month and day

  9. Birthdays • *birthday=today • Finds all students whose birthday is today, matching only month and day • *birthday=5/1 • Find all students whose birthday is May 1 • *birthday>=5/1/99;*birthday<=5/31/99 • Find all birthdays in May 1999

  10. Active Students • *as_of = 2/1/2010 • All students in the school that were active as of 2/1/2010

  11. Course Information • Students not in a period • *not_enrolled _in_period= 1 • All students not enrolled period 1 • Students in a course • *enrolled _in=9500 • Students in course number • Students in a course and section • *enrolled_in=9500.5 • Students in course 9500 section 5

  12. Course Information Contd • Students not in a course • *not_enrolled_in=9500 • Students not enrolled in course 9500 • Students who have completed a course • *has_completed_course=9500 • Students who have at least one entry of course 9500 on the historical grades screen

  13. More Course Information • Student is over or under scheduled • *number_of_classes<15 • The term at the top should be the full year. You can use all other comparators • Students without requests • *hours_requested=0 • The 0 can be changed to any # and the = can be changed to < or > • 12th Grader with fewer than 12 cumulative credits • *grade_level=12;*cumulative_credit_hours<12

  14. More Searches… • How many seniors were active as of the beginning of June • Grade_level=12;*as of 6/1/2009 • How many students in the SSD/IEP program • *special_program=SSD-IEP (SSD-IEP is our special program name. Yours may be different)

  15. Exploring the World of Functions • List Students • Choose your students • Click on Functions • Choose List Students

  16. List Students Result

  17. Quick Export • List Students • Choose your students • Click on Functions • Choose Quick Export

  18. I have mine set to open up automatically in Excel • You can now work with your file

  19. Export Using Template

  20. Stored Selections

  21. How to Store a Selection

  22. Edit the Name of a Stored Selection

  23. From the main menu, click on Special Functions, then

  24. Things To Make Your Bulletin Stand Out • <marquee> - will make your title scroll • <font color=purple> - change your font colors using HTML code • <font size=20> - change the size of your font • Type in your message: Welcome Back ! • Don’t forget to end all your commands by using the /: </marquee></font></font color>

  25. Completing the fields • Choose the date you want to publish your bulletin • Choose your audience: Public (everyone can view it), Teachers (those with teacher and Admin access can view it), Admin (only those with Admin access can view it) • Type in your message • Submit

  26. Preview and Edit • Click on Preview your bulletin • If you don’t like the results, click on Edit and make your changes • Click on submit and preview again • This is the bulletin that will be seen if the user clicks on Daily Bulletin from the main menu

  27. Questions? • We’ll be happy to answer any questions • Becky Blake, 314-633-5973 eblake@affton.k12.mo.us • Samantha Kurtzeborn, 314-633-5924 skurtzeborn@affton.k12.mo.us

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