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Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET)

Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET). MARSH TRADE CREDIT Tom Corbett. 28 October 2011. Introduction. The Marsh Global Trade Credit & Political Risk Practice. Trade Credit Practice 277 global specialists in 43 countries Globally coordinated

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Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET)

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  1. Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET) MARSH TRADE CREDITTom Corbett 28 October 2011

  2. Introduction

  3. The Marsh Global Trade Credit & Political Risk Practice Trade Credit Practice • 277 global specialists in 43 countries • Globally coordinated • Multinational service team crosses geographic boundaries • Significant investment in people and technology • 15 specialists in the US Political Risk & Structured Credit Practice • 27 global specialists in US, UK, Paris, Spain, Canada, Australia, China, India and Singapore • Wholesale single debtor team based in London access alternative markets • Expertise in contract risk cover, medium term vendor financing and direct investment risks which complements our trade credit team • Expertise in structuring equity policies which insure company’s assets (property and equipment) in emerging markets

  4. Marsh Global Trade Credit Network Marsh Trade Credit Personnel Marsh Office Marsh Correspondent No Marsh Affiliation

  5. Trade Credit Insurance

  6. Key Benefits of Trade Credit Insurance • Risk Mitigation (Balance Sheet Protection): Insolvency and Protracted Default (late payment) protection for receivables • Increase Sales and expand competitiveness: Extend more credit to customers while reducing the risk of non-payment • Facilitate Financing (Increase Borrowing Power): Increase borrowing power and reduce financing costs by using the insured A/R as collateral, Increase availability of credit lines, and reduce interest rate. • Reduce Bad-debt Allowance: Reduce your allowance for bad debts reserve. • Improve Cash-flow: Receive payments for insured, undisputed, unpaid invoices

  7. What Credit Insurance Isn’t SOLUTION SELECTION • It is not the solution when your customer is on the steps of the bankruptcy court • It is not the solution when your customer’s newest employee is the • “Chief Restructuring Officer” • It is not the solution when your customer’s phone is disconnected

  8. Trade Credit Insurance You can make credit insurance sound very complicated, use specialized terminology and describe it in sophisticated financial terms but it is in fact a simple productCredit insurance can cover all your receivables, part of your receivables, key customers, separate business units, international, domestic or even single buyers

  9. Credit Insurance Basics Three Critical Issues • Customer Credit Limits • Premium amount • Risk Retention

  10. Customer Credit Limits First and foremost you need to have the credit insurer review your largest customers and determine whether the credit limits you need can be approved, without adequate coverage there is little to consider.

  11. Premium amount If there is coverage available for your customers then the next question is at what cost? The policy premium either will or won’t make sense to your company based on your risk appetite and your profit margins.

  12. Risk Retention • Deductible aka AFL (Aggregate First Loss) No losses are payable under the policy until the dollar amount of the deductible is met • Coinsurance Percentage participation in losses by the insured, usually 80%-95%, most commonly 90% Adjustments in Deductibles and Coinsurance will impact premium

  13. Policy Variables Policy conditions to be considered: • Cancelable or non-cancelable limits • Insured percentage • Annual deductible • Non-qualifying loss amount • Individual buyer limits • Discretionary limit • Insurer’s maximum policy liability • Covered terms of sale

  14. Closing No fees or costs of any kind to investigate and apply for trade credit insurance and you will receive the insurers credit assessment of your customers as well as they view/price the risk in your accounts receivable portfolio

  15. Tom Corbett Vice President Marsh Trade Credit Practice 12 Fox Run Denville, NJ 07834 Office:973-394-0523 Mobile: 973-879-6614 Fax: 973-215-2594 Tom.f.corbett@marsh.com http://global.marsh.com/services/tradeCredit.php

  16. QUESTIONS QUESTIONS This document and any recommendations, analysis, or advice provided by Marsh (collectively, the “Marsh Analysis”) are intended solely for the entity identified as the recipient herein (“you”). This document contains proprietary, confidential information of Marsh and may not be shared with any third party, including other insurance producers, without Marsh’s prior written consent. Any statements concerning actuarial, tax, accounting, or legal matters are based solely on our experience as insurance brokers and risk consultants and are not to be relied upon as actuarial, accounting, tax, or legal advice, for which you should consult your own professional advisors. Any modeling, analytics, or projections are subject to inherent uncertainty, and the Marsh Analysis could be materially affected if any underlying assumptions, conditions, information, or factors are inaccurate or incomplete or should change. The information contained herein is based on sources we believe reliable, but we make no representation or warranty as to its accuracy. Except as may be set forth in an agreement between you and Marsh, Marsh shall have no obligation to update the Marsh Analysis and shall have no liability to you or any other party with regard to the Marsh Analysis or to any services provided by a third party to you or Marsh. Marsh makes no representation or warranty concerning the application of policy wordings or the financial condition or solvency of insurers or reinsurers. Marsh makes no assurances regarding the availability, cost, or terms of insurance coverage. Le présent document et les recommandations, données d’analyse ou avis délivrés par Marsh (collectivement, « l’analyse »), sont uniquement destinés à l’entité désignée comme destinataire aux présentes (« vous »). Ce document contient des renseignements exclusifs à Marsh et ne peut en aucun cas être transmis à un tiers, notamment à d’autres producteurs d’assurance, sans l’accord écrit préalable de Marsh. Les énoncés concernant des questions d’ordre actuariel, fiscal, comptable ou juridique sont fondés uniquement sur notre expérience en tant que consultants en matière de risque et d’assurance et ne doivent pas être considérés en tant que conseils de cet ordre, que vous devriez obtenir auprès de vos propres conseillers professionnels dans ces domaines. Les modélisations, données d’analyse ou projections de tous genres sont assujetties à des facteurs d’incertitude inhérente, et l’analyse que Marsh en fait est susceptible d’être affectée de façon substantielle si les hypothèses, conditions, renseignements ou facteurs sur lesquels l’analyse est fondée sont inexacts ou incomplets ou s’ils viennent à changer. Les renseignements contenus aux présentes sont fondés sur des sources que nous estimons fiables, mais dont il ne nous appartient pas de garantir l’exactitude. Sauf stipulation contraire dans une entente entre vous et Marsh, Marsh n’est aucunement tenue de mettre à jour l’analyse, et n’a aucune obligation envers vous ni qui que ce soit d’autre à l’égard de celle-ci ou de tout service rendu à vous ou à Marsh par une tierce partie. Marsh ne fait aucune déclaration et n’avance aucune garantie à l’égard de l’application des libellés de polices, ni de la situation financière ou de la solvabilité des assureurs ou des réassureurs. Par ailleurs, Marsh ne fait aucune déclaration concernant la disponibilité, le coût ou les modalités de garanties d’assurance.

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